100字范文 > 脾脏占位性病变 Splenic space-occupying lesions英语短句 例句大全

脾脏占位性病变 Splenic space-occupying lesions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-11 10:03:20


脾脏占位性病变 Splenic space-occupying lesions英语短句 例句大全

脾脏占位性病变,Splenic space-occupying lesions

1)Splenic space-occupying lesions脾脏占位性病变


1.PET-CT manifestations and differential diagnosis of splenic space occupying lesion脾脏占位性病变的CT、PET-CT诊断及鉴别诊断

2.Correlative Study Between Identifications and Lesion/Spleen Signal Intensity Ratio (SIR)of the Small Focal Hepatic Lesions肝脏局灶性小占位病变的病灶/脾脏信号强度比(SIR)与病灶性质的相关研究

3.Diagnosis and management of complicated cystic renal occupying lesions复杂性囊性肾脏占位病变的诊治体会

4.Laparoscopic Splenectomy for Splenic Benign Space Occupying Lesion:Report of 10 cases腹腔镜治疗脾良性占位病变10例临床分析

5.intracranial space-occupying lesio颅内占位(性)病变

6.31-phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy in diagnosis of the benign and malignant masses in liver~(31)P-MRS在肝脏良、恶性占位性病变中的诊断价值

puter-Aided Diagnosis of Liver Space-occupying Lesions Based on Ultrasonic Medical Image Analysis;肝脏占位性病变超声图像识别方法研究

8.Evaluation of Diffusion Weighted Imaging of Renal Masses: A Preliminary Study;肾脏占位性病变DWI检查应用价值的初步研究

9.Application of MR diffusion weighted imaging in the diagnosis of focal space-occupying lesions in liverMR扩散加权成像在肝脏占位性病变中的应用

10.Study of Biopsy whith Quick-core Biopsy Needle in Liver Space-Occupying LesionsQuick-core活检针在肝脏占位性病变活检术中的应用

11.Diagnosis in focal hepatic lesions with contrast enhanced color Doppler US彩色多普勒在肝脏占位性病变中的应用价值

12.DWI parameters in differential diagnosis of benign and malignant liver lesions with different b values and measurement regions不同b值和测量位置的DWI参数鉴别诊断肝脏良、恶性占位性病变

13.Diagnosis and treatment of the rare tumor-like lesions of liver肝脏罕少见实性占位病变的诊断和治疗(附38例病例报告)

14.Imaging Diagnosis and Disposal Strategy of Liver Small Mass肝脏小占位病变影像诊断与处置对策

15.Clinical Application Value of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in the Differential Diagnosis of Focal Space-occupying Lesions in Liver at 3.0 Tesla Magnetic Resonance;3.0T磁共振扩散加权成像在鉴别肝脏良恶性占位性病变的价值

16.Differential Diagnosis of Benign and Malign Pathology on Hepatic Perfusion by CTCT灌注成像对肝脏占位性病变良、恶性诊断价值的探讨

17.Differential Diagnosis Study of Diffusion Weighted MR Imaging in Focal Hepatic Lesions;水分子扩散加权成像在肝脏占位性病变鉴别诊断中的研究

18.Applications in Evaluation of Diffusion Weighted MR Imaging in Hepatic Masses;磁共振扩散加权成像在肝脏占位性病变中的应用


focal liver lesions肝脏占位性病变

1.Study of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in diagnosis offocal liver lesions;超声造影在肝脏占位性病变诊断中的应用研究

3)renal occupied lesion肾脏占位性病变

1.Objective To explore the value of real-time contrast-enhanced ultrasound(CEUS) with SonoVue in diagnosingrenal occupied lesions.目的探讨SonoVue实时超声造影在肾脏占位性病变中的应用价值。

2.Methods Renal occupied lesions in 21 cases were examined with CEUS SonoVue and CnTI techiques.目的探讨肾脏占位性病变在超声造影时间-强度曲线上的变化特征。

4)splenic occupied-lesion脾占位病变

5)focal splenic lesions脾脏占位

1.It restrains and destroys tumor cells,sofocal splenic lesions are rare relative to those in the other abdominal organs.CT与磁共振对脾脏较易显示,而超声检查因受肋骨遮挡与气体干扰,故探讨脾脏占位超声表现的文章不多。

6)Diagnosis of solid lesions in liver肝脏实性占位性病变


