100字范文 > 乙炔黑电极 acetylene black electrode英语短句 例句大全

乙炔黑电极 acetylene black electrode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-09 23:31:37


乙炔黑电极 acetylene black electrode英语短句 例句大全

乙炔黑电极,acetylene black electrode

1)acetylene black electrode乙炔黑电极

1.The voltammetric behaviors of diclofenac sodium were investigatied by cyclic,linear-sweep,differential-pulse voltammtry atacetylene black electrode.用循环伏安法、线性扫描伏安法、微分脉冲伏安法对双氯芬酸钠在乙炔黑电极上的伏安行为进行了研究。


1.Properties and Preparation of Acetylene Black Electrode and Its Double-layer Capacitor;乙炔黑电极材料及其双电层电容器制备与性能研究

2.Electrochemical investigation of myoglobin at an acetylene black paste electrode in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfateSDS存在下肌红蛋白在乙炔黑电极上的电化学行为研究

3.The Problem Whether Acetylene Black Should Be Added into the Graphite Negative Electrode有关石墨材料负电极中应否添加乙炔黑的问题

4.Determination of trace tin by stripping voltammetry with a multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified acetylene carbon black microelectrode多壁碳纳米管修饰乙炔炭黑微电极溶出伏安法测定痕量锡


6.carbide to water acetylene generator电石入水式乙炔发生器

7.water to carbide acetylene generator电石加水式乙炔发生器

8.In Situ Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Phenylacetylene Adsorbed on Gold Electrode苯乙炔吸附在金电极上的现场表面增强拉曼光谱研究

9.Acetylene black--Determination of pH valueGB/T3781.4-1993乙炔炭黑ph值的测定

10.Acetylene black--Specification limitsGB/T3782-1993乙炔炭黑技术条件

11.Acetylene black--Determination of apparent specific volumeGB/T3781.6-1993乙炔炭黑视比容的测定

12.Standard reference acetylene black and standard practice for evaluationGB/T12827-1991标准参比乙炔炭黑及鉴定方法

13.Acetylene black--Determination of hydrochloric acid absorption numberGB/T3781.8-1993乙炔炭黑盐酸吸液量的测定

14.Determination of Acetylene Black in Semiconductor Paper半导体纸中乙炔黑保留率的测定方法

15.Sonochemistry preparation and performance of MnO_2/acetylene blackMnO_2/乙炔黑的超声化学制备与性能

16.The results showed that the volume resistivity of electrical conductive silicone rubber could be predicted and controlled by the additional level and threshold of acetylene black;结果表明 ,由乙炔炭黑用量和渗滤阈可以预测和控制导电硅橡胶的体积电阻率 ;

17.Quantitative analysis of raw calcium carbide in carbide slags from dry-process acetylene synthesis system干法乙炔电石渣中生电石的定量分析

18.A colorless, highly flammable or explosive gas, C2H2, used for metal welding and cutting and as an illuminant.乙炔,电石气一无色,极易燃或爆炸的气体,C2H2,用于金属熔接和切割技术和光源


Acetylene black paste electrode乙炔黑碳糊电极

1.5×10~(-5) mol L~(-1) SDBS,a well-defined and sensitive oxidation peak was observed for telmisartan at theAcetylene black paste electrode.研究了替米沙坦在乙炔黑碳糊电极上的电化学行为。

2.Result:A well-defined and sensitive oxidation peak was observed for telmisartan at the acetylene black paste electrode in the mixture of 0.1mol·L-1HClO4溶液中,替米沙坦在乙炔黑碳糊电极上于1。

3)acetylene black conductor乙炔黑导电剂

1.The amount of additives of PVDF binder andacetylene black conductor is studied in the paper.对PVDF粘结剂和乙炔黑导电剂的添加量进行了优化研究。

4)acetylene black乙炔炭黑

1.The application ofacetylene black in Zn/MnO_2 battery;乙炔炭黑在锌锰电池中的应用

2.The damping property of piezoelectric IIR filled with PZT piezoelectric ceramic powder andacetylene black was investigated.探讨填充锆钛酸铅(PZT)压电陶瓷粉和乙炔炭黑的压电IIR阻尼性能。

3.The electrically conductive properties of silicone rubber filled withacetylene black were studied.对乙炔炭黑填充硅橡胶的导电性能进行研究。

5)carbon black乙炔炭黑

1.The microwave-absorbing property of polymer filled with inorganic substance with crystal water andcarbon black was examined.研究了含结晶水无机物和乙炔炭黑(CB)填充聚合物复合材料的吸波性能。

2.The microwave absorbing properties of butadieneacrylonitrile rubber(NBR) filled with polyaniline(PAn)/carbon black(CB)have been studied.研究了聚苯胺(PAn)和乙炔炭黑(CB)填充于腈橡胶(NBR)的吸波性能。

6)acetylene carbon black乙炔炭黑

1.Piezoresistivity of cement-based materials withacetylene carbon black;乙炔炭黑水泥基复合材料的压敏性

2.The title two-can coatings with low cost and goodconductivity are made with low costacetylene carbon blackas conductive filler and polyamine from low price and highquality natural cashew oil derivatives as curing agent.采用未改性的低成本乙炔炭黑为导电填料,以优质价廉的天然腰果壳油衍生物合成的多元胺为固化剂,制备出了成本低、导电性能优良的双组分环氧防静电地坪底涂涂料,并探讨了该涂料的配方设计及其主要成分对涂膜导电性和理化性能的影响。


乙炔黑C 分子量12.01 性质 纯黑色极细粉末。视密度0.02一0.03g/cm3。具有较高的导电性和吸油值。导热性良好。 生产方法 采用电石法。即先用电石制成乙快气,经净化,使乙炔气在1400℃左右高温下隔绝空气进行裂解,再经冷却、收集而得。 应用 主要用于干电池、电讯传真纸、电泳底漆及无线电元件的制造。也用于硬质橡胶制品的制造。
