100字范文 > 工程规则制定 engineering rules making英语短句 例句大全

工程规则制定 engineering rules making英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-29 15:57:48


工程规则制定 engineering rules making英语短句 例句大全

工程规则制定,engineering rules making

1)engineering rules making工程规则制定

2)engineering rules工程规则

1.According to the theory of accident causation, it is necessary and feasible to study engineering accidents from the perspective ofengineering rules.已有工程事故致因理论显示,从工程规则视角研究工程事故致因必要而且可行。


1.Engineering Rules:Based on the Theory of Accident Causation;工程规则初探——从事故致因理论引入

2.On General Programming Principle of Engineering Pipeline in Urban Road;略论城市道路工程管线的综合规则原则

3.Surveying regulation for wind-drift sand of railway engineering geology铁路工程地质风沙勘测规则

4.Surveying regulation for expansive soils of railway engineering geology铁路工程地质膨胀土勘测规则

5.Surveying regulation for loess area of railway engineering geology铁路工程地质黄土地区勘测规则

6.Surveying regulation for saline soils of railway engineering geology铁路工程地质盐渍土勘测规则

7.He is acting under rule 23 of the Union Constitution .他是根据工会章程第23条规则行动的。

8.Mechanical engineering drawings rules of CADGB/T14665-1998机械工程CAD制图规则

9.Charging rules for bill of quantities of railway construction projects谈铁路建设项目工程量清单计量规则

10.Discussion on a New Mode of Construction Cost ManagementConforming to WTO Rules;适应WTO规则的工程造价管理模式探讨

11.Working Group on Rules of Procedure and Evidence related to Part 2 of the Statute有关规约第二编的程序和证据规则工作组

12.Principle and Measures for Regularization of Construction Cost Settlement;规范建筑施工工程价款结算的原则和措施

13.On the Issue of Standardization for Engineering Construction Dealing with Rules of WTO/TBT;论工程建设标准化工作应对WTO/TBT规则的问题

14.Statute and Rules of Procedure and Evidence规约与程序和取证规则

15.Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products-General and guidanceGB/T2421-1989电工电子产品基本环境试验规程总则

16.Research and Application on Data Mining of Association Rules in Process Industry;过程工业中关联规则采掘的研究与应用

17.Association Rules Mining Algorithm and Its Application on Process Industry;关联规则挖掘算法及其流程工业应用研究

18.The Application of the Rule of Foresight in International Project Contracts;论可预见规则在国际工程承包合同中的适用


engineering rules工程规则

1.According to the theory of accident causation, it is necessary and feasible to study engineering accidents from the perspective ofengineering rules.已有工程事故致因理论显示,从工程规则视角研究工程事故致因必要而且可行。


4)Rule Customize规则定制

5)calculating rules of quota bill定额工程量计算规则

6)engineering specification工程规定


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