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英语阅读 English reading英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-22 21:42:02


英语阅读 English reading英语短句 例句大全

英语阅读,English reading

1)English reading英语阅读

1.Diversified Teaching in English Reading Course;英语阅读课程的差异教学

2.Schema and English Reading Teaching;图式理论与英语阅读教学

3.An empirical study of theEnglish reading in vocational colleges——A case study of Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute;高职院校学生英语阅读现状分析——以石家庄职业技术学院为例


1.To Master English Reading Skills,Impove English Reafing Ability;掌握英语阅读技巧 提高英语阅读能力

2.Reading habit has an influence on reading speed in English reading;英语阅读中阅读习惯对阅读速度的影响

3.The Influences of English-Reading-Strategy Training on Reading Motivation;英语阅读策略训练对阅读动机的影响

4.Autonomic Reading-the Key to College English Reading;“自主”阅读——大学英语阅读关键

5.Psychological Characteristics of English Readers at Elementary Level and the Teaching of Reading;初级英语阅读者心理特点与阅读教学

6.Interactive Model and College English Reading Teaching;交互式阅读模式与大学英语阅读教学

7.A Study on Reading Strategies and Improvement of College Students Reading Ability;阅读策略与大学英语阅读能力的提高

8.Optimize English Teaching of Reading, Improve Reading Ability of Students ;优化英语阅读环境 提高学生阅读能力

9.How to Cultivate the Reading Ability through the Teaching of Reading;英语阅读教学中培养阅读能力之我见

10.On B.T.I.Reading Models and College Reading Teaching.;B.T.I.阅读模式与大学英语阅读教学

11.Three Reading Approaches and College English Teaching;阅读理解三模式与大学英语阅读教学

12.Making Use of English ReadingMethods and Improving the Student s Reading Ability;利用英语阅读方法 提高阅读理解能力

13.Discourse Reading Models and Its Implications to English Reading Instruction;阅读模式及其对英语阅读教学的启示

14.On Reading Strategies for Teaching College English Reading阅读策略视角下的大学英语阅读教学

15.Training Students" Critical Reading Ability in English Reading Class在英语阅读课堂开展批判性阅读训练

16.Reading and Writing in English for Science and Technology ?科技英语阅读与写作

17.PowerPoint2002 and the Teaching of English Reading;PowerPoint2002与英语阅读课教学

18.Using English Newspapers to Improve English Reading Ability of Middle School Students;利用英语报刊阅读提高中学生的英语阅读能力


EFL reading英语阅读

1.This study was intended to investigate the current situation of vocational and technical college ESP freshmen’s autonomy inEFL reading, and to explore possible factors accounting for it.结果表明,学生在英语阅读学习中表现出一定的自主性,其自主程度在阅读的各个阶段基本上都是中等偏低,但存在一定的差异,阅读中较高些,阅读前较低而阅读后最低;导致该现状的原因是多方面的,主要是缺乏内在动机、有一定的外在动机、对老师的过分依赖、较低的自我效能感、没有受过系统的阅读元认知和认知策略的培训。

2.This paper reports an experiment on improving Chinese college students autonomousEFL reading by using the Internet.研究结果发现:学生普遍赞同这种学习方式;而且该方式提高了他们的英语阅读自主学习能力。

3.In recent years,various researches at home and abroad have been carried out on learner autonomy,yet,much attention has been paid to ESL and EFL as a whole,without specific reference toEFL reading and most of them are carried out from the perspective of teachers and course designers.文章从学习者的角度出发,通过问卷和访谈对英语专业学生英语阅读中的自主性整体现状、不同程度的学习者之间的差异及其影响因素进行了调查。

3)English reading comprehension英语阅读

bining the schemata theory withEnglish reading comprehension,this paper introduces the application of the schema theory in the process ofEnglish reading comprehension,and emphasizes the importance of formal and content schema proposes the construction of formal schema constructions,which is of great significance in the teaching activities of college English reading.将图式理论与英语阅读教学相结合,主张从整体上构建形式图式和内容图式,从而建立起读者与阅读材料之间的相互联系。

2.The present paper suggests that there exists a close link between the metacognition competence andEnglish reading comprehension,interacting each other,that is,the higher of the metacognition competence the student has,the higher of theEnglish reading comprehension he has commonly.元认知能力与学生的英语阅读水平显著相关,元认知能力较强的学生英语阅读水平通常也较高,教师应注重培养学生的元认知能力:丰富学生的元认知知识,强化学生的元认知体验,加强学生的元认知监控。

3.It is well-known that reading comprehension has a pretty important position in English teaching and learning,but the present situation ofEnglish reading comprehension in Chinese colleges is not very satisfying .阅读在英语教学中占有相当重要的地位,然而目前中国高校的英语阅读现状却不令人乐观。


1.Text Analysis——an effective method to improvereading comprehension ability;语篇分析:提高英语阅读能力的有效途径

2.Strategies Adopted in Reading Technical and Literary English Texts;中国大学生在科技类与文学类英语阅读中使用策略的研究

3.Reading strategy is one of the most important factors which affect the process ofreading comprehension.在英语阅读方面,阅读策略是影响学生阅读理解过程的重要因素之一。

5)reading comprehension英语阅读

1.The information age is in desperate need of English teaching innovation ofreading comprehension.信息时代要求进行英语阅读教学的变革。

2.This paper,in order to show how to improve thinking in teachingreading comprehension,dwells on the training of the four major aspects of thinking:generalization,unification/analyzation,association/extension and inference,and illustration of practical examples of teaching as well.本文以培养大学生的思维素质为目的,结合逻辑思维原理,以教学实例具体地说明了如何在英语阅读中培养学生的概括思维,整体/分析思维、联想/扩展思维和逻辑推理思

6)English reading course英语阅读课

1.This paper explores a more efficient pattern for the teaching ofEnglish reading course in multimedia settings via questionnaires among students,interviews with teachers and attending their classes personally.为了提高英语阅读课多媒体教学效果,本文通过教师访谈、学生问卷调查和随堂听课的方法来探索一个更有效的教学模式。


外贸英语--货物保险英语表达F.P.A. stands for "Free from Particular Average".FPA代表平安险。 W.P.A. stands for "With Particular Average".WPA代表水渍险。insurance free of (from) particular average (FPA). 平安险(单独海损不赔)insurance with particular average (WPA), basic risks. insurance against all risks. 综合险,应保一切险risk of breakage 破碎险risk of clashing 碰损险risk of rust 生锈险risk of hook damage 钩损险risk of contamination (tainting) 污染险insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险risk of deterioration 变质险risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险risk of normal loss (natural loss)? 途耗或自然损耗险risk of spontaneous combustion 自然险risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险insurance against war risk 战争险Air Transportation Cargo War Risk 航空运输战争险overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工,暴动,民变险insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加险risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TRND) 盗窃提货不着险risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting) 淡水雨淋险risk of leakage 渗漏险risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量险risk of sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险risk of bad odour(change of flavour) 恶味险,变味险risk of mould 发霉险on deck risk 舱面险
