100字范文 > 生活饮用水安全 Drinking waters security英语短句 例句大全

生活饮用水安全 Drinking waters security英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-28 14:57:53


生活饮用水安全 Drinking waters security英语短句 例句大全

生活饮用水安全,Drinking water"s security

1)Drinking water"s security生活饮用水安全


1.An Analysis of the Security of Drinking Water in Rural Areas in Guilin City桂林市郊区农村生活饮用水安全的调查分析

2.Analysis of security of drinking water in Yubei District of Chongqing during 度重庆市渝北区生活饮用水安全调查分析

3.Reflection on the Necessity of "Drinking Water Standard under Emergency"对“应急状况下生活饮用水安全性评价标准”制定的思考

4.5.12 Dujiangyan Earthquake Life Safety Of Drinking Water5.12地震灾后都江堰市生活饮用水的安全保障

5.Analysis of Chemical Characteristics of Drinking Water and Water Safety Assessment in the New Rural of Pengyang彭阳县新农村生活饮用水化学特征分析与水质安全评价

6.NF is an Effective Ensuring for Production of Safe Drinking Water;NF——安全饮用水生产之有效保障

7.Measures and Ways to Deal With Safety of Drinking Water After Earthquake地震灾后饮用水卫生安全对策与措施

8.Study on Drinking Water Security on Water Treatment by Activated Carbon Process;饮用水深度处理活性炭工艺水质安全性研究

9.Examining quality of daily drinking water engineering and analysis of result in Yan′an延安市农村生活饮用水工程水质检测结果分析

10.Survey of periodic safety of barreled drinking water in Jining City市售桶装饮用水饮用周期安全性调查

11.Disease and epidemic surveillance networks will be established and supervision and law enforcement will be exercised over public hygiene, especially with regard to food, drinking water and other health-related products.强化以食品卫生为主的公共卫生监督执法,保证食品、生活饮用水等与健康相关产品的安全卫生。

12.A Pollution Incident of Drinking Water in Yaan Urban Area雅安市一次城区生活饮用水污染事件分析

13.The Drinking Water Price of Safety Drinking in Rural Area and the Post-evaluation of Drinking Project农村安全饮用水水价及饮水工程后评价

14.Water Quality and Hygiene Status of Rural Drinking Water in Anhui Province安徽省农村生活饮用水水质变化与卫生状况调查

15.Analysis on Safety of Drinking Water Source in Xi"an City西安市城市饮用水源地安全状况浅析

16.Dinking Water Safety and Water Treatment Technology in Rural Areas农村饮水安全及水处理技术应用研究

17.availability of safe water and adequate sanitary facilities by 1990 1990年供给安全饮水和适当卫生设施

18.Hygienic Evaluation of Drinking Water Safety Project in Countryside of Ya"an in 雅安市农村饮水安全工程水质卫生学调查


drinking water safety饮用水安全

1.Long-term management mechanism of ruraldrinking water safety project农村饮用水安全工程长效管理机制探索

2.Factors endangering the safety of drinking water are summarized;the idea ofdrinking water safety is put forward and its properties(including abundant water sources,qualified water and ample water-supply capacity) are analyzed.在总结危及饮用水安全的因素的基础上,提出了饮用水安全的概念,并对其内涵进行分析;指出饮用水安全的属性有3个,即水量有保证、水质要达标和足够的供水能力;从强化管理和加强污染治理方面探讨保障饮用水安全的措施;指出建立有效的环境问责制,将环境指标真正纳入官员考核机制、实施清洁化生产,减少废水排放量和实施新的给水处理工艺是保障饮用水安全的关键。

3.Drinking water quality impacts people’s health directly,so quality safety is the most important part indrinking water safety.水质安全是饮用水安全的重中之重,直接关系到人体健康。

3)the safety of drinking water饮用水安全

1.Water blooms leading by eutrophication had become a serious problem threateningthe safety of drinking water.富营养化引起的水体"水华"已成为威胁饮用水安全的严重问题。

4)safe drinking water安全饮用水

1.Imbalance of sanitary status of China"s rural areas"safe drinking water:issue and countermeasures我国农村安全饮用水地区差异及对策研究

2.Besides the ordinary treatment techniques,thesafe drinking water treatment system on a pilot scale also consists of several new techniques such as O3 contacted oxidation/O3 catalytic oxidation,nanofiltration and reverse osmosis filtration,dynamic membrane resin adsorption,photochemical catalytic oxidation and pipe network biomembrane control techniques.安全饮用水保障处理中试平台,除具有常规处理工艺外,还引入臭氧接触氧化/催化臭氧氧化、纳滤和反渗透过滤技术、动态膜树脂吸附、光催化氧化、管网生物膜控制等新技术。

3.Nanofiltration membrane separation technology is an effective method for production ofsafe drinking water.纳滤膜分离技术在饮用水制备方面具有独特的作用,是保障安全饮用水生产的有效方法。

5)drinking water security饮用水安全

1.The issue ofdrinking water security plays a decisive role in china’s national economy and social life .饮用水安全问题在我国国民经济和社会生活中具有举足轻重的地位。

6)drinking water生活饮用水

1.The management ofdrinking water health in developed countries;发达国家生活饮用水的卫生管理

2.A method for determination of volatile organic compounds indrinking water by purge and trap in combination with gas chromatograph/mass spectrometry;吹扫捕集-气相色谱法测定生活饮用水中挥发性有机物

3.Investigation of water quality ofdrinking water in rural areas in Anhui;安徽省农村生活饮用水卫生现状调查


