100字范文 > 羰化率 Carbonylation rate英语短句 例句大全

羰化率 Carbonylation rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-31 17:46:07


羰化率 Carbonylation rate英语短句 例句大全

羰化率,Carbonylation rate

1)Carbonylation rate羰化率


1.Preparation of TiO_y-SiO_x Immobilized Pd-BMImCl Catalysts and Their Application in Carbonylation of Amines;钯-离子液体/钛硅复合氧化物催化剂的合成及在胺羰化中的应用

2.Carbonylation of Amines Catalyzed by Organic Gold Complexesto Synthesize Carbamates and Formamide;有机金配合物催化的胺羰化制氨基甲酸酯及酰胺

3.Studies on the preparation, characterization and oxidativecarbonylation catalytic activity of cobalt pyridine 2-carboxylate complexes;吡啶-2-羧酸钴制备、表征及羰化催化性能研究


1.Advances in synthesis of carbamates by catalytic carbonylation催化羰化法合成氨基甲酸酯研究进展

2.The Research of N-ligands/CuCl Used as Catalysts for the Reaction of Oxidative Carbonylation;含氮配体配合CuCl在氧化羰化中催化性能的研究

3.The Preparation of Cobalt Carbonys Catalyst and Its Catalyzed Carbonylation for Synthesis of Diethyl Malonates羰基钴催化剂的制备及其催化羰基化合成丙二酸二乙酯

4.Studies on the Carbonylation of Compounds Containing N Catalyzed by Selenium;含N化合物的硒催化羰基化反应研究

5.Mechanism of Methanol Carbonylation Catalyzed by Chelated Carbonyl Rhodium Complex螯合型羰基铑配合物催化甲醇羰基化反应的机理研究

6.Synthesis of Nitrogen-containing Heterocyclic Unsymmetric Urea by Selenium-catalyzed Carbonylation;硒催化羰基化合成含氮杂环非对称脲

7.Study on the Synthesis of Calcium Formate by Calcium Hydroxide Carbonylation;氢氧化钙羰基化合成甲酸钙工艺研究

8.The carbonylation using carbon dioxide as carbon resource;以二氧化碳为C_1资源的羰基化反应

9.Aromatics--Determination of carbonyl value and carbonyl compounds content--Free hydroxylamine methodGB/T14454.17-1993香料羰值和羰基化合物含量的测定游离羟胺法

10.Aromatics--Determination of carbonyl value and carbonyl compounds content--Hydroxylammonium chloride methodGB/T14454.16-1993香料羰值和羰基化合物含量的测定盐酸羟胺法

11.ketone :Any of a class of organic compounds containing a carbonyl group (-C=O; see functional group) Bonded to two carbon atoms.酮: 一类包含羰基(-C=O)的有机化合物,其羰基连接着两个碳原子。

12.A metal compound, such as Ni(CO)4, containing the CO group.含羰基的金属化合物,如Ni(CO)4

13.State Key Laboratory of oxo synthesis and selective oxidation羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室

14.Recovery and Utilization Technology of Waste Catalyst Containing Rhodium by Oxo Synthesis Reaction羰基合成废铑催化剂的回收利用技术

15.Mathematical Simulation for Acetic Acid Process Through Low-Pressure Methanol Carbonylation;甲醇低压羰基化制醋酸装置数学模拟

16.Study on Catalyst and Process for Preparing 1,3-PDO by Hydroformylation;羰基合成1,3-PDO催化剂和工艺研究

17.Asymmetric Reduction of Carbonyl Compounds Containing Amino Group;含有氨基的羰基化合物的不对称还原

18.Study on the Oxidative Carbonylation of Propanol to Dipropyl Carbonate;丙醇氧化羰基合成碳酸二丙酯的研究



1.Preparation of TiO_y-SiO_x Immobilized Pd-BMImCl Catalysts and Their Application in Carbonylation of Amines;钯-离子液体/钛硅复合氧化物催化剂的合成及在胺羰化中的应用

2.Carbonylation of Amines Catalyzed by Organic Gold Complexesto Synthesize Carbamates and Formamide;有机金配合物催化的胺羰化制氨基甲酸酯及酰胺

3.Studies on the preparation, characterization and oxidativecarbonylation catalytic activity of cobalt pyridine 2-carboxylate complexes;吡啶-2-羧酸钴制备、表征及羰化催化性能研究

3)methyl formate羰化

1.Diazabicyclo[4,3,0]non-5-ene(DBN)was synthesized and applied as a catalyst to methanol carbonylation tomethyl formate(MF), its catalytic activity and selectivity were investigated.考察了DBN及DBN添加环氧丙烷(PO)体系对甲醇羰化合成甲酸甲酯(MF)反应的催化作用。

4)oxidative carbonylation氧化羰化

1.Dimethyl carbonate synthesis by liquid-phaseoxidative carbonylation with CuBr_nL_m complex catalyst;CuBr_nL_m配合催化剂液相氧化羰化合成碳酸二甲酯

2.Fe(III)EDTA as an efficient redox cocatalyst foroxidative carbonylation of phenol to diphenyl carbonate;Fe(III)EDTA作为氧化羰化苯酚合成碳酸二苯酯一种有效的氧化还原催化助剂(英文)

3.The synthesis of diphenyl carbonate byoxidative carbonylation of phenol with catalyst Pd/C;Pd/C催化氧化羰化苯酚合成碳酸二苯酯

5)carbonylation catalysis羰化催化

1.These technologies include that acid catalysis using superior solid acid substitute for liquid acid catalysts,selective oxidation using lattice oxygen of catalyst substitute for oxygen,cleaner oxidation technology with hydrogen peroxide and TS(Ti silicalite),and the future development ofcarbonylation catalysis.包括固体酸取代液体酸的酸催化、晶格氧代替分子氧的氧化、TS 1分子筛H2 O2 的清洁氧化新工艺及羰化催化的新发展。

6)catalytic carbonylation催化羰化

1.A new method for preparing α-naphthylacetic acid from α-naphthylmethyl chlorde as a main reaction material is provided by one step ofcatalytic carbonylation.提出了一种以α-氯甲基萘为主要原料,经过一步催化羰化反应合成α-萘乙酸的新方法,并研究了催化反应体系的组成及反应条件对反应活性和选择性的影响。


