100字范文 > 信息市场 information market英语短句 例句大全

信息市场 information market英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-17 14:40:42


信息市场 information market英语短句 例句大全

信息市场,information market

1)information market信息市场

1.Analysis of the current problems of the agricultureinformation market in China;我国农业信息市场发展现状及问题分析

2.Information market-entropy-macro control;信息市场——熵——宏观调控

3.The Social Reasons for the Transfer from Recessiveness to Dominance on the Information Market;信息市场由隐性到显性转变的社会原因


1.Study on Policy Orientation of Information Service and Market;信息服务与信息市场政策取向之探究

2.On the Competition of the Library Information Service in Information Market;试论图书馆信息服务在信息市场中的竞争

3.Information Market s Requirements for and Restraints on Libraries Literature and Information Services;信息市场对图书馆文献信息服务的需求与制约

4.The Significance of Information Consumer Education to the Expansion of Information Markets;试论用户信息教育对信息市场开拓的重要意义

5.It collects information about market needs.它汇集市场需求的信息。

6.Insider Information, Market Manipulation and Security Market Regulation;内幕信息、市场操纵与证券市场监管

7.Information Flow between Securities Markets and Test of Market Segmentation;证券市场信息流动及其市场分割检验

8.The Comparison of Disclosure of Information BetweenSecond Board Market and Main Board Market;二板市场与主板市场的信息披露比较

9.Information Dissymmetry in Financial Market and Its Market Model;证券市场的信息不对称及其市场模型

10.Constructing the Credit System for Accounting Information Release in Stock Market;证券市场会计信息披露诚信体系建设

11.On Investment Information Transition Between A Share and B Share in ShangHai Security market;沪市A、B股市场间信息传递模式研究

12.Exploration on Marketing Informatization of Agricultural Products in Qujing City曲靖市农产品市场信息化问题的探讨

13.The Relationship of Information Asymmetry of Credit Market with Information Quantity,Supply and Demand for Information;信贷市场信息不对称与信息量和信息供求的关系

14.FAO/INFOFISH fish marketing information service粮农组织/亚太渔业信息组织渔业市场信息服务

15.Study on Information Transmission Mechanism and Information Disclosure Institution of Securities Market;证券市场信息传导机制与信息披露制度研究

16.Equilibrium, Asymmetric Information and Incentive Mechanism;均衡、信息与激励——保险市场的信息经济分析

17.Information Revelation and Capital Market Efficiency:Information Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency;信息揭示与资本市场效率——信息有效与配置有效

18.On Information Fairness and Fair Disclosure of Information;信息公平与公平信息披露制度——以证券市场为例


market information市场信息

1.Application of clothing CAD technology and a study ofmarket information in China;我国服装CAD技术应用与市场信息的研究

2.Study on the Market Information Demand and Supply of Peasant Household;农户的市场信息需求与供给研究

3)Marketing information市场信息

1.An Overview of Researches on Farmer-Oriented Marketing Information Service;面向农户的市场信息服务研究综述

2.The information tide all over the world today is giving a powerful impulsion to transformation of gov- ernment functions, it leads to a newly emergence of governmental function which is "governmental marketing information service".目前,世界信息化的浪潮有力地推动了各国政府职能的服务化改革,同时也催生了一项全新的政府职能——政府市场信息服务。

4)information market science信息市场学

5)Marketing informatization市场信息化

1.Marketing informatization of agricultural products is the key to the process of agricultural informatization, It\"s also a way to raise farmers\" income.农产品市场信息化是农业信息化进程中的关键环节,也是提高农民收入的途径。

6)market information市场资料;市场信息;行情


