100字范文 > 转型发展 transformational development英语短句 例句大全

转型发展 transformational development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-26 13:33:17


转型发展 transformational development英语短句 例句大全

转型发展,transformational development

1)transformational development转型发展

1.From the angle of system science and making use of the related theory of compound system and the methods of comparative studies and system analysis, this paper makes an intensive research on problems concerning thetransformational development of China"s higher education.本文从系统科学的视角,运用复合系统的相关理论以及比较研究、系统分析等方法对我国高等教育转型发展相关问题进行了较为深入系统的研究。


1.Recent Progress of Research in Rural Transformation Development and Its Trends in China中国农村转型发展研究的进展与趋势

2.Transition Progress,the Change of Development Strategy and Financial Transition;转型进程、发展战略转变与金融转型

3.The Transformation of Canton Fair and the Countermeasures to the Development of Guangzhou s Trade Exhibition Industry;广交会转型与发展广州会展业的对策

4.The Transformation of Resource-based Cities in Northeast China and Sustainable Development;东北资源型城市的转型与可持续发展

5.Resource-based Assessment of Urban Development and Transformation of Decision-Making资源型城市发展评价与转型决策研究

6.Transition Problem for Large Developing Countries in Transition:A New Probe into the Theory of Historical Turning Point转型期发展中大国的转型问题:历史拐点论新探

7.A Study on Technological Agglomeration and the Development-Pattern Transformation of Development Zones;技术集聚与开发区发展模式转型研究

8.Interregional Workshop on Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries in Transition转型期发展中国家中小企业发展区域间讲习班

9.On Implementation of Scientific View of Development and Transformation of Development of Non-governmental Institution of Higher Learning;论科学发展观视野下的民办高校发展转型

10.Economic Growth,Pattern Rebuilding and the Change of China s Economic Developing Style;经济发展、模型再造与中国经济发展方式的转变

11.Transformation of the Latin American Development Model and Dilemma of Development;论拉美国家的发展模式转型与发展困境

12.On the Beibu Gulf Economic Development and the Late Comer in Transitional Period北部湾经济的发展与转型期迟发展效应

13.The Study on Economic Development Zone Development from the Transition of Resource-based City Perspective资源型城市转型视角下经济开发区发展研究

14.Economic Transformation and Change of Development Mode:Main Characteristics and Policy Orientation;经济转型与发展方式转变:主要特征与政策取向

15.Research on the Development of Chinese Private Universities in the Transition Period;转型时期我国民办高等院校发展研究

16.An Discussion on the Land Market Development during English Transitional Period;英国社会转型时期土地市场发展探研

17.Study on the Developing Strategy after Guangxi Normal Junior Colleges Transformed to Multiple-Branch Colleges;广西师专升本转型后的发展战略研究

18.The Discussion and Analysis of the County Territory Political Development during the Period of the Social Transformation in China;我国社会转型时期县域政治发展探析


Development Transition发展转型

3)period of developmental transformation发展转型期

4)transition and development转型与发展

5)transformation and service development转型与业务发展

6)development form transformation发展形态转型


