100字范文 > 经验理性 experience reason英语短句 例句大全

经验理性 experience reason英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-23 18:41:33


经验理性 experience reason英语短句 例句大全

经验理性,experience reason

1)experience reason经验理性

1.The Way of Progress by Guo Yintu reveals a few important ideas for moral education: the two-ways convolution ofexperience reason,vanguard and extensive character,innovation,democratic management,scientific development,and so on.郭银土的德育思想方法,经验理性法,先进性与广泛性双向回旋法,改革创新法,民主管理法,科学发展法等。


3)Rational experience理性经验

4)Rationalism and experimentalism理性和经验

5)experience and rationality经验与理性


1.The Philosophical Connotation, Experience and Reason of Cultural Anthropology;文化人类学的哲学内涵、经验与理性

2.Legal Perspective of Dispute of Rationalism and Empiricism理性主义与经验主义之争的法律视角

3.A Debate on the Rational Evolution vs. Rational Construction--Concurrently on Rationalism and Empiricism;应然与实然之辨——理性主义和经验主义

4.Between Transcendent and Experience--the Dilthey s Critique of Historic Reason;先验与经验之间——狄尔泰的历史理性批判

5.Synthetic study of the economic management teaching and laboratory s reform;经济管理实验教学与实验室改革的相合性分析

6.The Theories, Models and Empirical Researches of Indeterminate Growth in the Open Economy;开放经济中增长不确定性理论、模型与经验研究

7.Number of Directors,Board Stability and Performance:Theory and Experience;董事会规模、稳定性与公司绩效:理论与经验分析

8.The Usefulness of the Consolidated Statements and the Parent Company Statements:Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Test;合并报表与母公司报表的有用性:理论分析与经验检验

9.The Decline of Modern Rationalism and the Rise of Empiricism;近代理性主义的衰落与经验主义的兴起

10.On the Comparative Research of Freedom between the Rationalism and the Empiricism;理性主义与经验主义自由观之比较研究

11.Model of the Validity of Monetary Policy and Its Empirical Test;货币政策有效性理论模型与多重经验实证

12.The Relationship Between Executive Compensation and Corporate Performance of Companies;经理人报酬与公司业绩之间的相关性检验

13.Liquidity Preference of Corporate under Asymmetrical Information:Theoretical and Empirical Analysis;信息不对称下公司流动性偏好的理论与经验

14.The Problem between the Authenticity of Touring Experience and Management in Scenery Spots;旅游体验真实性规律与景区经营管理问题

15.Theoretical and Practical Analysis over Effectivenenss of Monetary Policies;货币政策有效性的理论分析与经验实证

16.Reason and Experience--A Modern Interpretation of Hegelian Dialectics;理性与经验——对黑格尔辩证法的现代阐释

17.The Theoretical and Experimental Study on Relation between the Weiqi and the Nerve Conduction卫气与神经传导相关性的理论和实验研究

18.Between Reason and Experience:On the Political Philosophical Basis of the Federalists理性与经验之间:试论联邦党人的政治哲学基础



3)Rational experience理性经验

4)Rationalism and experimentalism理性和经验

5)experience and rationality经验与理性

6)experiential nature and theoretical nature经验性与理论性


