100字范文 > 综合税制改革 comprehensive tax reform英语短句 例句大全

综合税制改革 comprehensive tax reform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-11 01:51:29


综合税制改革 comprehensive tax reform英语短句 例句大全

综合税制改革,comprehensive tax reform

1)comprehensive tax reform综合税制改革

2)reform of tax system税制改革

1.The tax system of our country has taken on many segments that are not adapted to the development of economy;We should implement the nextreform of tax system as soon as possible.我国现行税制中已经存在着许多不适应经济发展的环节 ,亟需新一轮税制改革。

2.In order to deepen thereform of tax system,the ordinal arrangement should be carried out from the outside of the tax system,the reasonable design should be made from the inside of the tax system and the sound expansion should be considered from the function of tax system.1994年税制改革所确立的新税制在新形势下面临一系列亟待解决的问题。


1.Experiments on separating management of revenue and expenditures and reforming the unified treasury collection and payment system progressed steadily.税制改革和税收征管改革成效显著。

modity Tax of Financial Service Industry: Tax Burden Equilibrium and Tax System Reform;金融业流转税:税负均衡及税制改革

3.Unify the urban and rural taxation: the new way of agriculturetax reformation;统一城乡税制:农业税制改革新思路

4.Effect of WTO on Tax System Reformation for China;加入WTO对我国税制的影响与税制改革

5.Adapting the Economy Reform Demand, Accel crating Taxation System Reform;适应经济改革要求 加快税制改革步伐

6.Economic Development and Reform of Tax System-a discussion of VAT reform in new era abstract;经济发展与税制改革——浅议新时期增值税改革

7.Property Tax Reform in South Africa and Its Implications for China南非财产税制改革对我国物业税改革的借鉴

8.Structural Tax Reduction: "Northeast Pilot Project" and Tax System Reform in China;结构性减税:“东北试点”与中国税制改革

9.On Balanced Development of Tax Reform,Optimization and Tax Collection and Management;论税制改革、优化与税收征管均衡发展

10.On Current China s Tax Reformation from the Perspective of High Increase of Revenue;从税收高额增长看我国当前税制改革

11.The New Tax System Reforms:From the flat Tax Perspective;略论单一税视野中的新一轮税制改革

12.To collect property tax and real estate tax system reforms;试述物业税的开征与房地产税制改革

13.Probe in the Problems of Reducing Toaxes in Our Tax System;有关我国税制改革中减税问题的探讨

14.Some Reflections on the Tax-system Reform of Individual Income Tax in China;关于我国个人所得税税制改革的思考

15.Transforming the Types of the Value-added Tax--theNecessity of Chinese Taxation Reformation;转变增值税类型——我国税制改革的必然

16.Research on Current Incremental Tax Burden Unfairness and the Reform of Chinese Incremental Value Tax System;现行增值税税负不公及增值税制改革研究

17.International Tax Reform:The Decline of Corporate Income Tax Rates;国际税制改革:公司所得税税率下降趋势

18.Site Productivity Tax and China s Forest Taxation Reform;中国森林税制改革的方向——立地税——从森林税制,芬兰立地税看中国森林税制改革


reform of tax system税制改革

1.The tax system of our country has taken on many segments that are not adapted to the development of economy;We should implement the nextreform of tax system as soon as possible.我国现行税制中已经存在着许多不适应经济发展的环节 ,亟需新一轮税制改革。

2.In order to deepen thereform of tax system,the ordinal arrangement should be carried out from the outside of the tax system,the reasonable design should be made from the inside of the tax system and the sound expansion should be considered from the function of tax system.1994年税制改革所确立的新税制在新形势下面临一系列亟待解决的问题。

3)taxation reform税制改革

1.The current bank taxation seriously lag behind othertaxation reform.我国现行银行税制严重滞后于其他税制改革,同其他国家相比,现行银行税制存在诸多问题和弊端,致使我国银行业税收负担沉重。

2.This reform was quite a good and successful example in the history of Chinesetaxation reform.嘉靖至万历年间,江南地区实行以门摊课为中心的税制改革,把按营业额比率而定的商税并入到定额营业税的门摊课中,实现了两税合征。

3.<Abstrcat> Based on the Path Dependence Theory in the new institutional economics, this paper analyses the difference in the tracks oftaxation reform from the aspects of institutional environment and arrangement.文章运用新制度经济学的路径依赖理论,从制度环境和制度安排两方面对税制改革的轨迹差异进行分析,阐明了路径依赖对税制改革的重大影响和作用机制:税收制度安排的差异叠加在不同的税收制度环境上,会把税收制度变迁引向不同路径,或者进入良性循环,或者陷入无效锁定。

4)tax system reform税制改革

1.Probe in the Characteristic of the New Tax System Reform;新一轮中国税制改革特点探析

modity Tax of Financial Service Industry: Tax Burden Equilibrium and Tax System Reform;金融业流转税:税负均衡及税制改革

3.Restriction and optimization oftax system reform in Chinese taxation environment;我国税收环境对税制改革的制约及优化

5)tax reform税制改革

1.Analysis of"New Relations"in New Tax Reforms under the Guidance of the 17th NPC;论十七大精神指导下新税制改革的“新十大关系”

6)taxation system reform税制改革

1.Then it discusses the tax revenue status in and comments on th e policy proposals concerningtaxation system reform hoping that such discussion s will become the scientific basis for the resolution of China s taxation issue s.~税收专家分析会对我国的税收收入形势及效应,税收快于GDP增长的原因,税收形势和积极推进税制改革的政策建议进行了分析。

2.These issues in the local taxation system have not yet been resolved and further more they have become the obstruct to local economic growth, further localtaxation system reform, and establishing canonical tax division system.1994年的税制改革以后,我国逐步形成了地方税体系。


