100字范文 > 英语教学 English teaching英语短句 例句大全

英语教学 English teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-21 05:18:49


英语教学 English teaching英语短句 例句大全

英语教学,English teaching

1)English teaching英语教学

1.Reflection over the reform ofEnglish teaching mode for non-English major graduates;非英语专业研究生英语教学模式改革与思考

2.Constructivism enlightens reform ofEnglish teaching of 7-year medical education program;建构主义理论对七年制医学英语教学改革的启示

3.On the application of affective factors inEnglish teaching;谈情感因素在英语教学中的应用


1.A Contrast of English Teaching Between College and Middle School;大学英语教学与中学英语教学之比较

2.How to Improve the Speaking Teaching in English Teaching in Middle School;中学英语教学中的口语教学(英文)

3.The Textbook NEW COLLEGE ENGLISH and College English Teaching;《新编大学英语》教材与大学英语教学

4.The Connection of High School English Teaching and College English Teaching高中英语教学与大学英语教学的衔接

5.A Study of Introduction of English Culture Teaching in College English在大学英语教学中引入英语文化教学

6.About the Impact of College English Test on Spoken English upon College English Teaching Reform;大学英语口语测试对英语教学的启示

7.A Study of Advanced English Teaching from the Perspective of English Linguistics从英语语言学角度探析高级英语教学


9.Several Thoughts on Adult English Teaching in TV University;高校英语教学中成人英语教学之思考

10.TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)作为外语的英语教学

11.Teaching English as a ForeignLanguage作为外语的英语教学.

12.The Reform of College English Teaching and the Improvement of College English Teacher-Talk;大学英语教学改革与大学英语教学语言改善

13.Study on Communication between High School and College in English Teaching;大学英语与中学英语教学衔接的初探

14.The Reform of CET-46 and College English Teaching;大学英语四、六级改革与大学英语教学

15.On the construction of English subject ability and its guidance in language teaching;建构英语学科能力 指导学校英语教学

16.A Brief Discussion of the Role of Phonetics Teaching in China’s Universities;浅谈英语语音教学在大学英语教学中的重要性

17.English Euphemism and Its Application in English Teaching;英语委婉语及其在英语教学中的应用

18.The Application of English Corpus in Grammar Teaching;英语语料库在英语语法教学中的应用


English language teaching英语教学

1.Culture teaching in english language teaching at vocational school in china;浅谈职业学校英语教学中的文化教学

2.The Two-way Operating Characteristics of Information and English Language Teaching;信息双向性特点与大学英语教学

3.Introduction of Chinese Culture in English Language Teaching;英语教学中的中国文化导入

3)English teaching and learning英语教学

1.Survey and reflections on the current situation ofEnglish teaching and learning in middle schools in Western Anhui;皖西地区中学英语教学现状调查与反思

2.Negative factors in seniorEnglish teaching and learning and corresponding measures;高中英语教学的负面因素及对策

3.The research combines the qualitative and quantitative approaches,using the means of classroom observation,interviews and questionnaires and discussing the washback effects of the reform of CET4 forEnglish teaching and learning in shanxi medical university.结合定性研究和定量研究两种方法,采用课堂观察、面对面访谈和问卷调查的研究手段,探讨最新大学英语四级考试改革给医科大学英语教学所带来的反拨效应。

4)ELT[英][,i: el "ti:][美]["i "?l "ti]英语教学

1.ELT in rural primary schools in Qingyang city:problems and measures;庆阳市农村小学英语教学普及面临的困难及对策


3.The Knowledge Input of Non-verbal Interaction of the Target Language inELT;浅谈英语教学中目的语非言语表达知识的导入

5)EFL teaching英语教学

1.This paper is mainly intended to illustrate how cognitive linguistics applies toEFL teaching by examining such concepts as basic category,conceptual metaphor,experiential correlation,etc.积极借鉴认知语言学的相关理论,使学生有意识关注语言结构的系统性、非任意性和理据对于促进英语教学和英语学习具有重要意义。

2.Interest is the key point ofEFL teaching and English learning.兴趣是英语教学与学习的关键,在教学中培养学生兴趣,是提高教学效果的关键。

3.At last, the paper indicates the implication of corpus linguistics toEFL teaching.最后,指出了语料库语言学在英语教学中的重要作用。

6)teaching of English linguistics英语语言学教学


外贸英语--货物保险英语表达F.P.A. stands for "Free from Particular Average".FPA代表平安险。 W.P.A. stands for "With Particular Average".WPA代表水渍险。insurance free of (from) particular average (FPA). 平安险(单独海损不赔)insurance with particular average (WPA), basic risks. insurance against all risks. 综合险,应保一切险risk of breakage 破碎险risk of clashing 碰损险risk of rust 生锈险risk of hook damage 钩损险risk of contamination (tainting) 污染险insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险risk of deterioration 变质险risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险risk of normal loss (natural loss)? 途耗或自然损耗险risk of spontaneous combustion 自然险risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险insurance against war risk 战争险Air Transportation Cargo War Risk 航空运输战争险overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工,暴动,民变险insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加险risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TRND) 盗窃提货不着险risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting) 淡水雨淋险risk of leakage 渗漏险risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量险risk of sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险risk of bad odour(change of flavour) 恶味险,变味险risk of mould 发霉险on deck risk 舱面险
