100字范文 > 人口身体健康状况 the situation of population health英语短句 例句大全

人口身体健康状况 the situation of population health英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-31 01:40:24


人口身体健康状况 the situation of population health英语短句 例句大全

人口身体健康状况,the situation of population health

1)the situation of population health人口身体健康状况

2)health conditions身体健康状况

1.As a result,thehealth conditions of college teachers are worthy of being paid more attention to.因此,高校教师的身体健康状况直接关系到国家科教兴国战略的实施,影响着社会经济发展进程,所以高校教师的健康状况更加值得关注。


1.Survey on the health condition of the intellectuals in Shaanxi Province;陕西省科教工作者身体健康状况调查

2.Health state of male youngsters were similar in city and countryside.城市和农村男青少年身体健康状况无差异。

3.Health Survey on Intellectuals in Shaanxi Province;陕西省科教工作者身体健康状况的调查与分析

4.Study of Yoga on Career Women" Physical Health瑜伽对职业女性身体健康状况的影响研究

5.Study on the Physical Fitness of Teachers in the Institution of Higher Learning and Its Influential Factors高校高职称教师身体健康状况及影响因素研究

6.The Investigation and Intervention on Yunnan Policer Officers" Health Research云南省公安民警身体健康状况调查与干预研究

7.A Survey of the Teacher s Health Conditions and Their Participation in Physical Exercises in Tianshui Normal University;天水师范学院教师身体健康状况与参加体育活动的调查研究

8.Analysis and Research on Academicians′ Physical Exercise and the Health Conditions in the Higher Learning Institntions of Shannxi Province;陕西省高校两院院士身体健康状况与体育锻炼的分析研究

9.A state of readiness or physical fitness.生理状况稳定或身体健康的状态

10.In good physical condition; fit; slim.健康的身体状况良好的,苗条的

11.She"s in no condition (ie is not well enough) to travel.她的身体状况不宜旅行(不甚健康).

12.Study on College Teachers" Physical Condition and the Strategy of Physical Fitness高校教师健康状况与体育健身策略探析

13.Fitness means @being in good physical condition?healthy and [email protected] and is usually associated with exercise.健康的意思是“身体状况好??健康和强壮”,并且通常与锻炼相联系。

14.The doctor examined the girl carefully and found her in perfect health.医生为女孩仔细检查身体,发现她健康状况极好。

15."Her health was never very good, even at the best of times."她就是在健康状况最佳时身体也不怎么好。

16.Annual physical check-up could help keep healthy condition.每年的身体检查可帮助为维持健康状况。

17.The Investigation on and Analysis of Psychosomatic Health of Soldiers in Single -sex Groups.;单性别军人群体身心健康状况的调查分析

18.A Discussion on the Relationship between College students Psychologi- cal Health Conditions and Their Physical Qualities;大学生心理健康状况与身体素质关系的研究


health conditions身体健康状况

1.As a result,thehealth conditions of college teachers are worthy of being paid more attention to.因此,高校教师的身体健康状况直接关系到国家科教兴国战略的实施,影响着社会经济发展进程,所以高校教师的健康状况更加值得关注。

3)Psychological and physical health情绪和身体健康状况

4)mental and physical health精神及身体健康状况

5)the situation of population reproductive health人口生殖健康状况

6)mental and physical health心身健康状况


