100字范文 > 载人航天器 manned spacecraft英语短句 例句大全

载人航天器 manned spacecraft英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-27 22:04:04


载人航天器 manned spacecraft英语短句 例句大全

载人航天器,manned spacecraft

1)manned spacecraft载人航天器

1.Grey relational analysis of fuzzy comprehesive evaluation of air quality inmanned spacecraft;载人航天器空气质量模糊综合评价灰关联分析

2.Mass optimization of SPE oxygen generationsystem inmanned spacecraft;载人航天器SPE水电解制氧系统的轻量化研究

3.Performance analysis of SPE oxygengeneration system inmanned spacecraft;载人航天器SPE制氧系统性能分析


1.environmental control system for manned space vehicle载人航天器环境控制系统

2.gas storage system for manned spacevehicle载人航天器气体贮存系统

3.life support system for manned space vehicle载人航天器生命保障系统

4.An Overview of Recovery and Landing Systems for Foreign Manned Spacecrafts国外载人航天器回收着陆技术的进展

5.Simulation of the Ventilation in Manned Spacecraft Cabin and Weight Reduction Analysis;载人航天器通风气流模拟及轻量化分析

6.Impact of Air Supply in Task Air Conditioning on Manned Spacecraft Cabin’s Air Quality工位送风对载人航天器座舱空气品质的影响

7.A Grounding Architecture for High-voltage Power System of Manned Spacecraft一种载人航天器高压供电系统接地方法

8.Reentry Trajectory Optimization for Manned Deep Space Exploration载人航天器深空飞行返回再入轨迹优化

9.Design of Long Duration Manned Spacecraft Housekeeping Management Information System长期载人航天器内务管理信息系统设计

10."The Saturn V, which launched the spacecraft that carried humans to the Moon, had three stages."运载载人航天器飞往月球的「农神5号」由三节式火箭组成。

11.Numerical Simulation of Flow Heat Transfer and Humidity Distribution in Pressured Cabins of an Independent Flight Manned Spacecraft载人航天器独立飞行时密封舱内流动换热及热湿分析研究

12.space environmental chamber载人航天环境模拟器

13.spaceborne imaging radar航天器载雷达成象系统

14.China"s Manned Space Mission "Complete Success"航天英雄自主出舱 载人航天圆满成功

15.space-borne computer空(间飞行器)载计算机, 航天器计算机

16."Spacecraft: Vehicle designed to operate, with or without a crew, in a controlled flight pattern above Earth"s lower atmosphere."航天器:设计在地球低层大气上按受控飞行路线运行的载人或不载人的飞行器。

17.We see this tradition continued in the manned space-flight and spacevehicle launch centers today.我们看到这种传统在现今载人航天飞行和航天飞行器发射中心延续下来的情形。

18.The report also makes irresponsible comments on China"s future development programs concerning guided missiles, nuclear weapons and manned space flight.而且该报告还对中国未来导弹、核武器、载人航天发展计划说三道四。


manned spacecraft cabin载人航天器座舱

1.Numerical simulation on air age inmanned spacecraft cabins;载人航天器座舱空气龄的数值模拟

3)manned spaceflight载人航天

1.Monte Carlo method in estimating radiation safty formanned spaceflight;Monte Carlo方法在载人航天辐射安全性评价中的应用

2.The Space Operational Medicine is an important branch of Space Medico-Engineering,and plays an important role inmanned spaceflight mission so as to ensure the astronaut s health and safety.航天实施医学是航天医学工程学的重要组成部分,在载人航天型号任务中为保障任务的顺利实施发挥着重要作用。

3.Finally, the applications of the quadrupole mass spectrometer array in the field ofmanned spaceflight were summarized.本文描述了阵列质谱仪的工作原理及体积、质量、功耗、一机多用以及与小型气相色谱和热导检测器联用时所具有的冗余设计等特点 ,介绍了小型阵列质谱仪发展过程中形成的 3种结构类型及性能 ,阐述了小型阵列质谱仪在载人航天中的广泛应

4)manned space flight载人航天

1.Measure on medicial care and rescue for the first Chinese astronaut duringmanned space flight;对我国首次载人航天航天员医疗保障及救护措施的探讨

2.With 40 years development and practice ofmanned space flight in China,it gradually comes into being.航天医学工程是伴随着我国近40年载人航天的发展,孕育催生的一门新兴学科,具有特色鲜明的学科理论体系和实践技术方法。

3.Objective To design a new digital temperature sensor with quartz crystal formanned space flight.目的设计一种适合载人航天高精度温度测量的数字式石英温度传感器。

5)Manned Aerospace Flight载人航天

1.Based on the experiences of emergency medical support for manned aerospace flights at sea,the author discussed the problems during the mission,and some countermeasures were proposed,which were very important to support the safety of cosmonauts and the success of continued missions.本文结合本院多次载人航天航天员海上应急卫勤保障的经验,探讨执行任务过程中存在的问题并提出相应的对策,为保障航天员安全,圆满完成后续的卫勤保障任务提供重要的经验。

6)Manned space载人航天

1.Since the dawn of the manned space program more than 30 years ago, it has played an important role in taking human to space, and exploiting space wealth.以发展载人航天器为重点的、由航天员参与的载人航天技术是以对太空进行探索以及利用太空环境进行科学研究、资源开发与应用的综合工程技术,它是新技术群中的一个重要领域,是高技术密集的尖端科学技术。

2.According to the related documents, the significance of interactive virtual scene on manned space, the current situation and its developing trends have been described, on the base of which its key parts are expouned.根据国内外相关文献,本文主要论述了在载人航天研究中,建立交互式虚拟航天场景的研究现状、方法和关键技术。

3.administration established the objective of manned space program, emphasized the practical application and the value of scientific study.苏联发射斯普特尼克1号卫星后,美国政府确立了载人航天的目标,重视外层空间的实际应用和科学研究价值,这一时期美国政府的外空政策和外空活动,确立了其后的美国航天“大纲”。


