100字范文 > 感觉神经束 Sensory nerve bundle英语短句 例句大全

感觉神经束 Sensory nerve bundle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-11 21:55:02


感觉神经束 Sensory nerve bundle英语短句 例句大全

感觉神经束,Sensory nerve bundle

1)Sensory nerve bundle感觉神经束


1.Angiogenesis and Innervation of Tissue-engineered Bone Implanted with Vascular Bundle and Sensory Nerve Bundle: A Preliminary Morphological Study血管束、感觉神经束植入构建组织工程骨血管神经化的早期形态学观察

2.A bundle or band of sensory nerve fibers.丘系,蹄系感觉神经纤维的束或带

3.The Preliminary Research of Identifying Motor and Sensory Fiber by Near-infrared Spectroscopy;近红外光谱分析技术鉴别周围神经运动束和感觉束的实验研究

4.Repairing Femoral Shaft Defect with Tissue-engineered Bone Innervated by Sensory or Motor Nerve: An Experimental Study in Rabbit;感觉神经及运动神经束构建神经化组织工程骨修复兔股骨缺损的实验研究

5.internuncial neuron【解】联系感觉神经和运动神经的神经细胞

6.The Study of Thermosensitivity of Primary Sensory Neurons in Rat Dorsal Root Ganglion;背根节感觉神经元温度敏感性的研究

7.A feeling that remains after an event or experience, especially one that was unpleasant.回味事情或经历结束后的感觉,特指令人不快的感觉

8.Impact of olfactory nerve transection on the apoptosis of mice olfactory receptor neurons嗅神经切断对小鼠嗅感觉神经元的影响

9.The nerves establish communication between the nerve centers and the sense organs and effectors.神经把神经中枢与感觉器和效应器联系起来。

10.Cobalt Lysine Filling Technique for Tracing Olfactory Sensory Neurons within Antenna into the Central Nervous System触角嗅觉神经束路示踪的赖氨酸钴填充方法

11.Experimental study on taste nerve signaling pathway between nucleus of the solitary tract and chorda tympani孤束核与鼓索间味觉神经信号通路的实验研究

12.Study on sensory root pathway of trigeminal pain afferent fibers in rats大鼠三叉神经痛觉传入纤维感觉根通路的研究

13.Sensory nerve endings are present in the teat.感觉神经末梢是在乳头上。

14.just perceptible difference limen最小识别阈(可感觉的最小神经刺激)

15.Study on relation between sensory integrative dysfunction of children and neuropychological function;儿童感觉统合失调与神经心理的关系

16.Expreesion of Dendrin in Primary Sensory NeuronsDendrin在初级感觉神经元中的表达

17.Expression of Dendrin in Primary Sensory NeuronsDendrin在初级感觉神经元内的表达

18.Research progress in transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 of sensory nervous system感觉神经系统TRPV1受体的研究进展(英文)


sensory nerve感觉神经

1.Changes of distribution and density ofsensory nerve and neuroendocrine cells in the lungs of asthmatic rats;哮喘大鼠肺内感觉神经-内分泌细胞分布和密度的变化

2.Biomechanical study of effects ofsensory nerve resection on mandibular distraction osteogenesis in rabbits感觉神经缺失对兔下颌骨牵张成骨影响的生物力学观察

3.Objective Origin of thesensory nerve innervating the kidney in 10 dogs was studied.目的探讨狗肾脏感觉神经来源。

3)sensory nerves感觉神经

1.TRPV1 is one of the earliest discovered TRPV subfamily members and is mainly found in peripheralsensory nerves of mammalians.TRPV1是近年研究较多、机制较为清楚的TRPV亚家族成员之一,主要分布于外周感觉神经。

2.Objective To observe the effects of glutamate on the afferent discharges of dorsal cutaneoussensory nerves in rats.3mmol/L, 10μl),观察对皮肤感觉神经传入放电的影响及时程变化。

4)sensory neuron感觉神经元

1.The protective effects of neurotrophic fector deriving from Schwann cell onsensory neurons of dorsal root ganglion;雪旺细胞源神经营养因子对背根节感觉神经元的保护作用

2.Substance Pinhibits GABA-activated currents in bullfrog primarysensory neurons by protein kinase C;P物质通过蛋白激酶C抑制牛蛙初级感觉神经元的GABA激活电流(英文)

3.Ultrastructure changes ofsensory neurons in the spinal dorsal horn after chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve in rats大鼠坐骨神经慢性压迫性损伤后脊髓背角感觉神经元超微形态学变化

5)Sensory neurons感觉神经元

1.Objective: The purpose of our experiment is to investigate the changes of P2X_3 and sensory neurons including the number and ultrastructure in the spinal cord and to explore the relationship between the changes of P2X_3 as well as sensory neurons and the timeline of pain behavior after chronic constriction injury.目的:研究坐骨神经损伤后不同时间段大鼠脊髓背角P2X_3受体的表达、感觉神经元数量及神经元损伤超微结构的变化,探讨P2X_3受体与神经元损伤在神经病理性疼痛发生发展机制中的作用,为神经病理性疼痛的治疗提供新的理论基础。

6)sensory ganglion感觉神经节


