100字范文 > 人口身体素质 Population fitness quality英语短句 例句大全

人口身体素质 Population fitness quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-28 07:06:35


人口身体素质 Population fitness quality英语短句 例句大全

人口身体素质,Population fitness quality

1)Population fitness quality人口身体素质

2)Physical fitness身体素质

1.The grey connection analysis of physical fitness about the excellent men jumper;男子跳高运动员身体素质的灰色关联分析

2.Measurement and evaluation of the Chinese elite male youth volleyball athletes physical fitness;对我国青年男排运动员身体素质的评价研究

3.An inspection and evaluation of elite male youth volleyball athletes special physical fitness;青年男排运动员身体素质发展水平的检查与评定


1.Inquire Into Body Quality,Mind Quality And College-Entrance Scores;身体素质、心理素质与高考成绩之探讨

2.The gymnasts" physical qualities must be excellent.体操运动员的身体素质一定很好。

3.A gymnast"s physical qualities must be excellent.体操选手的身体素质一定很好。

4.The Focus of P.E.on Students Physique;学校体育应重视发展学生的身体素质

5.Research on reform of PE teaching from students physical quality;从学生身体素质看大学体育教学改革

bine Sports with Health and Improve the Physical Fitness of the Citizens;体育与卫生相结合 提高市民身体素质

7.Thoughts on Police Physical Education of Divided Classes Based on Physical Qualities;按身体素质编班进行警体教学的思考

8.A Test and Analysis of Condition of the Body Configuration and Physical Constitution of College Students;大学生身体形态和身体素质状况测试分析

9.The Research Result Analysis of the Students Body Growth and Body Qulity in Our College;对我院学生身体发育与身体素质调研结果分析

10.An Analysis on the Physical and Psychological Qualities of Undergraduates at Vocational Colleges;剖析职业学院大学生的身体素质和心理素质

11.On Physical Constitution Education s Status and Significance in Quality Education;论身体素质教育在素质教育中的地位与作用

12.Of or relating to one"s physical makeup.体质的(一个人)身体素质的或与之有关的

13.Influence of Exercise on Fitness of Overweight and Obesity Juveniles;健身运动对超重和肥胖少年身体素质的影响

14.of benefit to or intended to benefit your physical makeup.有益于或可能有益于你的身体素质。

15.He is so constituted that he needs very little sleep.他的身体素质好,只需短时间睡眠。

16.Medical care and the physique of the people have constantly improved.人民的医疗保健和身体素质不断提高。

17.constitutional predisposition to a particular disease or abnormality.对于某种疾病增强身体素质的倾向。

18.So the joint efforts increases authority fitness. .所以大家共同努力提高身体素质吧。。


Physical fitness身体素质

1.The grey connection analysis of physical fitness about the excellent men jumper;男子跳高运动员身体素质的灰色关联分析

2.Measurement and evaluation of the Chinese elite male youth volleyball athletes physical fitness;对我国青年男排运动员身体素质的评价研究

3.An inspection and evaluation of elite male youth volleyball athletes special physical fitness;青年男排运动员身体素质发展水平的检查与评定

3)physical quality身体素质


2.An experiment and a research of the enhancement of female college students′physical quality in the teaching of physical education;体育教学中增强女大学生身体素质的实验与研究

3.Analysis on the present situation of female studentsphysical quality in Agricultural University of Hebei;河北农业大学女大学生身体素质的现状分析

4)physical constitution身体素质

parison ofphysical constitution between 16-18 years old high school students in Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau;穗、港、澳16~18岁高中学生身体素质比较

2.Current training situation and problems ofphysical constitution for men and women volleyball teams of China;我国国家男女排运动员身体素质训练现状及存在的问题

3.The effect of the evaluation of progress degree and accomplishment degree on thephysical constitution of junior high school students;进步度与达成度评价对初中学生身体素质的影响

5)body quality身体素质

1.An Tnitial Research on the Effectof Callisthenics on the Body Quality;健美操对提高女大学生身体素质的初步研究

2.A survey ofbody quality of girl students aged 7 to 18 of Han and Li nationalities in Hainan;海南省7—18岁汉、黎族女生身体素质调研报告

3.Track survey on thebody quality of college students;对大学生身体素质的跟踪调查


parative analysis onphysique in students of Qinghai between seven to eighteen years old and the national constitution test mean;青海省土族、撒拉族7-18岁学生3项身体素质指标的测量与分析

2.Studies on the status quo of thephysique of Hui students in Xinjiang and some countermeasures;新疆回族学生身体素质现状与改善对策研究

3.A comparative study of thephysique of secondary and primary school students of Keerkezi nationality;柯尔克孜族中小学生身体素质的比较研究


