100字范文 > 耦合导热 coupled convection and conduction heat transfer英语短句 例句大全

耦合导热 coupled convection and conduction heat transfer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-25 22:06:59


耦合导热 coupled convection and conduction heat transfer英语短句 例句大全

耦合导热,coupled convection and conduction heat transfer

1)coupled convection and conduction heat transfer耦合导热

2)heat-transfer couple导热耦合


1.Numerical Simulation of Coupled Conduction-convective Heat Transfer in Louvered Fin Radiator;百叶窗翅片式散热器内对流—导热耦合传热的数值模拟

2.Coupled Numerical Study on Aeroheating,Radiative Heat Transfer and Structure Heat Conduction for Hypersonic Bodies of Revolution高超声速旋转体气动加热、辐射换热与结构热传导的耦合数值分析

3.Thermal-structural coupling analysis on wing short-range hypersonic missile近程高超音速导弹弹翼热结构耦合分析

4.Sensitivity Analysis and Design Optimization for Thermal Coupled Structural System;热传导与结构耦合系统的灵敏度分析及优化设计

5.The Application of ESO in 3D Thermal-Structural Coupled Systems;渐进结构优化法三维热传导—结构耦合优化设计中的应用

6.Sulphur Hexafluoride Transformer’s Directed-Gas Duct Design Based on Thermal-Fluid Coupled Field Analysis六氟化硫变压器导向型气道的热流耦合场分析及设计

7.Both the zone supply and return plenums are solved in the heat balance as thermal zones which couple through heat conduction with adjacent zones.送风静压箱和回风静压箱都被作为与相邻房间热传导相耦合的热区,采用热平衡的方法求解。

8.choke flange coupling波导管扼流凸缘耦合

9.integrated optical waveguide coupler集成光学波导耦合器

10.input/output coupling of optical waveguide光波导输入-输出耦合

11.Calibration for Coupling/Decoupling Networks in Measuring System of Immunity to Conducted Disturbances传导骚扰抗扰度耦合/去耦网络的校准

12.The Coupled Decoupled and ‘Hybrid’ Algorithms for One-Dimensional Modeling of Semiconduc for Devices;半导体器件-维模拟的耦合、非耦合及“混合”算法

13.3-D Thermal-Mechanical Coupled Numerical Simulation of Hot Continuous Rolling;热连轧三维热力耦合的数值模拟研究

14.Adaptability and Thermodynamic Efficiency of Thermally Coupled Distillation;热耦合精馏的适应性及其热力学效率

15.Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Embedded Tubes for Ground Coupled Heat Pumps;土壤耦合热泵地下埋管传热特性分析

16.Numerical Study on Coupled Heat Transfer of Thermal Radiation and High-Speed Flow热辐射与高速流耦合换热的数值研究

17.Relationship between the Coupling Length and the Waveguide Structure of Directional Coupler定向耦合器耦合长度与波导结构的关系

18.Two Phase Flow Model and Conjugate Heat Transfer for Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger;热管换热器的两相流模型与耦合传热的研究


heat-transfer couple导热耦合

3)coupled heat conduction耦合热传导

4)heat transfer-damage coupling导热-损伤耦合

5)Couple conduction-convection对流-导热耦合

1.The application of numerical method of couple conduction-convection in electronic equipments cooling;对流-导热耦合数值解法在电子设备冷却中的应用

6)coupled conduction and convection导热与对流耦合

1.Numerical simulation ofcoupled conduction and convection heat transfer in concentric cannula;三通道同心套管导热与对流耦合换热的数值模拟


