100字范文 > 植物纹样 Plant patterns英语短句 例句大全

植物纹样 Plant patterns英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-06 07:50:35


植物纹样 Plant patterns英语短句 例句大全

植物纹样,Plant patterns

1)Plant patterns植物纹样

1.Fashion through the nationalization of plant patterns of factor analysis,we understand that the dress patterns of plants are rooted in the traditional culture of various ethnic groups an integral part of the national identity of different costumes on the result of the nationalization of plant patterns.本文分析服饰植物纹样民族化的形成原因主要在于:各民族所处的地域环境、民族文化背景和审美观、宗教信仰、民族服饰工艺等。


1.The Aesthetic Significance of Plant Patterns in Modern Folk Costumes近代民间服饰上植物纹样的美学意义

2.On the Influence of the Pluralistic Culture of Tang Dynasty on the Plant Decoration Vein Pattern;论唐代文化的多元化对植物装饰纹样的影响

3.Pattern of raised lines in knitting(织物的)凸条花样,罗纹

4.The characteristic pattern of coloration of a plant or an animal.斑点,花纹,条纹植物或动物颜色的特有布局方式

5.Studies on the Effects of Plant Secondary Substances on Spodoptera Litura and Control Technique to Spodoptera Litura;植物次生物质对斜纹夜蛾的影响及斜纹夜蛾防治技术研究

6.Something, such as vegetation, covering the surface of the ground.覆盖植物如植物一样覆盖地面的东西

7.To grow or sprout as a plant does.象植物那样生长或发育

8.The spotted markings of a plant or an animal, such as the spots of the leopard.斑纹植物或动物身上点状标记,如豹身上的斑点

9.Antifeeding Activities of 45 South Herbs Extracts against Spodpteralitura Fabriciu45种南药植物粗提物对斜纹夜蛾的拒食活性

10.Analysis of the Lotus Pattern on the Palace Implements of YongZheng Period雍正时期宫廷器物中的荷莲纹样剖析

11.viral disease in solanaceous plants (tomatoes; potatoes; tobacco) resulting in mottling and often shriveling of the leaves.茄属类植物的一种病毒性疾病导致其皱纹。

12.pine of Australia and New Guinea; yields a valuable light even-textured wood.澳洲和新几内亚松类植物;木质轻,有平滑纹理。

13.Study on Chemical Fingerprint of Eight Herbs;八种药用植物化学指纹图谱的初步研究

14.The Introduction of Ornamental Apple and the Analysis of DNA Fingerprint in Malus Genus观赏苹果引种与苹果属(Malus Miall.)植物DNA指纹分析

15.Application of Texture Synthesis for Virtual Plant Visibility纹理合成技术在虚拟植物可视化中的应用

16.DNA Fingerprint Profile Involved in Plant Variety Protection Practice利用DNA指纹图谱辅助植物新品种保护的可能性

17.Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for sampling and sample reductionGB/T5524-1985植物油脂检验扦样、分样法

18.grown as a houseplant for its silvery striped fleshy foliage; South America.由于其银色有条纹肉质叶子而作为室内盆栽植物种植;南美。


Patterns of Plant Motifs植物装饰纹样

3)Engravings of animals动物纹样

4)plant sample植物样品

1.Determination of Trace Elements in Plant Samples by ICP-AES with Microwave Digestion微波消解-ICP-AES测定植物样品中多种微量元素

2.In the present experiment,mostplant samples ashed by conventional dry ashing were solved completely when ascorbic was added.在常规的干法灰化中,采用Vc助溶,大多数植物样品都能获得清亮的待测溶液。

3.It is a relatively new task to apply the laser-induced breakdown spectrosopy(LIBS) toplant samples.激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)在植物样品上面的应用是一个较新的课题。

5)plant samples植物样品

1.In order to determination of volatilizable element Hg inplant samples, the method thatplant samples were digested with the simple setting-furnace digestion and big cuvettes and determined by ICP-MS was brought forward in this paper.针对易挥发元素Hg提出了大试管和红外加热的多孔控温消解炉的简单装置消解植物样品的大管回流法。

2.It\"s easy to decompose theplant samples in mining area using mixed acid made up of perchloric acid and nitric acid,and draw standard curve with mixed standard solution.探讨了火焰原子吸收法测定矿区植物样品中重金属铜、铬、铅的分析方法。

6)standard plant植物标样

1.Thestandard plant cabbage was digested by different mixed acid and determined quan titatively by ICP-AES in this paper,the suitable methods of digestion for different elements were confirmed.用不同混酸对植物标样甘蓝进行消解并用ICP-AES法对其进行了定量分析,确定了各元素适合的样品处理方法。


