100字范文 > 大型田径赛事 large-scale track and field events英语短句 例句大全

大型田径赛事 large-scale track and field events英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-30 02:32:12


大型田径赛事 large-scale track and field events英语短句 例句大全

大型田径赛事,large-scale track and field events

1)large-scale track and field events大型田径赛事

1.Based on the methods of literature material,expert interviews, questionnaire investigation and statistical treatment,the thesis choosen the high risk happenning area-"arena" in China\"slarge-scale track and field events as the focus of the study.为此,对我国大型田径赛事赛场风险进行相关的研究是一项极其必要的工作。


1.Research on Arena Risk and Countermeasures in China"s Large-Scale Track and Field Event我国大型田径赛事赛场风险及应对策略的研究

2.Research and Suggestions on Chinese Track and Field Referees in Large-scale Competition我国大型赛事田径裁判员现状调查及对策研究

3.Discussion on Volunteers Actuation in the Great Games;大型体育赛事志愿者激励管理初探——以世界青年田径锦标赛为例

4.Discussion on Function and Literacy of the Director in the Large-scale Track and Field Competition;大型田径比赛赛场主持的功能与素养

5.Athletic events are divided into two broad categories - track and field.田径项目被分为两大类———径赛和田赛。

6.Athletic events are divided into two broad categories--- track and field.田径项目被分为两大类———田赛和径赛。

7.Athletic events are divided into two broad categories -track and field.田径项目被分为两大类--田赛和径赛。

8.Actual Strength and Direction of Future Exertion of Track & Field in China, Viewing from Three Great Track & Field Contests in the World and Competitions in China National Games;从世界三大田径赛事和全运会田径比赛看我国田径实力及今后努力方向

9.A Research on Volunteers Degree of Satisfaction in Large-scale Sport events--A Case Study of the 11th IAAF World Junior Championships-Beijing ;大型体育赛事志愿者满意度的调查研究——以第十一届世界青年田径锦标赛为例

10.Expound the Role of Electronic Apparatus on Judge Working at Large ScaleTrack and Field Match;电子仪器设备在大型田径赛裁判工作中的作用

11.The Research on Referee"s Competence in China"s Large-Scale Track and Field Competition对我国大型田径比赛裁判员素质的研究

12.On the Determination of Time Duration of Each Stage ofa Track Event to Improve Scheduling of Track and Filed Meet;我国田径大赛径赛各赛次每组所需时间的探讨

13.On Athletic Status of Shandong Through Some Athletic Matches in 2001;从2001年田径赛事看山东省田径项目状况

14.Athletic events are divided into two broad cate-gories-track and field.运动项目分成两个大类——径赛与田赛。

15.A comparative analysis of the results of the track and field meeting of the Universiade and the Universiade Track and Field Tournament;大学生运动会田径赛和大学生田径锦标赛历届成绩比较分析

16.Positive Externality of Grand Sports Competitions and Its Internalized Channel;大型体育赛事的正外部性及其内在化途径

17.Track and field games are often held in the open air.田径比赛大多都是在户外进行的。

18.International Track and Field Organzia-tions and world Tournments(世界田径组织及国际性大赛)


large scale track and field match大型田径赛

1.Along with the development of the science, the new technique and electronic apparatus were widely used in the judge working atlarge scale track and field match,this is a prominent characteristic of the modern competition.随着现代科学技术的发展 ,高新技术和电子仪器设备已大量地运用于大型田径赛的裁判工作中 ,这也是现代大型田径赛的一个突出特点。

3)track and field events田径赛事

1.The Market Development Status and Strategy Analysis of Chinese Track and Field Events我国田径赛事市场开发现状及策略分析

4)Large-scale Track and Field competition大型田径比赛

5)athletics competition田径竞技赛事

1.The article studiesathletics competition products connotation,classification,characteristics,quality and function,points out thatathletics competition results contingency is little,its spectating effect and spirit instigation are low,and competition time is long,etc.从田径竞技赛事产品的内涵、种类、特点、质量和功能等方面进行了分析,指出田径比赛具有偶然性小、观赏性差、情绪煽动性差和赛事时间长、规模大等特点,并从提高运动水平、塑造运动员形象、增加赛事的娱乐性和参与性等方面提出了一些建议,旨在为加快我国田径竞技赛事的开发提供参考。

6)great sports event大型赛事

1.Application of new media in exploitation ofgreat sports events;新媒体在大型赛事开发中的运用研究


