100字范文 > 顶岗实习的规划 planning for practical learning on duty英语短句 例句大全

顶岗实习的规划 planning for practical learning on duty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-25 19:32:27


顶岗实习的规划 planning for practical learning on duty英语短句 例句大全

顶岗实习的规划,planning for practical learning on duty

1)planning for practical learning on duty顶岗实习的规划

2)taking post to practice顶岗实习

1.Based on the practice the cooperative education of production and study,the paper dissertated the fundamental idea,operating mechanism,internship post and the teaching staff,form and method and the achievement oftaking post to practice in the course of implementing the achievement oftaking post to practice in the course of implementing the teaching pattern"2+1".文中根据产学合作教育的实践,阐述了实施“2+1”产学合作教育模式中顶岗实习的基本思路、运行机制、实习岗位与教师队伍、实习方法及取得的成果。


1.Practical Training Programming Design Prior to Displacement Practice“顶岗实习”前的实习实训方案设计实践

2.Replacement Teaching Practice:Discussion on Teacher Educations Practical Model顶岗实习:高校师范教育实习模式探索

3.Practice in replaced post to improve teacher′s practical ability--Thoughts on financial teacher s practice in replaced post;顶岗实习 提高教师实践能力——谈高职金融专业教师的顶岗实习

4.The Exploration and Practice of Higher Vocational Education "Triad" Replacement Internship Management Introduced by Students Autonomous Management高职“三元”顶岗实习管理的探索与实践

5.Discussion on the Practice of Replacing One s Post of the Students of Specialty on Tavelling Management in Colleges and Universities;浅议高校旅游管理专业学生顶岗实习

6.A Probe into the Course of Internship in Tourism Enterprises;高职旅游企业顶岗实习课程教学初探

7.Analysis on organizing-way for on-the-duty practice for high-vocational college students during summer period;高职院校暑期顶岗实习组织形式探讨

8.Improve the Practice Mode of Trainee as Substitute Innovate Methods of Vocational Guidance优化顶岗实习模式 创新职业指导方式

9.Analysis of Vocational College Students Replacement-Internship Training Under "the 2+1 Mode"浅析“2+1模式”下高职学生的顶岗实习

10.Deepen the Content of School-enterprise Cooperation to Improve the Quality of Post Practice深化校企合作内涵 提高顶岗实习质量

11.Dicussion on the Dinggang Practice of Model of "School in Plant,Plant in School"Model of the Attachment“校中有厂 厂中有校”顶岗实习模式初探

12.Anthropological Context Theory Attachment to Improve the Quality of the on-job Practice论情境学习理论对顶岗实习的指导意义

13.On the Characteristic and Practical Significance of the on-post Teaching Practice;论顶岗实习支教工程的特征和实践意义

14.On Training the Practical Ability of Food Science Majors in Higher Vocational College;高职食品专业学生顶岗实习的实践与思考

15.Significance of Higher Normal School in Implementing the Practice of Taking over Regular Teachers;高等师范院校推行顶岗实习的实践意义

16.Practice in charge to train comprehensive applied talents in real engineering circumstance;“2+1”教育模式中顶岗实习教学的探索与实践

17.Practice and Research of Process Management of Substitution Internship of Secondary Vocational School Students中职生顶岗实习过程管理的实践与研究

18.Actual Effect Analysis of Local Government Function in Replacement Teaching Practice扶贫顶岗实习支教中地方政府作用之实效分析


taking post to practice顶岗实习

1.Based on the practice the cooperative education of production and study,the paper dissertated the fundamental idea,operating mechanism,internship post and the teaching staff,form and method and the achievement oftaking post to practice in the course of implementing the achievement oftaking post to practice in the course of implementing the teaching pattern"2+1".文中根据产学合作教育的实践,阐述了实施“2+1”产学合作教育模式中顶岗实习的基本思路、运行机制、实习岗位与教师队伍、实习方法及取得的成果。

3)working practice顶岗实习

1.The educational aim ofworking practice has been alienated as work and employment, and the main reasons are that schools pursue school-running efficiency and employers pursue economic benefits unilaterally.顶岗实习教学目的被异化为就业和用工,主要原因在于学校和实习单位片面追求办学效率和实习的经济效益。

2.In this paper, the four steps of quality management duringworking practice teaching including process project,process control,process check and process improvement were discussed by the application of process method management pattern on practical teaching procedure,resulting the management of practical teaching systematizing,sequencing,documentation and standardization.过程方法是质量管理八项原则之一,本文通过将过程方法管理模式应用于实践性教学环节中,探讨顶岗实习教学过程四阶段———过程策划、过程控制、过程检查、过程改进的质量管理,使实践教学管理体系化、程序化、文件化、规范化。

3.Aimed to the students who study business English major,the author collected some data relating to theirworking practice that are from data bank of higher vocational college in Guang Dong Province and did thorough surveys and research.笔者利用各校上报的广东省高职院校人才培养工作状态数据采集平台有关商务英语专业的数据,结合对部分高职院校的调研,对商务英语专业学生顶岗实习现状进行了分析,并据此提出了对策。

4)Post practice顶岗实习

1.Study on the post practice of higher vocational in specialty of architectural engineering technology高职建筑工程技术专业顶岗实习的研究

2.The exploration and practise of "Taking post practice" mode in higher vocational education高职教育中“顶岗实习”模式的探索与实践

3.Post practice of higher vocational and technical education is the necessary factor in practice teaching system and plays an important role in the course of talents educating.高职的顶岗实习是实践教学体系中不可缺少的重要环节,在人才培养过程中起着不可替代的重要作用。


1.It shows care,protecion,strictness and responsibility of our college for the students ininternship.指导级学生顶岗实习是我院上学期的一项重要工作,体现了我院对实习生的关心和爱护,也说明我们对学生是严格要求与高度负责的,事实证明收效很大。

2.This article aims to find the problems in theinternship management procesure through the Dutch University s case analysis,focuses on the student skill develop.通过荷兰大学的个案分析,探讨了学生顶岗实习的合理管理流程问题,真正把培养学生技能的实习环节落实到位,同时为其他院校提供了可借鉴的管理意见。

3.To improve the quality ofinternship,the process-managing must be emphasized and relies on the construction and perfection of mechanism.顶岗实习是高职教育过程中十分重要的教学环节,要提高顶岗实习的质量,必须加强过程的管理。

6)in-post teaching practice顶岗实习

1.A new dimension of teacher education——A review of thein-post teaching practice;教师教育新探索——对顶岗实习的理论思考与实践综述

2.On the reforms of teaching practices in teacher universities——A case study of thein-post teaching practice in Hebei Normal University;高师教育实习改革实践探索——以河北师范大学“顶岗实习”为例

3.Practices of the teacher education——On thein-post teaching practice in Hebei Normal University;实践的教师教育——河北师范大学顶岗实习支教工作初探


