100字范文 > 史学著作 historical books英语短句 例句大全

史学著作 historical books英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-11 02:37:02


史学著作 historical books英语短句 例句大全

史学著作,historical books

1)historical books史学著作

1.Zhang Dai has pursued moral principles all his life by withdrawing from the society and writinghistorical books in order to realize his dream of practically serving the society.其史学著作在选取人物时 ,推重德行 ,不以成败论英雄 ,甘为小人物立传 ,并本着“事必求真”的原则 ,力纠“为尊者讳”之偏失。


1.On the Position of New Red Annual on Tibetan Historical Works;试析《新红史》在藏族史学著作中的地位

2.On Compiling of Important Tibetan Historical Works试论藏族重要史学著作的编撰思想及特点

3.Study on Historical Conception in the History Works of Chinese New Literature from 1950s to 1980s;1950-1980新文学史著作文学史观念研究

4.Pi Xi-rui s Jingxue Lishi was not a Book on the History of Confucius Classics;皮锡瑞《经学历史》并非经学史著作

5.On the Historical Reasons for the Increase of Literary Elements in Historical Works in Pre-Qin Times;先秦历史著作中文学因素增长的历史原因

6.A Great Historical Science Masterpiece--A Brief Analysis to Liang Qichao s New Historical Science;一部具有划时代意义的史学巨著——梁启超《新史学》历史作用简析

7.a historian who writes annals.著述编年史的历史学家。

8.Metathought of the Writing Paradigm about the Contemporary Chinese Theory Aesthetics History;中国美学史著作审美理论写作范式研究

9.A Review of Five Symbolic Works of Western Aesthetic History:Comments on the Writing of Western Aesthetic History in China;西方五大美学史著作述评——兼及中国的西方美学史写作

10.Masterpiece on the Study of the History of Ming and Qing Dynasty--Reviews on Wan Si tong and The Compilation Annals of The History of Ming Dynastyby Professor Zhu Duan qiang;明清史学史研究的新作——读朱端强著《万斯同与〈明史〉修纂纪年》

11.On Historian s Strength and Curage;论史力和史胆——我国古代史学传世精品著作成因之三

12.The Historical Narration in the Research of Chinese Literary Criticism History--To Take Several Criticisms as Examples;中国文学批评史研究中的历史叙述问题——以几部批评史著作为例

13.The book stands out as one of the notable landmarks in the progress of modern science.这部著作是现代科学发展史上著名的里程碑之一。

14.An Introduction to Historical Records will be the symbol and foundation of Science of Historical Records.史记学概论》是"史记学"建立的标志性论著和奠基之作。

15.The Greatest Achievement of Writing General History of Japanese Literature --Book Review of The History of Japanese Literature written by Ye;日本文学通史写作的大成和终结——读叶渭渠、唐月梅著《日本文学史》

16.The original writing about the overal research of Chinese literature history-- on“ The general idea about Chinese literature history”;中国文学史总体研究的开山之作——评陈伯海著《中国文学史之宏观》

17.British historian noted for ridicule of bureaucracies (1909- ).英国以嘲笑官僚主义作风而著称的历史学家(1909-)。

18.On the Writing of the Chinese Modern Literature Critical History;中国现代文学批评史著作编写体例研究


works of aesthetics history美学史著作

3)the works about the Chinese aesthetics history中国美学史著作

1.Since 20 century,the works about the Chinese aesthetics history has rich accumulation.20世纪以来,中国美学史著作的写作学术积累丰厚,但因为多种原因也导致其写作的六种主要局限。

4)history work in chronological form编年体史学著作

5)the history works of Chinese new literature新文学史著作

6)historical works历史著作

1.The concept of novel receives so much influence fromhistorical works in its development that it is regarded as “the superabundance of history”.中国的小说观念在其发展的进程中,长期伴随着历史著作的影子,小说被当作是“史之余事”。

2.The element of human being is a very important part inhistorical works in pre-Qin times.人的因素在先秦历史著作中占有重要地位,人物形象的塑造有一个发展过程,其文学因素显现出溢增过程。


