100字范文 > 锅炉机组 boiler units英语短句 例句大全

锅炉机组 boiler units英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-06 00:50:20


锅炉机组 boiler units英语短句 例句大全

锅炉机组,boiler units

1)boiler units锅炉机组

1.The operational situation of 2×900MW supercriticalboiler units after commissioning in Shanghai Waigaoqiao Second Electric Power Co.介绍了上海外高桥第二发电有限责任公司2×900 MW超临界锅炉机组投产以来的运行情况,对再热器汽温偏低的问题进行了分析,阐述了再热器汽温的几种调节方法及效果,探讨了煤混烧时磨煤机的运行方式、电耗及对再热汽温的影响,还对吹灰系统应用优化专家系统所取得的效果进行了论证。

2.Only by better grasping the influence rules of work conditional change on parameters,reasonable adjustments can be done during the operation to ensure safety,stability and economical operation of theboiler units.锅炉机组是按照额定工况进行设计的,但实际上锅炉往往是在非设计工况下运行,这时,各工况参数都可能要发生改变。


1.Discrepancies between Oxy-fuel Combustion Based Boiler Units and Traditional Coal-fired Boiler UnitsO_2/CO_2燃煤锅炉机组与传统燃煤锅炉机组的差异

2.Introduction to starting-up of 600MW boiler without boiler water circulating pump600MW超临界锅炉机组无炉水循环泵开机分析

3.The property test rule for marine auxiliary boiler unitGB/T14649-1993船用辅锅炉机组性能试验规范

4.Regulation Testing Research of Combustion on 500MW Boiler;500MW锅炉机组燃烧调整试验研究

5.Investigation of Aerodynamic Field in 600MW Unite Boiler Model by Particle Image Velocimetry Measurement;600MW机组锅炉模型炉内流场PIV测量研究

6.Prediction and Optimization of Furnace Combustion for 300MW Unit Boiler300MW机组锅炉炉内燃烧过程预报及优化

7.The steel frame of the No.3 boiler group is successfully hoisted.工厂的3号机组锅炉钢架顺利开吊。

8.Design of 600MW Pulverized Coal-fired Boiler;600MW级机组煤粉锅炉设计计算

9.Intelligence PID Control Research of Boiler Main Steam Temperature in Thermal Power Unit;火电机组锅炉主汽温智能PID控制研究

10.Energy Consumption Analysis of the Air-flue Gas System in 300MW Boiler;300MW机组电站锅炉烟风系统能耗分析

11.Analysis on the Characteristics of MBEL600MW Supercritical Boiler;MBEL600MW超临界机组锅炉特性分析

12.The Study on Cure of High-temperature Corrosion in 50MW Generating Unit Boiler;50MW机组锅炉高温腐蚀研究与治理

13.Research on Flue Gas Denitrification Technology in 200MW Units;200MW机组锅炉烟气脱氮技术研究

14.Study on the Main Steam Temperature Control Strategy of 600MW Generating Unit Boiler600MW机组锅炉主汽温控制策略的研究

15.Precaution and Analysis on the Oxide-scale Issue of 1000MW Unit Boiler1000MW机组锅炉氧化皮问题分析与预防

16.Study on Combustion Adjustment of 600MW Supercritical Pressure Boiler600MW超临界机组锅炉燃烧调整试验研究

17.The Application Study of Intelligence Control on Superheated Steam Temperature of Boiler in Power Plant燃煤机组锅炉过热汽温智能控制研究

18.Research on the Simulation Model of Heat Recovery Steam Generator in Combined Cycle Unit联合循环机组余热锅炉仿真模型研究


boiler unit机组锅炉

3)CFB boiler unitCFB锅炉机组

1.Approach on reduction of house power consumption in 300 MWCFB boiler unit;降低300MW CFB锅炉机组厂用电的探讨

4)300 MW utility boiler300MW机组锅炉

5)MW PC boiler135MW机组煤粉锅炉

6)SC boiler超临界锅炉机组


