100字范文 > 水分仪 moisture meters英语短句 例句大全

水分仪 moisture meters英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-03 18:11:12


水分仪 moisture meters英语短句 例句大全

水分仪,moisture meters

1)moisture meters水分仪

1.Research on the calibration method of woodmoisture meters;木材水分仪校准方法研究

2.Thereby the problem of the calibration of all kinds of woodmoisture meters is solved.7%H2O,从而解决了各类木材水分仪的校准问题。

2)TM710 moisturemeterTM710水分仪

3)water content analyser水分分析仪


1.Beckman trace moisture analyzer贝克曼微量水分分析仪

2.aluminium oxide transducer moisture analyzer氧化铝薄膜传感式水分分析仪

3.Design of NIR analyer of water based on MSP430基于MSP430单片机的近红外水分分析仪设计

bined water pollution analyzer水质污染组合分析仪

5.DWICA (Deep Water Isotopic Current Analyzer)深水流同位素分析仪

6.The Application of Instrumental Methods to the Analysis of Sea Water Ⅰ Polarographic Methods仪器分析在海水分析中的应用——Ⅰ.极谱分析法

7.The Design of Hardware for Determination of Trace Heavy Metals in Seawater Online;海水重金属现场分析仪器的硬件设计

8.Application and Research of Water Quality Analyzer on Embedded RTOS;嵌入式RTOS在水质分析仪中的应用研究

9.Hydraulic turbine status analysis system based on virtual instrument基于虚拟仪器的水轮机状态分析系统

10.Determination of Volatile Phenol in Water by Flow Injection Analysis流动注射分析仪测定水体中的挥发酚

11.Monitoring and Testing Analyze for Energy Saving of Industrial Water Pump and Usage of Instrument工业水泵节能监测分析和仪器的运用

12.The Application of TOC-V_(CPH) Analyzer Used in Water Quality MonitoringTOC-V_(CPH)分析仪在水质监测中的应用

13.Analysis of ordinary water TOC with shimadzu TOC analyzer总有机碳分析仪测定常见水的TOC

parison of the Ability for Recording Earthquakes Using Water level of Different Models Instruments不同型号仪器水位记震能力对比分析

15.Research on Instrument Constant of Turbine Wheel Impeller水阀内置流量传感器的仪表常数分析

16.quantitative differential thermal analyzer定量差热(分析)仪

bustion teste燃烧(废气)分析仪

18.Application and maintenance of trace water analyzer in air separation unit微量水分析仪在空分设备中的应用与维护


TM710 moisturemeterTM710水分仪

3)water content analyser水分分析仪

4)infrared moisture meter红外水分仪

1.Application of multi-sensor data fusion technology ininfrared moisture meter;多传感器数据融合技术在红外水分仪中的应用

2.In order to set the moisture measure of the powder materiel,infrared moisture meter is applied in the on-line automatic measure system by the Sintering Plant of Jigang.为解决粉状物料的水分检测难题,济钢烧结厂将红外水分仪用于在线自动测量系统,并对影响红外水分仪测量精度的环境水蒸汽、环境温度、物料高度、物料形状以及环境光等因素进行了分析。

3.A novel method has been established to determine the moisture in feedstuffs with aninfrared moisture meter.建立了一套采用红外水分仪来测定饲料中水分含量的方法,该方法操作简便,测量结果可靠,可以适应快速检验的要 求。

5)coal analysis system for ash and moisture灰水分析仪

1.Application of PC andcoal analysis system for ash and moisture in as-received coal sampling system for truck;PC及灰水分析仪在汽车入场煤采样机上的应用

6)Static moisture meter静态水分仪


