100字范文 > 活动层融化 melting of the active layer英语短句 例句大全

活动层融化 melting of the active layer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-08 03:31:23


活动层融化 melting of the active layer英语短句 例句大全

活动层融化,melting of the active layer

1)melting of the active layer活动层融化

2)active layer活动层;融冻层

3)Financial Activities金融活动

1.The Moral Paradox and Its Value Basis inFinancial Activities;金融活动中的伦理二难选择及价值依据


1.conduct financial operations, often in an unethical manner.从事金融活动,通常以不道德的方式。

2.Striking "underground bank" and keep within limits of illegal financial activity;打击“地下钱庄”与非法金融活动的遏制

3.Discusses the Issue of the Financial Activities of Russian Chinese Since by Modern Times in Harbin论近代以来俄侨在哈尔滨的金融活动

4.Serious measures will be taken to find out, punish and rectify illegal financial activities such as unauthorized fund raising and establishing financial institutions and conducting financial businesses without due approval.严肃查处和纠正乱集资、乱批设金融机构和乱办金融业务等非法金融活动。

5.* to detect and investigate the increasingly complex financial aspects of corruption cases.*侦察和调查涉及复杂金融活动的贪污案件。

6.The bill of exchange was in its inception confine largely to the financing of foreign trade.汇票最初主要限于在外贸金融活动中使用。

7.The Moral Paradox and Its Value Basis in Financial Activities;金融活动中的伦理二难选择及价值依据

8.Externalities of Network Finance and Related Refletions on Policy;网络金融活动中的外部性及其引发的政策思考

9.Unauthorized nongovernment financial services and other illegal activities were banned in accordance with the law.依法取缔社会乱办金融等违法活动。

10.a depressive financial policy为抑制贸易活动而采取的金融方针.

11.Regulation of securities margin financing activities监管证券保证金融资活动。

12.A financial speculation or business venture.投机活动金融投机或商业冒险

13.Real Estate Finance is the win-win activity between developer and capital.房地产金融是地产开发与金融资本的互利共赢活动。

14.In case of an auto financing company being found to engage in business activities beyond its prescribed business scope,汽车金融公司超出批准的业务范围从事金融业务活动的,

15.We must deal severely with actions of financial institutions in violation of regulations or codes of conduct and relentlessly punish financial criminal activities in accordance with the law.严肃查处金融机构各种违规违纪行为,依法严惩金融犯罪活动。

16.Cluster Development of Modern Service Industry:Financial Enterprise Convergency and Financial Credit Activities--Taking Shanghai as an Example现代服务业集群发展:金融企业集聚与金融信用活动——以上海市为例

17.Financial services include the following activities:Insurance and insurance-related services金融服务包括下列活动:保险及其相关服务

18.Economic globalization will certainly be coupled with a global movement of financial investment activities.经济全球化必然伴随金融投资活动的全球化。


active layer活动层;融冻层

3)Financial Activities金融活动

1.The Moral Paradox and Its Value Basis inFinancial Activities;金融活动中的伦理二难选择及价值依据

4)activation of fault after coal extraction采动断层活化

5)melting layer融化层

1.Study of electromagnetic wave scattering and attenuation properties due to amelting layer of precipition;降雨融化层对电波散射与衰减特性的研究

6)the thaw layer融化夹层

1.In the section of high embankment at high-temperature frozen region of Qinghai-Tibet road,the thaw layer are formed because the frozen depth can not reach the permafrost table.在高温多年冻土区,当路基高度大于临界高度时,由于气候条件所能产生的最大冻结深度无法达到人为上限处,将会形成融化夹层,在车辆荷载的作用下路基将会产生不均匀沉陷等病害。


活动层活动层active layerhuodongeeng活动层(aetive layer)能够完全吸收净辐射的物质层。在作物层中,辐射的吸收和放射、水分的蒸发和凝结等的热转换过程,不只发生在一个面上,而常发生在一定厚度的物质层中,这就是活动层,又称作用层。不同物质的活动层,对长波辐射和短波辐射的吸收各不相同,活动层厚度也不一样。例如,就短波辐射而言,在砂性土壤中,活动层厚达几毫米,在水中可达几米甚至几十米;就长波辐射而论,在雪被和水域上,活动层厚仅几分之一毫米;在疏松的耕地上,可增至几厘米。在农田中,不论短波或长波辐射,作物层就是农田活动层。活动层的厚度和性质,决定于活动面的种类、状态以及到达活动面的辐射性质。活动面状况不同,活动层性质也不同,下垫面辐射性质也随之而异,形成不同的辐射状况,产生不同的小气候特点。(江广恒)
