100字范文 > 地表辐射温度 Surface true temperature英语短句 例句大全

地表辐射温度 Surface true temperature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-10 09:18:28


地表辐射温度 Surface true temperature英语短句 例句大全

地表辐射温度,Surface true temperature

1)Surface true temperature地表辐射温度

2)radiometric temperature表面辐射温度

3)the radiant surface temperature辐射表面温度

4)surface temperature of radiator辐射体表面温度

1.It is proposed that to control onlysurface temperature of radiator in radiant heating design is not enough,and the comprehensive consideration should be given to the influence ofsurface temperature of radiator and back temperature of radiator in adjacent room on the room comfort.提出了在辐射供暖设计中,单一控制辐射体表面温度是不够的,必须综合考虑辐射体表面温度和邻室辐射体背面温度对房间舒适性的影响。

5)radiation temperature辐射温度

1.Experimental research onradiation temperature for holhraums;黑腔靶辐射温度实验研究

2.Investigation of scaling laws forradiation temperature with shock wave velocity in Al辐射温度与其驱动Al冲击波速度的定标关系研究

3.Experimental study ofradiation temperature for gold hohlraum heated with 1ns,0.35μm lasers on SG-Ⅲ prototype laser facility神光Ⅲ原型1ns激光驱动黑腔辐射温度实验研究


1.mean radiant temperature平均辐射温度 平均辐射温度

2.globe thermometre球顶玻璃辐射温度计

3.Irradiance or its equivalent, the plane radiant temperature, can be simply measured.可以简单地量测辐照度或其当量--平面辐射温度。

4.Research on the Curve Fitting of MMW Radiation Temperature with Skin Temperature毫米波辐射温度随表面温度变化的曲线拟合

5.The architectural design and adjustment of indoor average radiation temperature室内平均辐射温度的建筑设计与调节

6.A Comparison of Different Ground-based Radiative Temperature Measurement Methods on the Field Patch Scale田块尺度作物辐射温度获取方法对比研究

7.temperature humidity infrared radiometer温度湿度红外辐射计

8.temperature and humidity infrared radiometer温度与湿度红外辐射计

9.verticql temperature profile radiometer温度铅直廓线辐射仪

10.ITPR (Infrared Temperature Profile Riometer )红外温度廓线辐射计

11.Pyrometers, radiometers, bolometers are used for determining heat radiation and have applications for measuring the surface temperature of hot lavas.高温计、辐射计、辐射热测量仪用来测定热辐射和热岩熔的表面温度。


13.The satellites has sent back such information as temperature, radiation, and so on卫星已把温度、辐射等信息传了回来

14.The satellite has sent Back such information as temperature, radiation, and so on.卫星已把温度、辐射等信息传了回来。

15.A Design and Study of the Balance of Temperature by Medium of Infrared Origin;介质温度均衡红外辐射源的研究设计

16.Electrical Explosion Temperature of Metal Thin Film Bridge Measured by Spectrum Radiation Method光谱辐射测量金属薄膜桥电爆炸温度

17.Three-dimensional temperature field visualization reconstruction of charge coupled device radiation imageCCD辐射图像三维温度场可视化重构

18.Equations of Propagation of Uncertinty on ITS-90 and on Radiation Interpolation Scales;90国际温标和辐射内插温标不确定度传播方程


radiometric temperature表面辐射温度

3)the radiant surface temperature辐射表面温度

4)surface temperature of radiator辐射体表面温度

1.It is proposed that to control onlysurface temperature of radiator in radiant heating design is not enough,and the comprehensive consideration should be given to the influence ofsurface temperature of radiator and back temperature of radiator in adjacent room on the room comfort.提出了在辐射供暖设计中,单一控制辐射体表面温度是不够的,必须综合考虑辐射体表面温度和邻室辐射体背面温度对房间舒适性的影响。

5)radiation temperature辐射温度

1.Experimental research onradiation temperature for holhraums;黑腔靶辐射温度实验研究

2.Investigation of scaling laws forradiation temperature with shock wave velocity in Al辐射温度与其驱动Al冲击波速度的定标关系研究

3.Experimental study ofradiation temperature for gold hohlraum heated with 1ns,0.35μm lasers on SG-Ⅲ prototype laser facility神光Ⅲ原型1ns激光驱动黑腔辐射温度实验研究

6)radiant temperature辐射温度

1.At the same time,when rock mass is frictionized or crashed by the infrared thermal imaging system of TVS-8000MKⅡ,the instant infraredradiant temperature of rock mass is collected in real-time,showing a positive correlation between the surface temperature rise and falling height & quantity of the rock.利用旋转摩擦试验机进行了岩石摩擦、撞击的模拟试验研究,观测总结了岩石摩擦、撞击产生火花的现象,同时利用TVS-8000MKⅡ型红外热像仪实时采集岩石摩擦、撞击时岩石的瞬时红外辐射温度,得出岩石表面升温与岩石的垮落高度和岩石质量存在正相关关系。

2.Armored target MMWradiant temperature in actual combat condition was computed and analyzed.在被动毫米波探测原理的研究基础上,建立了辐射计天线温度模型与输出信号模型,对装甲目标进行了实战条件下的毫米波辐射温度计算与分析。

3.The thermograph obtained by a thermal imaging system is only the distribution ofradiant temperature of the surface of measured devices,not the true temperature.用红外热成像系统直接获得的热像图,是被测器件表面辐射温度的分布,并不是真实温度的分布。


