100字范文 > 噪声暴露 Noise exposure英语短句 例句大全

噪声暴露 Noise exposure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-16 00:10:10


噪声暴露 Noise exposure英语短句 例句大全

噪声暴露,Noise exposure

1)Noise exposure噪声暴露

1.Objective:To understand the fundamental state of noise exposure and hearing loss of rolling steel workers,analyze and appraise them,investigate the important contribution of knowledge,attiude and practice of workers for their hearing protection, provide theory instructions for the prevention and cure of occupational noise and noise-induced deafness.目的了解轧钢工人噪声暴露与听力损失的基本情况,对其进行分析与评价,并探讨工人的知识、态度、行为对听力保护的重要作用,为职业性噪声以及噪声性耳聋的防治提供理论指导。

2.Based on the distribution of H2S in the cochlea and its effect on angiotasis regulation, plus the pivotal role that microcirculation played in noise-induced hearing loss, we observed the expression and distribution of cystathionine-γ-lyase (CSE), a H2S synthetase in mammalian, in adult rat cochlea before and after noise exposure.噪声暴露采用32只SD大鼠,随机分成4组:正常对照组、1天组、1周组、3周组,后3组分别暴露于110 dB SPL宽带白噪声中。

3.According to statistic for quantity of domestic textile industry workers,length of service and survey for noise of local company,the situation of noise exposure and employees\" hearing loss were predictied base on ISO1999-1975 (E) and other related methods of prediction.通过对国内纺织业从业人员数量、工龄的统计和企业实地噪声情况的调查,借鉴ISO1999-1975(E)和其它相关方法预测我国纺织行业噪声暴露情况和从业人员的听力损失情况。


1.Acoustics - Determination of occupational noise exposure and estimation of noise-induced hearing impairment???声学--职业性噪声暴露测定和噪声听力损伤估算

2.The Relationship between the Short-time Noise Exposure and Elements of Performance;短期噪声暴露与工作能力要素的关系

3.Effects of white-noise on heart function of guinea pig白噪声暴露致豚鼠心脏功能损伤作用

4.Hearing Survey on The Group with Occupational Noise Exposure in Miyun Area密云地区职业噪声暴露人群听力调查

5.Analysis on the personal noise exposure in an outdoor iron mine factory某露天开采铁矿厂个体噪声暴露测量结果分析

6.Effects of exposure to intense noise on acute and chronic injury of gastric mucosa in rats强噪声暴露对大鼠急慢性胃粘膜损伤的影响

7.Analysis of Noise Endangers Level in Three Types Platforms of Urban Rail Transit城市轨道交通3类站台的噪声暴露水平分析

8.The pathological change of cochlear hair cell after exposure to intensive noise强噪声暴露后耳蜗毛细胞的病理形态变化

9.Prediction on exposure status and hearing loss of spinning noise in China我国纺织噪声暴露现状及听力损失情况预测

10.Signal pathway associated with hair cell death in cochlea following exposure to intense impulse noise强脉冲噪声暴露后耳蜗毛细胞死亡的信号通路

11.A study on the spontaneous EEG power spectrum versus occupational noise exposure epiieptic and eoncussion of the brain自发脑电功率谱与噪声暴露、癫痫和脑震荡关系的研究

12.Experimental Study of Apoptosis and the Related Mechanisms in Cochlea of Rats after Noise Exposure;噪声暴露致大鼠耳蜗细胞凋亡及相关机制的实验研究

13.Study of Interaction between Smoking and Occupational Noise Exposure on Hearing Loss;吸烟与职业噪声暴露对听力损失交互作用的分析

bined Effect of Smoking and Occupational Exposure to Noise on Hearing Loss;职业噪声暴露与吸烟联合作用对听力影响的研究进展

15.Dose-response relationship between noise and hypertension in airport ground crew;机场地勤人员噪声暴露与高血压患病率的剂量-反应关系

16.Investigigations on Noise Exposure and Hearing Loss of Rolling Steel Workers in Iron and Steel Company某钢铁公司轧钢工人噪声暴露与听力损失的调查


18.Consecative 3 Years Investigation on Hearing Loss Among Workers in Noise Exposure Workshop of An Electrolytic Aluminum Enterprise某电解铝企业综合车间噪声暴露作业人员连续3年听力损伤调查


noise exposure meter噪声暴露计

3)Cumulative noise exposure累积噪声暴露量

1.Cumulative noise exposure (CNE) were used to represent the actual exposure level of the workers.方法用横断面流行病学方法 ,选取 43 8名噪声作业工人进行调查 ;用Westernblot免疫印迹法测定其血浆HSP70抗体滴度 ;用累积噪声暴露量 (CNE)评价工人实际噪声暴露。

2.Cumulative noise exposure(CNE)was used to represent the actual exposure level of the workers.方法选取706例作业工人进行调查,用累积噪声暴露量(CNE)评价噪声暴露;测定血清中甘油三酯和总胆固醇。

3.Cumulative noise exposure (CNE) was used to indicate the actual exposure level of the workers.方法选取706名汽车制造工人进行调查,用累积噪声暴露量(CNE)来评价工人的噪声暴露。

4)non-continuous noise个体噪声暴露

1.[Results]The result showed that the textile workers exposed to continuous noise,and the mechanical manufacture workers exposed tonon-continuous noise.[目的]观察和比较接触稳态噪声和非稳态噪声工人个体之间、工作日之间个体噪声暴露的特点和规律。

5)noise exposure rating噪声暴露评价

6)noise exposure indexes噪声暴露指数


半暴露疗法半暴露疗法semiexposure treated method创面清创后,覆盖一层抗菌药物纱布然后暴露于空气中。纱布须与创面紧贴,不留空隙,以免形成死腔积液、积脓于其中。此法适宜于不便包扎的躯干、颈、肩、腋、腹股沟、会阴以及口、鼻周围部位创面。坏死组织已脱落、正在上皮化的深Ⅱ度创面和已有绿脓杆菌感染而分泌物不多的创面也适用此法。此法优点在于易观察和处理创面,在干燥地区可减少创面感染的机会,也可减少创面直接暴露所致的创面加深的弊端。但在热而潮湿的南方,仍需配合持续热风治疗和定期翻身才能控制感染。
