100字范文 > 温室气体排放 greenhouse gas emission英语短句 例句大全

温室气体排放 greenhouse gas emission英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-02 19:54:47


温室气体排放 greenhouse gas emission英语短句 例句大全

温室气体排放,greenhouse gas emission

1)greenhouse gas emission温室气体排放

1.Influence of different factors ongreenhouse gas emissions incomposting of layer-hen manure with closed composting bins;堆肥处理蛋鸡粪时温室气体排放与影响因子关系

2.Recently global warming attracts a lot of attention,and more and more people focus ongreenhouse gas emission,The Kyoto Protocol asks them to reducegreenhouse gas emission by reducing emission and improving absorption.全球气候变化问题引起了国际社会的广泛关注,其中温室气体排放成为关注的焦点,《京都议定书》为各国制定了减排标准。


1.Greenhouse gas emissions from an integrated rice-duck system and its Global Warming Potentials (GWPs)稻鸭复合系统的温室气体排放及其温室效应

2.The Analysis on Calculation and Characteristics of Greenhouse Gas Emission in Mega-cities特大城市温室气体排放量测算与排放特征分析

3.Greenhouse gases, for example, are global problems.例如,温室气体排放是个全球性的问题。

4.Effect of Modified Urea on Emission of Greenhouse Gases from Farmland;改性尿素对农田温室气体排放的影响

5.The Legal Problems Research of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trade温室气体排放权交易的法律问题研究

6.Present Situation of Greenhouse Gas Emission in Beijing and the Approach to Its Reduction北京市温室气体排放现状及减排对策研究

7.Climate Changing and Greenhouse Gases Emission Forecast Analysis in Anhui Province安徽省气候变化形势与温室气体排放预测分析

8.Concept of China"s Emissions Trading System关于中国温室气体排放权交易体系的构想

9.Are taxes the best means to cut greenhouse emissions?收税是削减温室气体排放的最好办法吗?

10.Without willing American engagement, the chances of an effective international agreement are minimal.美国的温室气体排放量占全球总量的四分之一。

11.Mitigation, or emissions reduction, will be at the heart of the deal.而降低温室气体排放量则是谈判的中心问题。

12.In the meantime, global emissions continue to grow.与此同时,全球温室气体排放量仍在增加。

13.Study on the Emission Flux of Greenhouse Gases from Cropland Soils and the Soil Carbon Sink in China;农田温室气体排放通量与土壤碳汇研究

14.Research of Tillage-Cropping Systems on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Permanently Flooded Rice Fields in a Central Sichuan Hilly Area of Southwest China;川中丘区稻田生态系统温室气体排放研究

15.Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from Dairy Manure and Influencing Factors;奶牛粪便温室气体排放及影响因子研究

16.Study on Emission Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases from Cropland Soils and Their Regional Estimation;农田土壤温室气体排放通量与区域模拟研究

17.Study on the Soil Microbial Biomass and Greenhouse Gas Emission from Paddy-soil System;稻田土壤微生物量与温室气体排放的研究

18.Study of the Control of GHG Eemission from Ships by Reducing Sailing Speed;船舶减速对其温室气体排放的控制研究


greenhouse gas emissions温室气体排放

1.In response to concerns put forward by the US government, decreases ofgreenhouse gas emissions could be used as a basis for emission reduction commitments.针对美国政府提出的以温室气体排放强度下降率作为其减排目标的建议 ,分析了影响碳排放强度下降率的因素。

2.This paper analyzes the status of agriculturalgreenhouse gas emissions in Taiwan,anatomizing the strategy between energy-saving and carbon reduction of Taiwan agriculture,and put forward the countermeasures of Taiwan low-carbon modern agricultural including agricultural security,leisure agriculture,etc.分析了我国台湾地区农业温室气体排放的现状,剖析台湾农业各领域节能减碳策略与推动目标,以及台湾发展安全农业、休闲农业等低碳型现代农业的策略和成效,提出借鉴台湾经验发展大陆低碳农业,以及加强海峡两岸低碳农业交流与合作的若干思考。

3)Greenhouse gases emission温室气体排放

bined the indoor thermal environment and greenhouse gases emission which are all resulted from HVAC systems,a new assessment concept which is environmental value engineering of heating,ventilation and air-conditioning is presented.本文将暖通空调系统所营造的建筑室内舒适环境与暖通空调系统耗能引起的温室气体排放相结合,提出了一个新的评价概念——暖通空调系统的环境影响价值工程。

2.The paper surveys concepts and policies concerning greenhouse gases emission.本文概述了温室气体排放的相关概念,并以香港建筑物碳审计指引为例,介绍了关于建筑物温室气体排放及减排的审计与报告过程。

4)GHGs emission温室气体排放

1.The conclusions are as follows: approximate(60 %) of primary energy use andGHGs emission of these coal-based vehicle fuels occur in upstream,especially at the fuel production phase;the vehicle s fuel economy has important influence on life cycle analysis.利用生命周期评价方法,以中国的能源生产和运输为背景,对汽油、柴油、甲醇汽油和二甲醚这4种煤基车用燃料配合不同车辆发动机技术的全生命周期能源消耗和温室气体排放进行了研究,得出:煤基车用燃料全生命周期所消耗的一次能源与排出的温室气体超过60%发生在上游阶段,特别是燃料阶段;车辆的燃料经济性对全生命周期指标影响较大;从总量来看,二甲醚是较好的选择,柴油次之,汽油路线则是最差的,但考虑到车辆技术的明显区别,汽油和甲醇汽油仍然存在应用的可能性。

2.China\"s vehicle transportation is now facing up to dual pressure:fuel shortage andGHGs emission increase.中国的汽车交通面临着燃油短缺和温室气体排放上升的双重压力,本文从中国经济发展的背景和中国汽车平均燃油消耗量的国际差距入手,通过分析汽车行业的技术选择,建立了汽车交通的燃油消耗和温室气体排放的分析框架。

5)GHG emission温室气体排放

1.Study on reducingGHG emission from shipping in China中国航运业减少温室气体排放的研究(英文)

2.GlobalGHG emission control will become a new important constraint on China s peaceful development.我国在应对气候变化领域面临严峻的挑战,全球控制温室气体排放将对我国的和平发展形成新的严重制约。

6)greenhouse gas emission(GGE)温室气体排放(GGE)


温室效应和温室气体分子式:分子量:CAS号:性质:一些微量气体对太阳的短波辐射无阻碍,但对长波辐射有强烈的吸收,若其吸收带落在7~13微米的红外大气窗口内,则吸收的能量将引起大气的增温。温室气体主要有CO2、H2O、CH4、N2O、O3、CFCs等约30余种。当地表因被辐射加热又以红外辐射的形式向空间散发的能量被大气中的温室 气体吸收而使大气增温,产生温室效应。大气中本来就有CO2、H2O等温室气体,但如果温室气体的种类及其含量因人为活动在大气中增加时,温室效应将增加,从而导致地球的平均气温上升,这将造成全球性的危害。
