100字范文 > 流量演算法 flow algorithms method英语短句 例句大全

流量演算法 flow algorithms method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-24 06:20:00


流量演算法 flow algorithms method英语短句 例句大全

流量演算法,flow algorithms method

1)flow algorithms method流量演算法

1.Aiming at the trend of the least square method used in Muskingum method in recent years,starting from the hydraulic theory of theflow algorithms method,this paper analyzes the flooding calculations principle of the Muskingum method and points out the physical meaning of parameters of Muskingum method.针对近年来最小二乘法用于马斯京根法出现的一种趋势,从流量演算法的水力学理论出发,剖析了马斯京根法进行洪水演算的原理,指出了马斯京根法中参数的物理意义。

2)flow routing流量演算

1.A variable-parameter adaptiveflow routing(VPAFR) method and its application;一种变参数目适应流量演算法及应用

2.The paper approaches and analyzes the application of linear regression method,Muskingum method and method of confluence coefficient to the calculation of low flow of Ning-Meng section of the Yellow River based on the principle of hydrology offlow routing and taking a day as time step.基于流量演进的水文学原理,以日为时间步长,分析探讨了线性回归法、马斯京根法和汇流系数法在黄河宁蒙河段枯水流量演算中的应用。

3.In this paper,a new dispersive wave real-time forecast method is presented,which describes law of flood wave motion in natural channel by dispersive wave equation,combines river channelflow routing with mathematics physics inverse problem theory and discrete inverse method.以扩散波方程描述天然河道中的洪水波运动规律,将数学物理反问题理论和离散反演算法与河道流量演算相结合,提出了扩散波实时预报的方法。


1.This paper presents the principles of SWMM model, which consists mainly of three parts, i.e. ground surface rainfall sub-system calculation, overland flow sub-system calculation and storm-sewer flow sub-system calculation.介绍了SWMM模型原理,包括地表产流子系统演算、地表汇流子系统演算和传输子系统流量演算。

2.Research on River Flow Routing Scheme for Reaches from Large-scale Reservoirs to Downstream Control Stations in Yishuhe River Basin沂沭河流域大型水库至下游控制站河道流量演算方案研究

3.Effect of Objective Functions on Accuracy of Channel Flow Routing by Muskingum Method目标函数对马斯京根法河道流量演算精度的影响

4.Inverse Arithmetic and Its Application of the Heat Exchange Quantity Between Road Wall Rock and Wind Flow;巷道围岩与风流热交换量的反演算法及其应用

5.Traffic model for wireless mesh networks by statistical networks calculus基于统计网络演算的无线mesh网络流量模型

6.Study on the Evolution and Capacity Forecast of Inbound Tourists Flow in Gansu Province甘肃省入境客流演变及流量预测研究

7.Evolution Characteristics of Runoff in Yellow River Basin During 500 Years黄河流域近500多年来径流量演变特征

8.Flow Conversion of the Gas Rotameter under Nonstandard Calibration非标刻度气体转子流量计的流量换算

9.Study of 3-D Forward Modeling of DC Resistivity Method Using Multi-grid Method;直流电法三维正演多重网格算法研究

10.Study of Three-dimensional Conjugate Gradients Inversion of DC Resistivity Data;三维直流电法共轭梯度反演算法研究

11.Research on Formal Verification of Web Services Flow Based on Pi-Calculus;基于Pi演算的服务流验证方法研究

12.Business process model of CRM system based on PI calculus基于PI演算的CRM系统的业务流程建模

13.Research on Models and Algorithms of Geodesy and Geophysics Joint Inversion;大地测量联合反演的模式及算法研究

14.Evaluation of Uncertainty of Measurement Result for Flow Totalizer Formula Instrument Instantaneous Flow流量积算式仪瞬时流量测量结果不确定度评定

15.Recovery of Yangtze River Basin Water Storage Variations by GRACE Observations利用GRACE反演长江流域水储量变化

16.A Study of Traffic Matrix Estimation Algorithm of IP NetworkIP网络中流量矩阵估算算法的研究

puter detecting system of pipeline flux leak and its algorithm管道流量泄漏计算机监测及算法实现

18.Research on the calculation method of flood-peak discharge in urban small watershed城市小流域洪峰流量计算方法的研究


flow routing流量演算

1.A variable-parameter adaptiveflow routing(VPAFR) method and its application;一种变参数目适应流量演算法及应用

2.The paper approaches and analyzes the application of linear regression method,Muskingum method and method of confluence coefficient to the calculation of low flow of Ning-Meng section of the Yellow River based on the principle of hydrology offlow routing and taking a day as time step.基于流量演进的水文学原理,以日为时间步长,分析探讨了线性回归法、马斯京根法和汇流系数法在黄河宁蒙河段枯水流量演算中的应用。

3.In this paper,a new dispersive wave real-time forecast method is presented,which describes law of flood wave motion in natural channel by dispersive wave equation,combines river channelflow routing with mathematics physics inverse problem theory and discrete inverse method.以扩散波方程描述天然河道中的洪水波运动规律,将数学物理反问题理论和离散反演算法与河道流量演算相结合,提出了扩散波实时预报的方法。

3)intelligent flow calculator流量演算仪

4)tensor calculus张量演算法

5)channel routing accuracy流量演算精度

6)river flow routing河道流量演算

1.This paper introduced the research results onriver flow routing scheme for the reaches from large-scale reservoirs to downstream control stations in the Yishuhe River Basin.本文对沂沭河流域大型水库至下游控制站的河道流量演算方案进行了系统研究。


向量演算向量演算vector calculus向量演算[veet叮c幻a目us;.e姗pH0e,e,“e册。。e]讨论向量运算性质这个数学分支的一个老式的名称(见向最(vector)).向量演算包括向量代数和向量分析.向t代数(vectora】gebrd)是研究线性运算(向量的加法及向量乘以数的乘法)以及各种向量积(标量积、伪标量积、向量积、混合积、二重与三重向量积).向最分析(vectora斑日ysis)的主题是这样的向量,它们是一个或多个标量自变量的函数.在19世纪,由于力学和物理学的需要产生了向量演算,当时向量运算开始直接地进行,无需预先变换为它们的坐标形式([l」)、(【2」)、(【3」).数学和物理对象的关于坐标系的选择不变的性质的进一步研究,导致了向量演算的推广—张里演算(tensorcalc川us).
