100字范文 > 公共事业管理专业 public administration specialty英语短句 例句大全

公共事业管理专业 public administration specialty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-08 21:09:17


公共事业管理专业 public administration specialty英语短句 例句大全

公共事业管理专业,public administration specialty

1)public administration specialty公共事业管理专业

1.Whether or not,it will be concerned with the existence and development ofpublic administration specialty,and it will also influence the reform and development of the public undertakind in our country.公共事业管理专业是我国社会改革与经济发展的必然产物 ,作为一门新兴专业 ,在建设发展中面临更多的现实问题。


1.On the Practical Teaching Patterns of the Specialty of the Public Utility Administration;公共事业管理专业实践教学模式探讨

2.The role and development of the specialty of public administration in Normal Universities;高师公共事业管理专业的定位与发展

3.On Constructing Practical Teaching System of Public Administration Major公共事业管理专业实践教学体系建构

4.On How to Change the Employment Disadvantages of the Public Service Management Specialty;试论如何转变公共事业管理专业就业劣势

5.An Analysis of and Countermeasures against Employment Predicament of Public Utilities Management Graduates公共事业管理专业学生就业困境的分析与应对

6.The Exploration of Individuation Foster System for Public Administration Major;公共事业管理专业学生个性化培育体系探索

7.Problems and Countermeasures of Public Affairs Management;我国公共事业管理专业建设存在的问题与对策

8.On constructing and practicing of practical teaching in the major of Public Affairs Management;公共事业管理专业实践教学体系的构建与实践

9.On Special Reading Training for Students of PA;公共事业管理专业读书(文献阅读)训练探析

10.Reflections on Subject Construction of the Public Affairs Management in Normal Colleges and Universities;师范类本科院校公共事业管理专业建设的思考

11.On Construction of the External Teaching Base of Public Affairs Management;公共事业管理专业校外实习基地建设探索

12.Probes into the Curriculum for Public Administration in Medical Colleges;医学院校公共事业管理专业课程设置问题探讨

13.An Inquisition of Reforming and Constructing the Specialty of Public Enterprise Management in General Universities;普通高校公共事业管理专业改革与建设探讨

14.Thinking about Curriculum System Design in Public Administration Specialty;公共事业管理专业本科课程体系设置的思考

15.Some Pointsin The Cuniculum Construction of the Pabilc Affairs Management Specialty;公共事业管理专业课程建设应注意的问题

16.Thoughts on the Current Development Situation of the Public Affairs Management Specialty;对国内公共事业管理专业发展现状的思考

17.Thinking about the practical in construction and development of public administration specialty;公共事业管理专业建设发展的现实问题思考

18.Characteristics and Courses Set-up of the Public Administration Specialty;论高校公共事业管理专业特色及课程设置


public administration公共管理专业

1.The practice teaching ofpublic administration ought not to be the extension and complements of class teaching;it is but to be the basic form of professional training.公共管理专业实践教学不仅仅是课堂教学的一个延伸和补充,更应该是掌握专业知识的一种基本形式,因此,需要通过建立情境实验室和实践教学基地等形式达到课堂与社会实践的一体化,实现学校课堂与现实情境的沟通。

3)Public administration公共事业管理

1.The role and development of the specialty of public administration in Normal Universities;高师公共事业管理专业的定位与发展

2.Analysis on curriculum system of undergraduates majoring in public administration in medical colleges and universities;医学院校公共事业管理专业的课程设置现状分析

4)public affairs management公共事业管理

1.The problems and solving strategies of case teaching inpublic affairs management courses;论公共事业管理课程案例教学存在的问题与对策

2.On Constructing of Discipline System of Public Affairs Management;论公共事业管理学科体系的构建

3.In order to promote the development ofpublic affairs management,the curriculum system should be constructed from the perspective of practicability,standing out its characteristic and advantage.专业课程的设置对专业的发展有重要的作用,从实用性角度构建公共事业管理专业的课程体系,突出专业的特色和优势,才能推动公共事业管理专业的发展。

5)public affairs administration公共事业管理

1.Since the adjustment of the discipline in 1998,the speciality of educational administration was placed in the field ofpublic affairs administration with the aim of tidying up a better discipline family,enlarging the foundation of the speciality and strengthening the adaptation of the speciality.自1998年学科调整后,一些高师院校教育管理专业被置于新增设的公共事业管理专业之下,旨在理顺专业归口、拓宽专业基础、增强专业适应性。

2.Based upon the general connotation of thepublic affairs administration system, the thesis explores the evolvement of Chinesepublic affairs administration system, brings forward a new model for China spublic affairs administration after further analyzing the specific problems and accordingly provides the proposal for the internal administrative system innovation of the public institutions.本文从公共事业管理体制的基本内涵与特点出发,探析我国公共事业管理体制的发展与变革,并结合我国公共事业管理体制现存的问题,构建出公共事业管理体制创新的理想综合模型,从而希望对我国公共事业管理体制在社会协调与宏观管理双重机制下,实行事业组织内部的管理制度、管理结构和管理方法的创新有所裨益。

6)public business administration公共事业管理

1.Performance Evaluation on Public Business Administration of Local Government Based on the Matter-Element Model;基于物元分析的地方政府公共事业管理绩效评估研究

2.Research on the Application of Decision Tree Data Mining Technology to the Performance Evaluation in Public Business Administration决策树数据挖掘技术在公共事业管理绩效评价中的应用研究

3.This dissertation takes the research into the local government"s performance inpublic business administration as the penetrative, emphatic and sparking point for the joint research into management science and engineering and public administration as well.本文共分6章:第1章在分析选题背景、选题意义、述评国内外地方政府公共事业管理绩效评价研究成果的基础上,提出本文的研究思路、方法、内容和可能的创新点。


