100字范文 > 纠斜 hole straightening英语短句 例句大全

纠斜 hole straightening英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-24 19:08:37


纠斜 hole straightening英语短句 例句大全

纠斜,hole straightening

1)hole straightening纠斜

1.The only way to drill a high verticality borehole both in home and abroad is based on effectivehole straightening, enhancing inclination surveying and on time straightening.实践 证 明 ,螺 杆钻纠斜 是 最有 效的 纠 斜方 法。

2.A new hinge type bottom hole assembly used in straight well for well inclining prevention andhole straightening was put forward account to the fact that the actual pendulum and packed drill assemblies were not satisfactory for inclining prevention andhole straightening in formations with strong natural deflecting build up capacity.针对目前钟摆钻具和满眼钻具在大倾角地层、自然造斜力较强地区,其防、纠斜效果不尽人意的现实,提出了一种新型铰接式直井防、纠斜钻具,建立了该钻具组合的力学模型,阐述了其防、纠斜机理。

3.Based on the experience of freezing hole construction in Xuehu Coal Mine, this paper discussed the causes of hole slanting, anti-slanting measures andhole straightening methods.本文总结了冻结孔施工中常见的钻孔偏斜和处理措施,结合永城薛湖矿冻结孔施工经验提出了钻孔偏斜的原因、防偏措施和纠斜方法,供有关施工单位参考。


1.As demonstrated in practice, the auger string hole straightening is the most effective.实践证明,螺杆钻纠斜是最有效的纠斜方法。

2.Study of Down Hole Auto-deviation Control System Based on Single-chip Microprocessor;基于单片机井下纠斜控制系统的研究

3.Experimental study on automatic vertical drilling tool inclination control自动垂直钻井工具纠斜控制实验研究

4.The author discussed some key techniques in auger string hole straightening.作者讨论了螺杆钻纠斜的几个关键技术问题。

5.Application of Superimposing Directional Correction of Inclination for Deep Exploration in Daye Iron Mine叠加定向纠斜法在大冶铁矿深部勘探中的应用

6.Dynamic Simulation and Experimental Investigation on Deep Well Hydraulic Steering Mechanism深井液控导向纠斜机构的动态仿真及实验研究

7.The only way to drill a high verticality borehole both in home and abroad is based on effective hole straightening, enhancing inclination surveying and on time straightening.国内外施工高垂直度钻孔的唯一方法就是以有效防斜为基础,加密测斜,并及时纠斜。

8.Research on Automatic Vertical Drilling Tool Anti-deviation Control Theory and Experiment Based on Virtual Instruments基于虚拟仪器自动垂直钻井工具纠斜控制理论与实验研究

9.nontilting-negative-plane rectifier底片平面无倾斜纠正仪

10.A squint can sometimes be corrected by an eyepatch.斜视有时候可以通过戴眼罩来纠正。

11.Deflect Correction for Document Image Based on Its Schema Histogram基于轮廓投影方法的文本图象偏斜纠正

12.the surgical operation of cutting a muscle or tendon of the eye in order to correct strabismus.切断眼肌或者眼肌腱以纠正斜视的手术。

13.The Application of Oblique Wrap Theory in Corrective Mechanism of Honeycomb Print Machine斜缠绕理论在涂胶机纠偏机构中的应用

14.The Clinical Study of Early Functional Mandible Deviation Corrected by Maxillary Quad-Helix Expansion;上颌扩弓纠正早期功能性下颌偏斜的临床研究

15.The Applications of Rectification and Reinforcement Technologies in Inclined Buildings in Shaoxing;纠倾加固技术在绍兴城区倾斜建筑物中的应用

16.A Research into the Technology of Correction and Strengthening against the Tilt of Houses Built on Natural Foundations in Soft-soil Areas软土天然地基房屋倾斜与纠偏加固技术探究

17.Talking about the Hole-site Correcting Technology in Drilled Pile Construction on Granite Plagioclase Strata花岗岩斜岩地层钻孔桩施工孔位纠偏技术

18.Structure tilting reasons and analysis on sorts and characteristics of rectification measures结构物倾斜原因与纠倾方法分类特点分析


inclination correction纠斜

1.This paper makes a calculation of bit side force to the flexible pendulum stem and pendulum stem on the basis of vertial and horizontal bending theory, which, theoretically, shows that flexible pendulum stem has a betterinclination correction effect than pendulum stem.本文利用纵横弯曲理论对柔性钟摆钻具和钟摆钻具的钻头侧向力进行计算,从理论上说明柔性钟摆钻具比钟摆钻具有更好的纠斜效果。

2.To an inchined building with sand ushion beneath its foundation, the most economical and convinent way ofinclination correction is usually scooping sand method.已倾斜的建筑物的基底有砂垫层时,最经济、最简捷的纠斜方法常常掏砂法。

3)deviation correction纠斜

4)well straightening纠斜

1.In addition, the thesis also introduces thewell straightening method when the borehole deviation emerges.此外,介绍了井斜发生时采用的纠斜工艺,分析了一些油田所使用的防斜技术,并对取得的成果进行对比,最终得出控斜的部分结论。

5)deviation correction and prevention纠斜防斜

bination of flexibledeviation correction and prevention drilling tools can control the increase of deviation of the drilling well effectively while the rate of penetration(ROP) is increased,and can decrease the deviation also.柔性纠斜防斜钻具组合在提高机械钻速的情况下能有效地控制井斜增加,并具有降斜作用,为大倾角硬地层易斜区快速纠斜防斜钻进提供了一种新的钻具组合类型。

6)straightening control纠斜控制

1.A new wellstraightening control method for improving vertical precision of vertical drilling trajectory;提高垂直钻井轨迹垂直精度的纠斜控制新方法


纠绳1.亦作"糾绳"。 2.督察纠正。
