100字范文 > 西北五省 five provinces and autonomous regions in Northwest China英语短句 例句大全

西北五省 five provinces and autonomous regions in Northwest China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-22 06:43:28


西北五省 five provinces and autonomous regions in Northwest China英语短句 例句大全

西北五省,five provinces and autonomous regions in Northwest China

1)five provinces and autonomous regions in Northwest China西北五省

1.Advantage of rich mineral resources and heavy industry distribution brought about the heavy industry structure with embedded and jump development in thefive provinces and autonomous regions in Northwest China and have produced profound influence over their industrial economy development.西北地区矿产资源优势与重工业布局使西北五省区形成了嵌入型、跳跃式发展的重工业化结构,对西北五省区工业经济的发展产生了深远的影响。


1.The scale of introducing foreign funds ranks first among the five provinces and regions in northwest China.引进外资规模居中国西北五省区之首。

parative research on condition of internet economy in five provinces of northwest;西北五省区间网络经济现状比较研究

3.The Present Situations and Countermeasures of Animal Products in five provinces and municipalities in the Northwest of China;西北五省区畜产品的现状分析与对策

4.The Review and Prospect of the Cooperation between the Libraries in Five Northwest China Provinces西北五省区图书馆合作的回顾与展望

5.The Comparative Study of Overseas Tourism Competitiveness for Five Northwestern Provinces西北五省区入境旅游竞争力比较研究

6.Shaanxi"s scale of introducing foreign funds ranks first among the five provinces and regions in northwest China陕西引进外资规模居中国西北五省区之首

7.Study on Strategy of Marketing in the Five Provinces in the Northwest of China for "Capsule of Zhuzigantai";“珠子肝泰胶囊”西北五省市场营销策略研究

8.Regional Diversion, Agglomeration and Development of the North-west Five Provinces;区域分工、产业聚集与西北五省经济发展

9.Aanalysis on the Relation Between the Agricultural Factors and the Grain Production in Northwest China;西北五省区粮食生产灰色关联比较分析

10.A Comprehensive Measure of the Present Situation of Circular Economy in the Five Provinces of the Northwest China;西北五省区循环经济发展现状的综合测度

11.The Survey and Analysis on the Currency and Credit Performance in Northwest China in Quarter1-3;西北五省区1—3季度货币信贷调查与分析

12.On the Analysis of Human Capital Storage and Investment in five Provinces of Northwest of China;西北五省区人力资本存量及投资现状分析

13.Report of Investigation on the Sports Present Situation of Persons in Countryside in the North West of China;西北五省老少边穷地区农村体育现状调查研究

14.Ten Strategic Engeneerings In The Development Of Northwest Areas;西北五省区大开发中的十大战略工程论

15.The Evaluation of the Five North-West Provinces" Economic Strength Based on Gray Correlation Analysis基于灰色关联分析的西北五省经济实力评价

16.Survey into Relevant Problems about the Decline in Physical Quality of Students in Five Northwest Provinces西北五省学生体质下降相关问题的调查研究

17.Being in charge of the projects implementation in Anhui, Hubei province and Northwest of China.负责西北五省及湖北安徽的交换与数据项目的安装与开通管理。

18.The Interactive Model Construction of Higher Education and Regional Economy in North-West China;我国西北五省(区)高等教育与区域经济互动模式构建


five provinces and municipalities西北五省区

1.The Present Situations and Countermeasures of Animal Products infive provinces and municipalities in the Northwest of China;西北五省区畜产品的现状分析与对策

3)five capitals in northwest China西北五省会

1.0 to evaluate the tourism competition offive capitals in northwest China,divides them into four categories and presents some approaches to the tourism competition in the five capitals.0社会经济统计软件中的因子分析法(Factor Analysis)对西北五省会城市的旅游竞争力进行了评价,根据评价结果把五城市划分为4种不同的旅游竞争力类型,最后提出了提升五城市旅游竞争力的对策。

4)The libraries in five northwest China provinces西北五省区图书馆

5)the five provinces in North China北方五省

6)the northwest of China西北省区

1.Humble Opinion on Exploiting Tourist ResourcesInthe northwest of China;西北省区旅游资源开发刍议


