100字范文 > 现况研究 Cross-sectional study英语短句 例句大全

现况研究 Cross-sectional study英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-26 04:43:07


现况研究 Cross-sectional study英语短句 例句大全

现况研究,Cross-sectional study

1)Cross-sectional study现况研究

1.A Cross-sectional Study on Injuries among Residents at the Community of Shaoxing;绍兴市社区居民伤害现况研究


1.Behavioral Study on Fatigue and Daily Life of Students in Senior High School;高三学生疲劳状况和生活行为习惯现况研究

2.Study on domestic violence among women asking induced abortion人工流产妇女中家庭暴力现况研究

3.Study on Status of Funds Raising of Rural Medical Financial Assistance in Our Country;我国农村医疗救助资金筹集现况研究

4.A Cross-Sectional Study on the Status and Influencing Factors of HCV and HIV Infection among Heroin Addicts;海洛因依赖者HCV与HIV感染的现况研究

5.The Cross-sectional Study on the Blood Pressure in Preschool Children Aged 3~6 Years;3~6岁学龄前儿童血压的现况研究

6.An Investigation on Nursing Grading Status of Pension Agency in Guangzhou;广州市养老机构护理分级的现况研究

7.A Study on the Status of ADHD in the Children from A Primary School in Baotou包头市某小学儿童多动症的现况研究

8.Prevalence Study of Anti-tabacco Media Campaign in Six Cities of China六城市媒体控烟宣传覆盖的现况研究

9.Prevalence of Mental Health among Middle Schoo1 Students in Guiyang City贵阳市3609名中学生心理卫生现况研究

10.Research & realization of aluminium reduction control based on cell working condition analysis基于工况槽况的电解生产控制研究及实现

11.The study also found that economics plays an important role.研究还发现,经济状况与感冒息息相关。

12.Planning requires realistic diagnosis of the opportunity situation.规划需要现实地细心研究机会的情况。

13.But others have been unable to replicate the findings.但是其它研究还不能发现同样的情况。

14.A Research on the Incidence of Injuries in Middle School Students of Hunan Province and the Impact Factors that Affect Its Occurrence;湖南中学生伤害现况及影响因素研究

15.Modernization Development State and Countermeasure Research of Sericulture in Liangshan;凉山蚕业现代化发展状况及对策研究

16.Present State and Prospect for Future:A Study of the Esthetic Ideas of Susan Sontag;现况与展望:苏珊·桑塔格美学思想研究

17.The Present Research Situation of Psychological Health Condition of Asymptomatic HBV Carriers;HBV携带者心理健康状况研究现状

18.On Villagers Self-government in China;我国现阶段“村民自治”运行状况研究


prevalence study现况研究

1.Prevalence study of health related behavior and chronic disease situation of aged population in community;社区老年人健康相关行为与慢性病现况研究

2.MethodsMedical radiation exposed persons were chosen by epidemiologicalprevalence study.方法采用流行病现况研究的方法,选择医学领域不同专业接触放射线的工作人员进行现况研究,分为放射诊断学组、临床核医学组、介入放射学组、肿瘤放射学组和内科学组。

3.A Prevalence Study of Hepatitis A Virus Infection Among Male Drug Users and the Related Factor;方法采用现况研究 ,通过整群抽样 ,以问卷的方式调查男性吸毒人员 45 2名 ,收集有关资料并采集血标本 45 2份。

3)Research Progress研究现况

1.Research Progress on Zinc in Tea;茶叶中锌元素的研究现况

4)The syndromes overview of modern research证候现代研究概况

5)study survey研究概况

6)General situation研究概况

1.General situation of pork quality and affecting factors;猪肉品质及其影响因素的研究概况


