100字范文 > 文体革新 stylistic innovation英语短句 例句大全

文体革新 stylistic innovation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-20 07:28:29


文体革新 stylistic innovation英语短句 例句大全

文体革新,stylistic innovation

1)stylistic innovation文体革新

1.Around Anshi Rebellion,Confucianism which was declining began to revive and became the direct motive for promoting thestylistic innovation.唐代儒学日趋衰落 ,但安史之乱前后 ,又出现儒学复兴思潮 ,这种思潮是推进文体革新的直接动力。


1.A Study of the Stylistic Innovation in Chinese Paper News Since 1990s;论20世纪90年代以来中国报纸新闻的文体革新

2.The revival of Confucianism before andafter Anshi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty;安史之乱前后的儒学复兴思潮与文体革新

3.Stylistic Pursuit and Innovation in Essays by Yu Pingbo;俞平伯散文语体与文体的追寻和革新

4.A New Round of Reform in Electricity Pricing System in China;中国新一轮的电价体制改革(英文)

5.Humanities social science and school s physical education in the new century;人文社会科学与新世纪学校体育改革

6.From Conservative Stylistic Reform to Radical Stylistic Revolution: On the Orbit and Character of Free Verse Revolution in China;从保守的文体改良到极端的文体革命——新诗革命的演变轨迹及特点

7.stylistically innovative works; innovative members of the artistic community; a mind so innovational, so original.文体上创新的作品;艺术团体的革新成员;如此创新的思想,如此新颖。

8.Management Innovation of Public Funding for Cultural Affairs in China s Process of Cultural System Reform;文化体制改革与我国公共文化资金管理创新

9.Study on Cultural Policy Issues of Deepening the Cultural System in the New Era新时期深化文化体制改革中的文化政策问题

10.On the Influences of Russian Poems on the New Poem Revolution and Style-formation of New Poems;论俄语诗歌对新诗革命及新诗文体建设的影响

11.Source of writing style of imagery poetry and its influence on new poem revolution and new poem style;意象派诗歌的文体源流及对新诗革命和新诗文体的影响

12.Concept Transmitting and the Literary Style Mode--A New Perspective for Interpreting the Revolutionary Literature;观念传播与文学文体样式——考察革命文学的一种新维度

13.China in Bad Illness--Body as Political Metaphor in the May Fourth New Culture Revolution;病重的中国——“五四”新文化革命中的“身体”隐喻

14.On the Style Innovation of Ma Qiao Dictionary and Suggestion;《马桥词典》和《暗示》的文体变革与小说新范式

15.Innovational Research on Theoretical System of Humane Geography Teaching Materials in the 21~(st) Century;21世纪人文地理学教材理论体系革新研究

16.Innovative Researches on the Content System of Human Geographical Teaching Material in the 21~(st) Century;21世纪人文地理学教材内容体系革新研究

17.Perfect and Incomplete Subjectivity--"New Person"Image in"Great Cultural Revolution Movie"完美而残缺的主体——“文革电影”中的“新人”形象论析

18.The Disintegration of the "Imaginary Community": On the Narration of "Cultural Revolution" and the Description of the "Revolutionary Masses" in the New-Period Literature;“想象的共同体”的解体——论新时期文学的“文革叙事”及“革命群众”的形象塑造


the innovation of report form新闻文体改革

3)style innovation of short fiction小说文体革新

4)reformation of literature"s style文类革新

5)prose innovation散文革新

6)cultural reform文化革新

1.Chinese moderncultural reform is the inevitable result of the learning from western culture,the collision of western and Chinese culture and the seeking of truth of Chinese elite from the west,aiming at realizing social reform and national rejuvenation through cultural criticism and reconstruction.中国近代文化革新,旨在通过文化批判与重建,实现社会变革、民族复兴,它是西学东渐、中西文化碰撞、有识之士向西方寻找真理的必然结果。


文体1.文雅有节的体态。 2.指身体。用为敬词。 3.文章的风格或结构﹑体裁。 4.字体。 5.文娱体育的简称。
