100字范文 > 地方高校学报 journals of local universities英语短句 例句大全

地方高校学报 journals of local universities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-04 12:37:09


地方高校学报 journals of local universities英语短句 例句大全

地方高校学报,journals of local universities

1)journals of local universities地方高校学报

1.The second appraisal ofjournals of local universities reveals that they are more scholarly,dynamic and conducive to the society.全国地方高校学报第二次评优的结果表明,地方高校学报的学术质量有了较大提升,栏目建设取得了可喜的进展,服务社会的功能进一步彰显。


1.Place University Journal Expansion Quantity Issued Way Discussion;地方高校学报扩大发行量的路径探讨

2.Edition Localization and Practice Operation of Local University Journal;地方高校学报的编辑定位与实务操作

3.On Present Situation and Developing Trend of Journals of Local Universities and Colleges;地方高校学报建设的现状与发展趋势

4.Ideas on editing and characteristics of the journals of local universities;地方高校学报的编辑思想与刊物特色

5.How Can Journal of Local Universities Be the Periodical of“Double Effects”and“Double Love”;地方高校学报如何成为“双效”“双爱”期刊

6.Creation of Quality Columns forLocal Universities’Academic Journals;试论联合打造地方高校学报名牌栏目

7.On the Reform and Development of the Journals of Local Universities;关于地方高校学报改革和发展的思考

8.An Discussion of the Some Basic Questions for Local Journals;对地方高校学报几个基本问题的探讨

9.Newly-started Journals of Locally-administered Institutions of Higher Learning: Serving Regional Social and Economic Development;新建地方高校学报服务地方社会经济探析

10.Journal Editor s Role Pressure and Job Burnt-out in Local Colleges and Universities;地方高校学报编辑的角色压力与职业倦怠

11.Initial Research about Survival Problems and Development of the Local University Journal;地方高校学报生存困境与发展路径初探

12.Thoughts on digging for superior contributions to the journal of college and university;关于开掘地方高校学报优质稿源的思考

13.Cultivation and Construction of the Core Competitiveness of the Academic Journal of the Local College;地方高校学报核心竞争力的培育与构建

14.On the Characteristic Column Development and Construction of the Journals of Regional Colleges;论地方高校学报特色栏目的开发与建设

15.Analysis on the Changing Trend of Effect Factors in Local College Journals;地方高校学报影响因子的变化趋势分析

16.The Problems of Journals of Domestic Colleges and Universities and the Relative Strategies;地方高校学报质量面临的挑战及其对策

17.How Can Local Universities Create Columns with Characteristics?;地方高校社科学报如何打造特色栏目

18.A Survey of Autonomous Learning of the Freshmen in Local Universities;对地方高校新生自主学习情况的调查报告


local university journal地方高校学报

1.Under the background that our country vigorously develops cultural industries and promotes cultural system reform,thelocal university journal is facing reform and development opportunities.在国家大力发展文化产业、推进文化体制改革的背景下,地方高校学报面临着改革与发展的契机。

3)journals of local colleges and universities地方性高校学报

4)newly-started journals of locally-administered institutions of higher learning新建地方高校学报

1.Whilenewly-started journals of locally-administered institutions of higher learning serve education and research in the institution,they should also serve regional social and economic development,contributing to economic and cultural prosperity.新建地方高校学报在为学校的教学与科研服务的同时,服务地方社会经济,促进区域经济发展和文化繁荣,挖掘地方的自然和人文资源。

5)regional college and university journals地区性高校学报

6)College journals高校学报

1.The network for college journals is an inevitable trend;高校学报网络化是大势所趋

2.Individualization of College Journals: Restrictive Factors and Strategies;影响高校学报特色化办刊的制约因素及对策


地方部队(见地方军)地方部队(见地方军)regional forcesdifang budui地方部队(regional forces)见地方军。
