100字范文 > 电老化阈值 electrical degradation threshold英语短句 例句大全

电老化阈值 electrical degradation threshold英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-03 15:52:30


电老化阈值 electrical degradation threshold英语短句 例句大全

电老化阈值,electrical degradation threshold

1)electrical degradation threshold电老化阈值

1.The results show that theelectrical degradation threshold of original and corona-resistance polyimide film is 35 kV/mm and 45 kV/mm, and decreases with the increasing of aging electric field.结果表明,原始及耐电晕聚酰亚胺薄膜老化前的电老化阈值分别为35 kV/mm和45 kV/mm,并随着老化电场的增加而下降。

2.Theelectrical degradation threshold is40MV/m for 100CR and35MV/m for100HN,and decreases with the increasing of .采用电导电流方法分别测试了杜邦公司纳米杂化聚酰亚胺薄膜(100CR)和原始聚酰亚胺薄膜(100HN)未老化、10 MV/m、20 MV/m电晕强度8 h老化后的电导电流,发现杂化膜的电流量比原始膜大近一个数量级,杂化膜未老化时的阈值为40 MV/m,而原始膜为35 MV/m,且两者的电老化阈值均随电老化强度的增加而减小。

2)threshold voltage阈值电压

1.Study onthreshold voltage model of strained SiGe quantum well channel SOI PMOSFET;应变SiGe SOI量子阱沟道PMOSFET阈值电压模型研究

2.Analyticalthreshold voltage model for fully depleted SOI MOSFETs;全耗尽SOIMOSFET阈值电压解析模型

3.2-Dthreshold voltage model for short-channel MOSFET with quantum-mechanical effects;考虑量子效应的短沟道MOSFET二维阈值电压模型


1.The Threshold Voltage and Saturation Voltage of Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Affected by Electric Field;电场作用下扭曲向列液晶的阈值电压

2.Design of Voltage Reference Based on CMOS Threshold Voltage基于CMOS阈值电压的基准电路设计

3.Study of E-O Characteristics of Low-threshold Voltage Flexible PDLC Films低阈值电压柔性PDLC膜电光特性的研究

4.low threshold mos低阈值电压金属氧化物半导体

5.Study of GaAs Threshold Voltage Uniformity and Measurement System;GaAs阈值电压均匀性与测试系统的研究

6.Threshold voltage model of strained Si channel nMOSFET应变Si沟道nMOSFET阈值电压模型

7.Analysis of 2-D Short-Channel MOSFET Threshold Voltages Model二维短沟道MOSFET阈值电压分析模型

8.Temperature Characteristics Model of Threshold Voltage in Small Size VDMOS小尺寸VDMOS阈值电压温度特性模型

9.The threshold voltage of SiC Schottky barrier source/drain MOSFETSiC肖特基源漏MOSFET的阈值电压

10.Low-Threshold Varistors Based on Oxide Thin Films;基于氧化物薄膜的低阈值电压压敏电阻

11.Ultra-Low-Threshold Varistors Based on Columnar ZnO Thin Films基于柱状ZnO薄膜的超低阈值电压压敏电阻

12.This peak voltage setting becomes the threshold used for calculation of the voltage response curve for the instrument.这个峰值电压设置为阈值电压,用来计算仪器的电压响应曲线。

13.Electro-Optical Properties of Low-Threshold Voltage PDLC Films低阈值电压聚合物分散性液晶膜的电光特性

14.Threshold Voltage Model of Small MOSFET and Preparation of High-k Gate Dielectric;小尺寸MOSFET阈值电压模型及高k栅介质制备

15.Analysis of Threshold Voltage and Magic Number Based on the Software of WAT Analyzer基于WAT Analyzer软件的阈值电压计算及magic number测定

16.Analysis of Threshold Voltage Decreasing for Single-Gate and Double-Gate SOI MOSFET短沟道SOI中的阈值电压下降问题的研究

17.Design and Analysis of Electrostatic Microrelay with Low Threshold Voltage in MEMS基于MEMS技术的低阈值电压静电型微继电器的设计与研究

18.Voltage probe warning threshold( s) set successfully.(电压探测器警告阈值已成功设置。


threshold voltage阈值电压

1.Study onthreshold voltage model of strained SiGe quantum well channel SOI PMOSFET;应变SiGe SOI量子阱沟道PMOSFET阈值电压模型研究

2.Analyticalthreshold voltage model for fully depleted SOI MOSFETs;全耗尽SOIMOSFET阈值电压解析模型

3.2-Dthreshold voltage model for short-channel MOSFET with quantum-mechanical effects;考虑量子效应的短沟道MOSFET二维阈值电压模型

3)conductive threshold导电阈值

1.This article has reported the influence ofconductive threshold, varieties and amount of coupling agent of copper-alkyd electromagnetic shield conductive coatings on its early conductivity and stability of conductivity.研究了铜-醇酸电磁屏蔽导电涂料的导电阈值以及偶联剂的种类、用量对其初始导电性能和导电稳定性的影响。

4)threshold field阈值电场

1.The electro-optic effect utilizing the change of a light scattering by transition between wound and unwound states of the helicoidal structure characteristic of ferroelectric liquid crystal shows a lowthreshold field and a short response time in range of EMBED Equation .在电场作用下液晶的螺旋态和螺旋展开态之间的转换,由此引起光散射的变化所产生的电光效应,其阈值电场极小,并与盒厚和温度有关,响应时间在μs级。

2.The field emission characteristics of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) including turn-on field,threshold field, density of emission current, current stability and electronic energy distribution are discussed in detail.详细论述了碳纳米管的场致发射特性,包括开启电场、阈值电场、发射电流密度、发射电流的稳定性及场发射电子能量分布等;阐述了场发射的机制;分析了发射特性与其几何结构、吸附态及尖端缺陷等因素的关系;并简要介绍了碳纳米管场发射特性在平板显示领域中的实际应用。

5)threshold current阈值电流

1.Feedback light decreasesthreshold current of laser diode and increases the static light intensity.反馈光会引起激光二极管阈值电流减小,静态输出光强变化几倍,使激光二极管工作在实际的阈值电流之上。

2.By analyzing the conditions which can increase the power conversion efficiency(PCE)of diode,it is found that decreasing the work voltage,serial resistance and thethreshold current can increase the PCE.分析了提高激光器电光转换效率的几种途径,认为降低激光器工作电压、串联电阻和阈值电流可以提高激光器转换效率。

3.VCSEL arrays containing 7,19,and 37 elements are fabricated,and the characteristics of thethreshold current and the far-field angle are discussed.制作了含7,19,37个单元的列阵,讨论了它们的阈值电流和远场特性。


1.Design and Study of Ionizer ofQMS with Threshold Ionization Function;具有阈值电离能力的四极质谱离化器的研制


