100字范文 > 财政体制建设 construction of finance system英语短句 例句大全

财政体制建设 construction of finance system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-23 22:58:17


财政体制建设 construction of finance system英语短句 例句大全

财政体制建设,construction of finance system

1)construction of finance system财政体制建设


1.Thinking on Constructing China s Rural Public Finance System;关于我国农村公共财政体制建设问题的思考

2.Conceive of Building Country Public Finance to Urge the Construction of Little Towns;建立促进小城镇建设的农村公共财政体制构想

3.A Design of Transfer Payment System for the Development Priority Zones促进主体功能区建设的财政转移支付制度设计

4.Research on the Innovation of Rural Fiscal System under New Countryside Construction;新农村建设背景下乡镇财政体制创新研究

5.Study on Local Fiscal Expenditure System of Supporting Neo-country in Rural Areas of Chinese Plain;平原农区新农村建设中地方财政体制研究

6.Tax Distribution Fiscal System:Operation Effects and Policy Suggestions;分税制财政体制:运行效应与政策建议

7.Study on Construction of Service-Financial Supervision System under the Frame of Public Finance;公共财政框架下服务型财政监督体系建设研究

8.On the construction of the fiscal supervision system in the public finance framework of our country;论我国公共财政框架中的财政监督体系建设

9.Study on Setting up the Fiscal Transfer Payment System Corresponded with the Major Functional Areas Development;构建与主体功能区建设相协调的财政转移支付制度研究

10.Construction of Fiscal System That Can Ensure the Local Finance;论保障我国基层财政运行的财政体制的构建

11.On the Finance Financing Mechanism of ChineseProjects for Basic Facilities Construction;我国基础设施建设财政融资机制评析

12.Construction of Public Finance in the Perspective of Institutional change--Discussion based on china′s medical and health system制度变迁视角下的公共财政建设——基于我国医疗卫生体制的探讨

13.The Research about Rulers of the Separation between Rural Finance and Financal System;农村财务与财政体制分立的制度设计研究

14.Reform of Public Finance System:A Perspective from Building a Harmonious Society;基于和谐社会建设视角的公共财政体制改革思考

15.Eliminate Systematic Obstruction, Increase the Fiscal Investment of New Countryside Construction;消除体制性梗阻加大新农村建设财政资金投入力度

16.The Analysis of Financial Investment Mechanism in the New Rural Construction;新农村建设的财政投入机制问题探讨

17.Fight against SARS and financial system building;从抗击SARS看我国财政制度建设

18.Study on the Construction of Financial Surveillance Mechanism underthe Condition of Informationization信息化条件下财政监督机制建设研究


constructive finance建设性财政

1.The development and evolution of finance mode is restricted by basic economic laws and, objectively, will go through four developmental stages, namely primitive finance, traditional finance, public finance andconstructive finance.财政模式的发展演变受基本经济规律的制约,客观上要经历原始财政、传统财政、公共财政和建设性财政四个发展阶段。

3)Construction of Administration Institution执政体制建设

4)fiscal system财政体制

1.A Discussion about the Reform Model of County Administrated by Province Fiscal System: Taking Hunan Province as an Example;“省直管县”财政体制改革模式探讨——以湖南为例

2.Research on the Innovation of the Tax Allocation Fiscal System;我国分税制财政体制的创新研究

3.The Fiscal System and Fiscal Policy to Meet the Demand for Coordinated Development between Urban and Rural Areas;统筹城乡发展的财政体制与财政政策

5)financial system财政体制

1.The Financial System of "the Province Leading the County" in Zhejiang and the Inspirations to our Administrative Restructuring;浙江“省管县”财政体制及其对我国行政体制改革的启示

2.Trisection System Financial System That Carried Out in the Center in Later Period of Tang Dynasty;唐后期中央实行的三分制财政体制——中国封建社会分税制萌芽探索

3.Analysis of Financial System of Rural Compulsory Education and Its Improvement;农村义务教育财政体制分析及改进思路

6)public finance system财政体制

1.Currently,in the budget management of colleges and universities,there are some problems such as the misunderstandment,the imperfect establishment,the improper inspection and management on the budget performance,the incompatibility with the reform of thepublic finance system that government promotes and so on.目前,高校预算管理存在着认识不全面、编制不完整、预算执行监督和管理不到位及与政府推行的财政体制改革不适应等问题。

2.After the long -term practice, thepublic finance system of the west main developed countries is fully become mature.西方主要发达国家财政体制经过长期的实践,已经十分成熟,它对中国财政体制改革具有很好的借鉴作用。

3.Transfer payment system is an important part of thepublic finance system ,and so serves as one of the means of government adjustments and controls.转移支付制度是财政体制的重要组成部分 ,是政府实施宏观调控的重要工具。


