100字范文 > 外伤性截瘫 Traumatic paraplegia英语短句 例句大全

外伤性截瘫 Traumatic paraplegia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-25 21:50:28


外伤性截瘫 Traumatic paraplegia英语短句 例句大全

外伤性截瘫,Traumatic paraplegia

1)Traumatic paraplegia外伤性截瘫

bined therapy of BMSCs and BDNF improves morphological repairing and functional recovery following traumatic paraplegia of spinal cord in rabbits;骨髓间质干细胞和脑源性神经营养因子联合应用促进兔脊髓外伤性截瘫的修复

2.Nursing guide and family visiting for discharged traumatic paraplegia patients;外伤性截瘫患者出院后家庭访视及护理指导

3.Objective To understand the recognition of traumatic paraplegia patients about urinary system nursing.目的了解外伤性截瘫患者对泌尿系护理的认知水平。


1.Argon laser in the treatment of 45 cases of traumatic paraplegia氩激光治疗外伤性截瘫45例疗效观察

2.Probe into methods of promoting miction smoothly for traumatic paraplegia patients促进外伤性截瘫病人顺利排尿方法的探讨

3.Nursing guide and family visiting for discharged traumatic paraplegia patients外伤性截瘫患者出院后家庭访视及护理指导

4.Influence of comprehensive psychological intervention on negative emotions of patients with traumatic paraplegia综合性心理干预对外伤性截瘫病人负性情绪的影响

5.Cost-effect analysis of healthcare management of traumatic paraplegia patients外伤性截瘫患者康复期保健管理的成本效果分析

6.Studying on the Comprehensive Nursing Intervention for Improving the Quality of Life for Paralytic Patients综合护理干预对提高外伤性截瘫患者生命质量的研究

bined Therapy of BMSCs and BDNF Improves Morphological Repairing and Functional Recovery Following Traumatic Paraplegia of Spinal Cord in Rabbits;骨髓间质干细胞和脑源性神经营养因子联合修复兔脊髓外伤性截瘫的实验研究

8.Experimental Study on the Effect of Combination Therapy with Bu YangHuanWu Decoction and Mesenchymal Stem Cells Transplantation for Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in Adult Rats;补阳还五汤联合骨髓间质干细胞移植治疗脊髓外伤性截瘫的实验研究

9.Clinical Observation on Treatment Effect of Sodium Aescinate for Traumatic Prosoplegia;七叶皂苷钠治疗外伤性面瘫临床观察

10.Clinical research of health education for family members on daily life ability of patients with traumatic paraplegia实施家属同步健康教育提高创伤性截瘫患者生活质量的临床研究

11.Study on Self-care Ability of Paraplegia Patients after Spinal Cord Injuries;脊髓损伤后截瘫病人自护能力的研究

12.The diagnostic value of high resolution CT in assessment of temporal bone traumatic facial nerve paralysis高分辨率CT对颞骨外伤性面瘫的诊断价值

13.Effects of Therapy of Hyperbaric Oxygen and Motor Imagery on Traffic Accident Spinal Cord Injury高压氧联合运动想象对交通性脊髓挫伤致截瘫患者神经功能恢复的治疗效果

14.The Case Analysis of Industrial Injured Paraplegia in A Beijing"s Hospital对北京某医院住院部工伤截瘫患者的个案分析

15.The Clinic Analysis of Taiji Rehabilitation Treatment on Paraplegina of Spinal Cord Injury;太极康复法治疗脊髓损伤后截瘫的临床研究

16.Study on Spinal Cord Injury and Treatment Effect among Inpatients with Paraplegia;截瘫住院病人脊髓损伤与治疗效果评价研究

17.Nursing of a pregnant woman with high paraplegia caused by cervical spine fracture in Wenchuan earthquake1例地震伤致颈椎骨折伴高位截瘫孕妇的护理

18.Functional Rehabilitation Training of Reflex Bladder in Paraplegia截瘫病人反射性膀胱功能的康复训练


Traumatic facial paralysis外伤性面瘫

3)traumatic high paraplegia创伤性高位截瘫

4)traumatic amputation外伤性截断

5)cerebral paraplegia脑性截瘫

1.We analysis the linical and MRI characteristics of 3 cases of MS patients performancing as "cerebral paraplegia ",in order to raise the knowledge of MS.本文对表现为"脑性截瘫"的3例MS患者的临床和MRI特点进行回顾分析,以此提高对于MS的认识水平。

6)traumatic peripheral facial paralysis外伤性周围性面瘫

1.To compare the therapeutic effectiveness of treatingtraumatic peripheral facial paralysis with electric acupuncture combining acupoint injection and single electric acupuncture,Selecting 30 cases as observation group and 25 cases as contrast randomly.观察电针配合穴位注射与单纯电针治疗外伤性周围性面瘫的疗效比较。


遗传性痉挛性截瘫遗传性痉挛性截瘫hereditary spastic paraplegia是一种比较少见的家族遗传性变性病,以慢性进行性无力与慢性痉挛性下肢瘫痪为特征。病理特点为皮质脊髓束变性,有时在大脑中央前回的贝兹(Belz)细胞也可有变性。目前尚无特效疗法。
