100字范文 > 表达自由 freedom of Expression英语短句 例句大全

表达自由 freedom of Expression英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-13 06:49:50


表达自由 freedom of Expression英语短句 例句大全

表达自由,freedom of Expression

1)freedom of Expression表达自由

1.Freedom of Expression under International Vision-Practice and Significance of Article 19 of ICCPR;国际视野下的表达自由—论《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十九条的实践现状与意义

2.Which is Superior:Personality Right or Freedom of Expression?人格权与表达自由:孰轻孰重?

3.As a fundamental civil right,freedom of expression is widely protected by many countries constitutional laws.在一些国际和地区人权条约中,也制定了细密的表达自由之人权标准。


1.Research on the Connotation and Types of Students Freedom of Expression;论学生表达自由的内涵及其表现形式

2.Two Freedoms of Expression and Their Legal Guarantee--The Interpretation and Enlightenment of The Legal Limitation on Freedom of Expression;两种表达自由及其法律保障——《表达自由的法律限度》之解读与启示

3.Freedom of Expression: Constitutional Basis of Nonprofit Organizations in United States;表达自由:美国非营利组织的宪政基石

4.Implicit Obstacles: Traps on the Way to Free Expression;隐性障碍:通往表达自由之路上的伏击

5.On the Influence of Sanctify in Private Right on Freedom of Expressing Wishes浅议私权神圣对意愿表达自由的重要意义

6.The Freedom of Expression Under the Constitutional and Political Spirit--Taking the Example of the Case of Burning National Flay美国宪政精神下的表达自由——以焚烧国旗案为例

7.Research on the Conflict and Coordination of the Freedom of Expression and Credit Right;论表达自由与信用权法律保护的冲突与协调

8.Conflict and Compromise: Interaction of Copyright and Freedom of Expression;版权与表达自由之关系及其冲突协调机制

9.Value of Freedom of Expression on Constructing a Harmonious Society;表达自由在我国构建和谐社会中的价值

10.Harmonious Society from the Viewpoint of Legal Sociology;和谐社会与表达自由、公民权利和利益协调

11.The Contemporary System of Media in France and Its Analysis of the Concept of Freedom of Expression;法国当代传媒体制与表达自由理念探析

12.Freedom of expression is well served.自由表达是得到了保证.

13.tending to express your feelings freely.自由表达自己思想的意愿。

14.the freedom of teachers and students to express their ideas in school without religious or political or institutional restrictions.学生或老师表达学术观点的自由。

15.Milton s Freedom of Expression and a Secular, Modern Perspective;弥尔顿的自由表达观的世俗现代意义

16.Intensify the Strategy of Composition Guidance and Promote the Students to Express Freely;强化作文指导策略,促进学生自由表达

17.Free Expressing:Seeking for the Subject Value of Students;“自由表达”:学生主体价值的寻获

18.The liberty of the press for which Milton wrote the Areopagitica was the liberty to express an opinion.密尔顿为新闻自由所写的《最高审判官》是指表达见解的自由。


Expression Freedom表达自由

1.Among the freedoms declared in the American Constitution, the expression freedom of the First Amendment is in the center position.在美国宪法所详列的人权目录中,第一修正案的表达自由处于核心地位,它是自由社会的基石。

2.Various network pulls closer the man distance also has brought the expression freedom revolution.各种网络在拉近世界距离的同时,也带来了表达自由的革命。

3)freedom of speech表达自由

1.This article discusses the freedom of association from four perspectives: the concept of the freedom of association;What kind of function it serves;How the law protects it and its relationship withfreedom of speech.文章从四个方面,即什么是结社自由、它有什么功能、法律如何对之进行保护以及结社自由与表达自由之间的关系,对结社自由进行了界定。

2.But according to thefreedom of speech understood by the soviet,the USSR authority implemented severe censorship,m.但是,按照苏维埃所理解的表达自由,苏联当局一直实施严厉的言论审查,作者受到迫害,文化遭遇整肃,版权法没有实现其应有的效力。

3.Harmonious society is one in which people fully enjoy theirfreedom of speech and legal rights.和谐社会是表达自由的社会,是依法确立并保障公民权利的社会。

4)free expression表达自由

1.There are many implicit obstacles which restrictfree expression in real life.从舆论、物质、知识、干扰、流通和语言六个方面揭示了现实中限制表达自由的各种隐性因素,说明现实传播活动中,除了政府控制、法律限权等显性因素外,还有很多妨碍表达自由的阻力。

2.Political system is fundamental tofree expression.政治制度是表达自由的根本保障。

5)The freedom of expression表达自由

6)free expression自由表达

1.The Scribbles of Lu Xun:Free Expression of Thoughts;鲁迅杂文:思想的自由表达式

2.Its main features are:thefree expression, the entire question, the keen migration, the question diverse and the independent critique.创新学习的主要特征是:自由表达、全程质疑、灵敏迁移、问题多样、独立批判。


必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)realm of necessity and realm of freedomof口1 Iun Wongg口0 yU ZlyQU wangguo必然王国与自由王国(realmandrealm of freedom)necessity见必然与自由。
