100字范文 > 局域网络 local area network英语短句 例句大全

局域网络 local area network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-18 12:41:44


局域网络 local area network英语短句 例句大全

局域网络,local area network

1)local area network局域网络

1.This thesis presents a speciallocal area network and network management design andimplementation for air traffic control system.本文介绍了为中国民航总局进行的空中交通管制系统研究工作中几个关键技术之一空管系统局域网络的设计与实现。


1.LAN (local area network)局域网,[台]局域网络,[港]地区网络

2.The LAN Operating System--Net Ware局域网络操作系统——Net ware

3.The wireless office landnetwork transmits the bandwidth high, the transmission speed is fast;无线局域网络传输带宽高,传输速度快;

4.Research and Implement of Network Fault Diagnosis in Local Area Network;局域网络故障诊断技术的研究与实现

5.Restricted Fault Diameter of Bidirectional Double-loop LAN;双向双环局域网络的限制性容错直径

6.Study of epidemic spreading in weighted local-world complex networks加权局域网络上的病毒传播行为研究

7.Research of Wireless LAN Security Based on SSL VPN Technology基于SSL VPN的无线局域网络安全研究

puter networks include local area networks, metropolitan area networks, and wide area networks.计算网络包括局域网、城域网和广域网。

9.local area network adapter局部区域网络适配器

10.local area network administrator局部区域网络管理员

11.local area network multicast局部区域网络多址广播

12.There are two categories of networks: local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs).网络有两类:局域网(LANs)和广域网(WAN)。

puter networks include local area networks (LANs), metropolitan area networks (MANs), and wide area networks(WANs).计算机网络包括局域网(LANs)、城域网(MANs)和广域网(WANs)。

14.a computer network that spans a wider area than does a local area network.比局域网的跨域大的计算机网络。

work Interconnect of the Provincial and Land Dispatching in Qinghai Power Net青海电网省、地调局域网的网络互联

16.Adds an Ethernet local area network segment to your network diagram.在网络图中添加以太局域网网段。

17.The Design of Network Security Sublayer for Local Network in CIMS EnvironmentCIMS环境中局域网网络安全子层设计

18.local area network gateway局部区域网络网间连接器



1.Analysis onLAN Interoperability Principle and Solutions to Common Problems;局域网络互通原理分析及常见问题解决方案

2.The Research onLAN Security Strategy on the Basis of Agency Identity Authentication;基于代理式身份认证的局域网络安全策略研究

3.Public Computer RoomsLAN Breakdowns Examining and Expelling in Senior Vocational College;高职院校公共机房局域网络故障诊断与排除探讨

3)local net局域网络

1.This paper discusses the use of EIA RS-485 in the microcomputerlocal network on board electriclocomotive.本文讨论了RS-485串行通信标准在电力机车车载局域网络中的使用,评述了车载微机局域网络的性能与可靠性问题,提出了车载微机系统的可靠性模型。

4)local network局域网络

1.The thesis makes an analysis of the following aspects of enterpriseslocal network construction: necessity of the safety and security,the analysis and design of the safety and security and the implementation of the safety and security.从企业局域网络的安全与保密建设的必要性、安全与保密的分析、设计与实施等几个方面进行了分析与探讨。

2.This paper introduces a distributed measurement and controllocal network,composed of an IBM AT/286 as master and five MCS-51 monolithic computers as slaves.介绍了一种由IBM-PC/AT286作主机,5台MCS-51单片机系统作从机组成的分散式测控系统的通讯局域网络的实现方法。


1.The main performances and its application of the controller area network(CAN)are described.论述了网络技术在汽车内部和外部的应用情况 ,介绍了汽车内部网络的特点和汽车内部网络的标准 ,重点叙述了控制局域网络 CAN的主要特性及其应

2.LIN is aimed to be a lower protocol ofCAN and can be used to shape hierarchical network with it in vehicles.介绍了控制局域网络/本地互联网络总线在车体控制网络中的应用,提出了汽车内部基于控制局域网络/本地互联网络总线的混合控制网络架构,设计了基于该混合网络架构的车身控制系统,实现了对控制网络的节点进行硬件电路设计和软件设计。


1.Design of aWLAN System for Monitoring Gas Density;一种用于气体浓度监测的无线局域网络系统的设计

2.In recent years,with the rapid development ofWLAN techniques and the wide deployment ofWLAN networks in the world,theWLAN-based location technique has become a hot topic in the research of indoor location services.随着无线局域网技术的飞速发展和无线局域网络在全世界范围内的广泛部署,一种基于无线局域网络覆盖的位置定位技术成为室内环境下位置服务研究的热点。


局域网(见计算机网络)局域网(见计算机网络)local area network, LANluyuwQng局域网(roea一二ea notwork,LAN)分布范围在数千米以内的计算机网络。见计算机网络。
