100字范文 > 英文题名 English title英语短句 例句大全

英文题名 English title英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-07 05:51:53


英文题名 English title英语短句 例句大全

英文题名,English title

1)English title英文题名

1.Translation and writing ofEnglish title and key words of scientificand technological thesis;科技学术论文英文题名与关键词等的译写

2.Investigation and analysis on expression ofEnglish titles in domestic and foreign scientific journals;中外科技论文英文题名表达形式的调查与分析

3.How to write anEnglish title in an academic paper;学术论文英文题名写作应注意的若干问题


1.On Writing English Titles and Abstracts of Academic Papers;学术论文英文题名和英文摘要的写作

2.Standard Expression for English Titles of Scientific Papers;科技论文写作中英文题名的规范表达

3.Translation and writing of English title and key words of scientificand technological thesis;科技学术论文英文题名与关键词等的译写

4.Multi-Translations of Same Titles of Some English and American Literary Works in Chinese Versions;谈英美文学名著汉译中的多书名问题

5.Some Problems in Translating Titles of Sci-Tech Papers from Chinese into English;科技论文题名英译应注意的几个问题

6.Analysis on the Translation of English Movie Titles from the Cultural Perspective从文化视角试析英文影片名汉译问题

7.Points for Attention in the English Translationof Title and References of Science Thesis;科技论文题名和参考文献英译应注意的问题

8.Thesis title writing and revising for English majors英语专业毕业论文题名的撰写与加工

9.Problems of citation forms of English journal titles in bibliographic references of Chinese sci-tech journals科技期刊文后参考文献英文刊名著录问题

10.On translation of titles for sci-tech papers;科技论文题名英译的原则、方法及若干问题

mon Problems Occurred in Translating Medical Papers" Titles and Abstracts医学论文题名和摘要英译常见问题简析

12.English names and Chinese names英文名字和中文名字

mon errors in English title translations of papers of petroleum exploration and development;油气勘探开发论文题名英译常见谬误简析

14.On English Versions of Titles & Abstracts of Periodicals on Social Sciences;中文社会科学期刊“篇名”、“摘要”英译问题的商榷

15.This article talks about the translation of reduplication quantifiers in English noun phrases.本文论述英语名词短语的叠字数量词汉译的相关问题。

16.On Translation of Character Names in the Two Chinese Versions of Death of a Salesman;就《推销员之死》的两个译本谈英语文学作品中人名的汉译问题

17.Sampling investigation into the problems related to mental health in 1 498 adolescents in some cities and rural areas in Hubei province;湖北省部分城市及农村青少年1498名心理相关问题抽样调查(英文)

18.Power,Culture and Translation--On the Problems of Standardizing Chinese Name Under "Power Relation"权利·文化·翻译——谈“权利关系”下的中国姓名英译规范问题


incorrect English title英文题名错误

1.How to treat references withincorrect English titles in the original articles;原始英文题名错误的参考文献应如何著录

3)titles in English英语题名

1.Research papertitles in English bear some features in such aspects as phonology, lexicology, grammar, semantics, rhetoric and graphology.学术论文英语题名在语音、词汇、语法、语义、修辞以及书写形式等方面均呈现一定的特征。

4)English title translation题名英译

mon errors inEnglish title translations of papers of petroleum exploration and development;油气勘探开发论文题名英译常见谬误简析

5)English title英文文题

1.The initial probe on writingEnglish title Science and technology in medical papers;科技论文英文文题撰写初探

6)English Names英文姓名


