100字范文 > 校内实训基地建设 construction of practice training base in the campus英语短句 例句大全

校内实训基地建设 construction of practice training base in the campus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-02 10:37:03


校内实训基地建设 construction of practice training base in the campus英语短句 例句大全

校内实训基地建设,construction of practice training base in the campus

1)construction of practice training base in the campus校内实训基地建设

1.It is the main aspect of the core competitiveness in higher vocational college and the must condition of bringing up the talents in the high skill and the applied ability that theconstruction of practice training base in the campus.校内实训基地建设是高职院校核心竞争力的主要方面,是培养高技能应用型人才的必备条件。


1.Practice and Exploration on Higher Vocational Education Training Base in College高职校内实训基地建设的实践与探索

2.Reflections on the Construction of On-campus Practical Training Bases for Vocational Colleges in Guangxi广西高职院校校内实训基地建设的思考

3.Exploration to the Procedures and Measures of Building Practical Training Base in College;校内实训基地建设程序和方法的探索与实践

4.A Study of Construction of In-School Training Base Based on Majors-Group Concept基于专业群理念的校内实训基地建设研究

5.The Research on the Development of Building Programs of School Training Base for Nursing Professional;护理专业校内实训基地建设方案的开发研究

6.Job-analysis-based Campus Training Base Design for Business English Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges基于工作分析的高职商务英语专业校内实训基地建设方案设计

7.A Perspective on Construction and Management of Practical Training Base of Nursing Major in High Vocational Colleges;高职院校护理专业校内实训基地建设与管理研究

8.On Building Intramural Productive Training Base in Higher Vocational Colleges高职院校建设校内生产性实训基地的思考

9.The Present Situation of Higher Vocational Colleges Intramural Practice Base and Thoughts on Construction高职院校校内实训基地现状及建设思考

10.Discussion on Some Questions in Projecting Course Reform for Vocational College;校内生产性实训基地建设的探索与实践

11.On Construction of Practice Bases Inside and Outside of the University of Tourism and Hotel Major;旅游酒店专业校内外实训基地建设研究

12.The Principles of Construction and Use of Campus Practice Base for Business English Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职商务英语专业校内实训基地的建设与利用

13.Reflections upon the Constuction of Practice Training Base in Higher Vocational College;高职校内实训教学基地建设的几点思考

14.Construction and Management of School Training Base for Guangxi Vocational Colleges广西高职院校内实训基地的建设与管理

15.Exploration on the Construction of Outside and Inside School Skill Training Base for Adverse Consequence in Vocational College Education Skill Training System;逆推式高职教育实训体系中校内外实训基地建设探究

16.Research on the Practical Training Base Co-constructed by College and Enterprise校内生产性实训基地的校企共建研究

17.Research on the Construction of Practical Training Base in Construction Vocational Colleges建设类职业院校实训基地建设的研究

18.The Integration and Utilization of On-campus and Off-campus Resources--The Inspiration from our Training Base s Construction of the Program;校内资源与校外资源的整合与利用——有感于我院专业实训基地建设


practice bases inside and outside of the university校内外实训基地建设

3)practice training base inside school校内实训基地

4)practice base construction实训基地建设

1.Onpractice base construction for occupational training;职业技术教育实训基地建设问题思考

2.This paper puts forward some opinions about the stress onpractice base construction,the new function of practice base and cooperation between enterprises and vocational colleges.加强实训基地建设,是高职教育的特征所在。

5)construction of training base实训基地建设

1.Innovative measures have been taken in several aspects,such as setting of specialties,enhancement of teachers qualities,construction of training base,and cultivation of high-quality t.紧密结合市场需要,确定了"产学结合,校企互动"的人才培养模式,狠抓内涵建设,在专业设置、师资队伍和实训基地建设、高素质技能型人才培养方面勇于创新,取得了显著成绩,对同类高职院校有很好的示范作用。

6)experiment infrastructure construction建设实训基地


后方基地仓库工程建设后方基地仓库工程建设engineering construction of rear base storage中国人民解放军的后方基地仓库工程建设,以军事部署和战略、战役物资储备要求为依据组织实施,通常按勘察、定点、规划设计、施工、验收等阶段进行(见营房工程建设)。基本要求是:①库址力求位置适当,地形隐蔽,地质、地幅、环境适宜,交通方便,水电源有保障,少占良田,便于管理和收发物资。②根据仓库预定储存物资的性能和收、存、发的工作流程,合理规划库区内各种设施的建设。一般划分为储存区、作业区和行政生活区,确定区内单项工程的相互平面位置和竖向布置。③易燃、易爆及有其他特殊储存要求的物资以建洞库为主,一般物资以建地面库为主。④建筑安装防护、伪装及储物保质设施,确保仓库安全、密闭、防潮。(谢孝忠)houfQng lidi eangku gongCheng iiQnshe后方基地仓库工程建设(e ngineeringconstruction ofrearbasestorage)后方基地仓库工程的选点、勘察、规划、设计、施工等工作的总称。是军队工程建设的组成部分。后方基地仓库工程由主体工程和附属工程两部分组成。主体工程包括各类库房,附属工程包括办公、生活用房和铁路专用线、公路等设施。
