100字范文 > 超细颗粒 ultrafine particle英语短句 例句大全

超细颗粒 ultrafine particle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-16 08:48:04


超细颗粒 ultrafine particle英语短句 例句大全

超细颗粒,ultrafine particle

1)ultrafine particle超细颗粒

1.Mathematical model of ultrafiltration ofultrafine particle emulsified suspension using ceramic membrane and a study of the technology of forming second membrane;陶瓷超滤膜过滤含超细颗粒的乳化悬浮液的数学模型及二次成膜操作条件研究

2.Study on regenerative technology of ceramic UF membrane fouled byultrafine particle emulsified suspension陶瓷超滤膜处理含有超细颗粒的乳化悬浮液后膜再生工艺的研究

3.The fundamental research of assistant fluidization usingultrafine particles,including fluidization behaviors under magnetic assistance,sound,and vibration were reviewed.综述了外场作用下流化床流化超细颗粒的基础研究进展,着重介绍了磁场、声场和振动场对超细颗粒流化行为的影响,总结了磁场中颗粒的受力分析和理论模型;并对现有研究成果作了简要评述。


1.Elemental Size Distribution of Airborne Fine and Ultrafine Particulate Matters in the Suburb of Shanghai,China上海市郊区大气细颗粒和超细颗粒物中元素粒径分布研究

2.Research of Micromechanics Constitutive Model of Concrete Mixing with Superfine Particle;掺超细颗粒混凝土细观力学本构模型研究

putation simulation of EM parameters of LDT-epoxy disperse systems超细颗粒/环氧体系电磁参量的计算及数值模拟

4.Experimental Investigation into Fluidization of Ultrafine Particle in a Fluidized Bed with Sound-Magnetic Assistance;声磁复合场流化床超细颗粒流化行为的研究

5.Surface Modification of Metal by Ultrafine Particles Self-assembling and Its Anti-Fouling Features;金属表面超细颗粒自组装改性及抗结垢性能

6.Surface Modification of the Ultrafine PTFE Particles and Self-assembling on Metal Surface;PTFE超细颗粒表面改性及在金属表面上自组装

7.Study on Fluidization Characteristics of SiO_2 Nano-particles in a Sound-assisted Fluidized Bed;纳米级SiO_2超细颗粒在声场流化床中的流化特性

8.Study of Fluidizing Behaviors of Fine Particles Mixing with Additional Particles in a Conical Bed;采用添加组分改善超细颗粒流态化性能的研究

9.Research about Sub-micro Particles Sizing Based on Dynamic Light Scattering;基于动态光散射的超细颗粒测试技术研究

10.Experimental Studies of Submicrometer Particle Formation and Control during Pulverized Coal Combustion;煤燃烧超细颗粒物生成与控制的实验研究

11.Experimental Study on Ultrafine Particle Characteristics of Engine Exhaust and Urban Road;发动机排放与城市道路超细颗粒物特性研究

12.Research on Transport Model of Ultrafine Particle in the Indoor Environment;室内超细颗粒物的运动分布模型的研究

13.Removal of fine particles from coal combustion in scrubber by heterogeneous condensation洗涤塔内相变脱除燃煤超细颗粒的试验研究

14.Characteristics of ultrafine particle from a compression-ignition engine fueled with low sulfur diesel低硫柴油直喷燃烧超细颗粒排放特性研究

15.Study on regenerative technology of ceramic UF membrane fouled by ultrafine particle emulsified suspension陶瓷超滤膜处理含有超细颗粒的乳化悬浮液后膜再生工艺的研究

16.An ultra fine cemented carbide with tungsten powder and binder cobalt.一种由碳化钨和粘结金属钴组成的超细颗粒硬质合金。

17.Numerical study on acoustical attenuation and acoustical velocity in suspension of superfine particles-A comparison of four models超细颗粒悬浊液中声衰减和声速的数值模拟——4种模型的比较

18.The numerical study of acoustical attenuation and velocityin the suspension of superfine particles超细颗粒悬浊液中声衰减和声速的数值分析研究


ultrafine particles超细颗粒

1.The fluidization characteristics ofultrafine particles are reviewed and the agglomerating process is analyzed.首先阐述了超细颗粒的流化特性(初始流化速度、床膨胀等)及团聚流化过程,然后重点对近年来国内外在改善粘性颗粒流化质量方面所作的研究工作进行了总结。

2.The adsorption property of poly N isopropylacrylamideultrafine particles for the hydrophilic drug(vitamin B 2 and procaine hydrochloride) was studied.用微乳液聚合方法以N 异丙基丙烯酰胺为单体合成了温敏性超细颗粒 ,研究了其对维生素B2 注射液和盐酸普鲁卡因的吸附量随温度的变化 ,结果表明 :在低温 (LCST以下 )下吸附药物 ,而在高温 (LCST以上 )下释放药物。

3.Fe-Ni-B amorphousultrafine particles with diameter about 100nm were prepared by means of flow chemical reaction.利用流动化学反应法制备了粒径大小约为100nm的Fe-Ni-B非晶超细颗粒。

3)ultra-fine particles超细颗粒

1.Molybdenum trioxideultra-fine particles are prepared by calcining ammonium molybdate coated with ethylenediamine.以乙二胺为溶剂,并与仲钼酸铵发生反应,再经煅烧制备了50-200nm的MoO3超细颗粒。

2.Coagulation coefficient of bipolar chargedultra-fine particles in AC field was modeled, which was applied to Sectional algorithm to simulate the removal efficiency of theultra-fine particles.建立了异极性荷电颗粒在交变电场中的团聚系数模型,将其应用到Sectional算法中,模拟电场团聚作用对超细颗粒的脱除效果。

3.Flow behavior of gas/ultra-fine particles two-phase system was investigated by large eddy simulation for gas turbulence and direct simulation Monte Carlo for particles collisions.单颗粒运动满足牛顿第二定律,颗粒相和气相相间作用的双向耦合由牛顿第三定律确定,考虑超细颗粒间的van der Waals作用力。

4)ultra-fine particle超细颗粒

1.The technology of impinging streams crushing is a novel technology for the preparation ofultra-fine particles.撞击流粉碎技术是一种新颖的超细颗粒制备技术,它利用了撞击流碰撞过程中产生的超声波及高压冲击力作用,可制备出粒度小且分布窄的超细颗粒。

5)superfine particle超细颗粒

1.This paper reports the crystal structure, characteristics of cathodoluminescence and photoluminescence of the Y2O3: Eu phosphor with the spherical andsuperfine particles(120-250 nm)produced by urea-sol process for the first time.这种超细颗粒在254nm激发时的发光强度比商用的传统微米样品低。

2.The agglomerate breaking and feeding ofsuperfine particles in a fluidized bed with 40 mm I.在内径为40mm的流化床中,以平均粒径为10μm的超细硅粉为物料,在引入振动力和搅拌力、添加粗颗粒的条件下,考察了振动强度、搅拌转速、粗颗粒粒径和添加比例、氮气流速等因素对超细颗粒聚团破碎和供料过程的影响。

6)ultrafine particle超细颗粒物

1.The removal ofultrafine particles in coal-fired fumes was studied experimentally based on lower frequency and higher intensity acoustic field.对燃煤超细颗粒物在低频率高强度声场中团聚清除效果进行了实验研究。

2.Theultrafine particle emission characteristics of a direct injection two-stroke diesel engine were studied.研究了直喷式二冲程柴油机的超细颗粒物排放特性,考察了负荷、转速、喷油嘴孔径以及燃料对排气中超细颗粒物数量浓度以及质量浓度的影响。

3.This paper aims to experimentally study onultrafine particle emission characteristics of engine exhaust and urban road by using the advanced model 3034 Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer.本论文利用先进的超细颗粒物粒径分析仪SMPS,通过台架试验研究发动机排放超细颗粒物的特征;通过对上海地区典型道路的现场测试,得到城市道路环境条件下机动车排放超细颗粒物的暴露情况、时空分布、影响因素以及与机动车排放的相关性状况,为认识发动机燃烧产生超细颗粒物的特性及其对大气环境的影响,建立有效的控制颗粒物排放、降低颗粒物污染的手段,也为城市交通与环保等部门决策提供科学依据。


