100字范文 > 膜乳化技术 membrane emulsification technique英语短句 例句大全

膜乳化技术 membrane emulsification technique英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-18 22:57:54


膜乳化技术 membrane emulsification technique英语短句 例句大全

膜乳化技术,membrane emulsification technique

1)membrane emulsification technique膜乳化技术

1.In order to prepare uniform-sized and size-controllable emulsion and nano-microspheres,membrane emulsification technique has been developed.为了制备粒径均一的乳液和纳微球产品,膜乳化技术被发展起来。

2)emulsion liquid membrane technique乳化液膜技术

1.In the present study we address the dependence of crystalline morphology of CdS nanoparticles obtained byemulsion liquid membrane technique with various concentrations of surfactant (Span 80) and carrier (TBP).本研究之目的主要探讨在应用乳化液膜技术合成CdS奈米微粒的系统中,界面活性剂及载剂含量对CdS奈米微粒晶型的影响。


1.Study on separating iron from wet-process phosphoric acid by emulsion liquid membrane technique乳化液膜技术分离湿法磷酸中铁的研究

2.Researching progress of emulsion liquid membrane technique in water treatment乳化液膜(ELM)技术在水处理中的研究新进展

3.AppLication of liquid film in treament of waste water;乳状液膜技术在工业废水处理中的应用

4.Development in polymer latex coated fertilizer for controlled release聚合物乳液包膜控释肥料技术研究进展

5.Research on the Mechanism and Technology of Microwave Separation of Oil-water Emulsion;油水乳化液微波分离机理与技术研究

6.Study on the Virtual Prototype Simulation Technology of Emulsion Pump;乳化液泵虚拟样机仿真技术应用研究


8.Recovery and Treatment of Th from RE Ore of Baiyunebo Deposit by Liquid Membrane Emulsion Technology;乳状液膜技术回收处理白云鄂博稀土矿中钍的研究

9.Preparation and Shape Modulation of Hybrid Nanoparticles in Water-in-Oil Emulsions;反相乳液技术制备纳米杂化粒子及其形态调控

10.Study on the Technology of Treating High Strength Emulsified Oily Wastewater;高浓度乳化液废水处理技术的实验研究

11.Study of Inspecting Emulslon Concentration with Ultrasonic Technique;超声波技术检测乳化液浓度的机理与实验

12.The Application of Frequency Conversion Energy-Saving Technology in Fully Mechanized Mining Face’s Emulsion Pump Station变频节能技术在综采工作面乳化液泵站的应用

13.Progress of Preparation and Concentration Detection Technology of Mine Emulsion矿用乳化液配制和浓度检测技术的进展

14.Simulation of Emulsion Pump Characteristic Based on Virtual Prototype Technology基于虚拟样机技术的乳化液泵仿真研究

15.Preparation of Monodispersed Emulsion Stabilized by Isolated Soybean Protein Based on Microchannel Emulsification Technique基于微通道乳化技术的单分散大豆分离蛋白乳状液制备

16.Study on the Liquid-liquid Equilibria and the Mass Transfer of Emulsion Liquid Membrane during Extraction;乳化液膜在分离过程中的液液平衡与传质研究

17.Study on the Removal of Sulphuretted Hydrogen from Ethylene Glycol by Emulsion Liquid Membranes Technique;乳化液膜法脱出乙二醇溶液中的硫化氢

18.Preparation and Application of Monodispersed Emulsions by Ceramic Membrane Emulsification Method;陶瓷膜乳化法制备单分散乳状液的研究及应用


emulsion liquid membrane technique乳化液膜技术

1.In the present study we address the dependence of crystalline morphology of CdS nanoparticles obtained byemulsion liquid membrane technique with various concentrations of surfactant (Span 80) and carrier (TBP).本研究之目的主要探讨在应用乳化液膜技术合成CdS奈米微粒的系统中,界面活性剂及载剂含量对CdS奈米微粒晶型的影响。

3)SPG membrane emulsification techniqueSPG膜乳化技术

1.The shells of microbubbles are made from biodegradable high molecular polymer and the microbubbles are prepared using ultrasonic emulsification method withSPG membrane emulsification technique and freeze-dry technique.本文以可生物降解的高分子聚合物PLA为材料,采用超声乳化法结合SPG膜乳化技术和冷冻干燥技术制备载药微泡超声造影剂,内含全氟丙烷(C_3F_8)气体。

4)emulsification technique乳化技术

1.Aemulsification technique-flame atomic absorption spectrometry(FAAS)for rapid determination of main metal elements in stearate was reported.将样品在盐酸溶液中加热,硬脂酸盐分解形成硬脂酸,用乳化剂OP乳化硬脂酸而配制成透明或半透明的乳浊液,建立了快速测定硬脂酸盐中主金属元素的乳化技术-火焰原子吸收光谱法(FAAS)。

2.Emulsification technique was applied to the pretreatment of lube additives.在润滑油添加剂样品溶液的制备中应用了乳化技术。

3.Both flame atomic absorption spectrometric methods for rapid determination of zinc in polymerized rosin with suspension technique andemulsification technique have been established.用乙二醇配制样品空白溶液,建立了悬浮液技术及乳化技术处理样品,快速测定聚合松香中锌的火焰原子吸收光谱(FAAS)法。

5)Emulsifying technique乳化技术

1.For the first time a suggestion that applying the emulsifying technique to addition,the significances of emulsified heavy oil catalytic cracking process with applacation to industry are discussed in detail.介绍了重油乳化和爆破雾化的机理,首次提出将乳化技术应用于重油催化裂化工艺并对其可行性作了初步探讨;详细论述了重油乳化冷进料催化裂化技术应用于工业中的意义。

6)Emulsifying technology乳化技术

1.Advances of water-borne modification of epoxy resins were summarized in this paper, in which the emulsifying technology,film-forming mechanism and some related problems for aqueous epoxy resins were briefly analysed.对环氧树脂水性化的主要进展进行了综述,侧重对水性环氧乳化技术、成膜机理及一些相关问题进行了简单分析。

2.The emulsifying technology in synthesising high solid content polyacrylic latices is concerned.研究了制备高含固水性聚丙烯酸酯涂层剂所涉及的乳化技术,选择烷基苯酚聚氧乙烯醚表面活性剂TX-10,TX-20,TX-30,对其在高浓度时的乳化性能及TX-30的乳液流变性作了研究,分别确定了三种表面活性剂形成稳定的水/单体(W/O)乳液所需的水/单体摩尔比及表面活性剂浓度范围;同时,对TX-30较TX-10更易制得稳定的W/O乳液现象作了探讨,其原因是在表面活性剂浓溶液的状态下,TX-30由于亲水链发生卷曲,而TX-10由于亲水链可以较充分伸展,使两者的亲水链的有效长度发生变化;对TX-30的乳液流变性的研究表明,随表面活性剂的浓度变化,其胶束形态发生了一系列变化。


