100字范文 > 清洗周期 cleaning cycle英语短句 例句大全

清洗周期 cleaning cycle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-19 11:04:12


清洗周期 cleaning cycle英语短句 例句大全

清洗周期,cleaning cycle

1)cleaning cycle清洗周期

1.Determination of optimalcleaning cycle for heat exchanger subject to fouling based on the second law of thermodynamics基于热力学第二定律的换热器最佳清洗周期的确定


1.clean-up period(机器)清洗周期(两次清洗的间隔时间)

2.That way, you can rinse them so food will be easier to wash off later, but still wait until you have a full load to run the cleaning cycle.这样,他们就可以以清水洗净,容易使食物会过后来但等到你已满载办好清洗周期.

3.Research on the Sedimentation of Aerosol Particles in Ventilating Ducts and the Air Duct Cleaning Interval通风空调管道内气溶胶颗粒物的沉降及风管清洗周期的研究

4.Determination of optimal cleaning cycle for heat exchanger subject to fouling based on the second law of thermodynamics基于热力学第二定律的换热器最佳清洗周期的确定

5.the accepted rate of product was increased by 2%.使造纸系统的浆块明显减少,断纸减少,清洗周期延长,产品一等品率提高1%~2%;

6.Cleaning and protection from these environments will extend the life of the sensor.清洗和保护将延长传感器的生命周期。

7.If use hand requlation can be arbitranily choose the washing period;washing time;and dewatering time.设备有自动、手动任意切换,任意选择洗涤周期,清洗次数,脱水时间等优点。

8.With a mild detergent, wash the area around the puncture. Rinse and dry thoroughly.用温和的洗涤剂,清洗小洞周围的地方.彻底清洗和干燥.

9.Clean and wipe dry vanity basin making sure to clean around the base of the taps.清洗并擦干手盆,注意清洁水龙头底座周围。

10.CBI+well washing every 45 days in 22 wells (groupⅢ);第三类22口井注菌液并热水洗井,洗井周期45天;

11.Waste storage areas shall be regularly maintained and cleaned.存放废物的地方应定期修护及清洗。

12.University teachers" being fired and differentiated in Nazi Germany纳粹德国时期大学教师的清洗与分化

13.Effects:Removes impurities and protects the skin from irritation.请使用于洗脸后的清洁肌肤,每周1-2次为宜。

14.cabinet type washer柜式清洗机.箱式清洗机

15.hydrodemolition equipment [for cleaning tunnels]高压清洗机〔清洗隧道〕

16.Thoroughly wash and clean area around pump module to prevent contaminants from entering tank.彻底清洗并清洁泵模组的周围区域以防止杂质进入油箱。

17.Clean the kitchen sinks and the taps taking care to clean around the base of the taps.清洁厨房内的洗涤槽及水龙头,注意清洁水龙头底座周围。

18.Wash often. Keep clean.常清洗、保持清洁。


hot washing (wax removal)period热洗井(清蜡)周期

3)boiler cleaning cycle锅炉清洗周期

4)chemical cleaning cycle化学清洗周期

5)air duct cleaning interval风管清洗周期

6)periodic reverse-current cleaning周期变极性电解清洗


清洗1.洗干净。 2.比喻清除。
