100字范文 > 减速碰撞 Deceleration impact英语短句 例句大全

减速碰撞 Deceleration impact英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-17 12:15:02


减速碰撞 Deceleration impact英语短句 例句大全

减速碰撞,Deceleration impact

1)Deceleration impact减速碰撞


1.The Modeling Study of the Cavitation Effect in Brain Tissue during the Brain Deceleration Impact颅脑减速碰撞中脑组织空化效应的模拟研究

2.Collisions need not always act to slow particles down.碰撞并不往往使质点减速。

3.Don"t count on the bumper to hold up during a low-speed collision.别指望缓冲器会在低速碰撞时减缓冲击。

4.cascade impacter阶式低速碰撞采样器

5.A Preliminary Study on Impact Flash Intensity and Impact Velocity during Hypervelocity Impact超高速碰撞闪光强度与碰撞速度关系初步研究

6.The satellite will continue moving at constant speed in its orbit forever unless there is some force to slow it down, such as collisions with meteors.卫星将以恒速成在轨道上永远运行下去,除非有某种像与流星碰撞这样的力使它减慢速度。

7.A key issue for frontal impacts in smaller cars is controlling the occupants′ forward motion so that they decelerate to a stop within acceptable limits.小型汽车正面碰撞的一个关键问题是控制乘客的前移,令他们在可接受的极限速度内减速停止。

8.Elastic collisions deplete very little of the electron"s energy.弹性碰撞中电子减少的能量非常少。

9.The pots are light weight and child-safe.轻巧、软硬适中,减少儿童碰撞受伤机会。

10.large hadron collider大型强子碰撞型加速装置

11.an accelerator that collides protons and antiprotons.质子和反质子相互碰撞的加速器。

12.an accelerator in which two-beams of particles are forced to collide head on.两束粒子强迫迎面碰撞的加速器。

13.an accelerator that collides electrons and positrons.正负电子相互碰撞的加速器。

14.They push and shove, and they run at a dangerous speed.它们相互碰撞,用一种危险的速度奔跑。

15.Study of Finite Element Method and Application for High Velocity Impact;有限元方法及其在高速碰撞中的应用

16.An improved algorithm combined with fast collision solution;一种结合快速碰撞解决(FCR)算法的改进

17.The SPH Method and Its Application in Hypervelocity Impact高速碰撞中的SPH方法及其应用研究

18.Assessment Targets Establishing and Application in RCAR Low Speed CrashRCAR低速碰撞评价指标的CAE构建及应用


Impact damping碰撞减振

3)collision mitigation减小碰撞

4)high velocity impact高速碰撞

1.The numerical simulation of the penetration and debris clouds is performed that columnar bar ofhigh velocity impacts on thin steel plates with this method,and the problem is solved that how to found the SPH element model of the columnar bar,and the mechanism of forming process is analysed.探讨了SPH算法的基本原理及该方法的优缺点;采用该算法对柱形杆高速冲击钢制薄靶板的击穿、粒子飞溅及碎片云的形成过程进行了数值模拟;解决了四棱柱形钢杆SPH粒子单元模型的建立问题,分析了作用过程的物理机理;表明SPH算法可以用于解决高速冲击动力学问题,模拟和预测材料在高速碰撞下的瞬态响应。

2.The numerical simulation of the penetration,particle splashing and debris clouds were performed that columnar bar withhigh velocity impacted on thin steel plates with this method,and the problem were solved to found the SPH element model of the columnar bar,and the mechanism of forming process was analysed.探讨了SPH数值仿真算法的基本原理及该算法的优缺点;采用该算法对柱形杆高速碰撞钢制薄靶板过程中的击穿、粒子飞溅及碎片云的形成进行了数值仿真;解决了四棱柱形钢杆SPH粒子单元模型的建立问题,分析了作用过程的物理机理;表明SPH算法适用于解决高速冲击动力学问题,模拟和预测材料在高速碰撞下的瞬态响应。

3.Based on finite element discreteness method of continuous mechanics conservation equations, this paper establishes three dimensional finite element formulations and discretized equations inhigh velocity impact phenomena.根据连续介质力学守恒方程和有限元离散方法,针对三维高速碰撞现象的特性,应用瞬时最小位能原理,完整地推导了高速碰撞有限元基本列式和离散方程,并给出了高速碰撞问题的中心差分求解算法,讨论了非线性Lagrange动力有限元程序数值计算中应重视的问题。

5)Hypervelocity impact高速碰撞

1.A new adaptive SPH method for hypervelocity impact simulation高速碰撞数值计算中的SPH自适应粒子分布法

2.Numerical examples for hypervelocity impact by the coupled method show that the coupled method is a more efficient method to simulation of large deformation problem.高速碰撞的系列算例说明,耦合算法不但适宜于计算大变形冲击动力学问题,而且由于集两种方法的优点于一身,可以更高效地模拟一些高速碰撞问题,提高计算效率。

3.Several problems which should be taken into account in numerical study of hypervelocity impact are stressed and the effective measures to solve them are also described in the paper.讨论了连续介质力学守恒方程的有限元离散方法,针对高速碰撞的物理特点,提出了数值计算中所应重视的问题及其有效的解决办法。

6)collision velocity碰撞速度

1.Multi-Value Problem of Collision Velocity in Motor Vehicle Accident;汽车交通事故碰撞速度多值问题的研究

2.Thecollision velocity between particle and bubble is of importance for the formation of particle-bubble aggregate in froth flotation.本文介绍了浮选过程中颗粒与气泡碰撞速度理论研究的部分结果。

3.Pedestrianvehicle collisions have been reconstructed by a computer simulation model to analyze the influence of vehicle froepart parameters on the relativecollision velocity between pedestrian head and bonnet top surface.分析了当行人头部与汽车发动机罩上表面发生碰撞时,汽车前部结构参数对相对碰撞速度的影响。


