100字范文 > 滇朴 Celtis yunnanensis英语短句 例句大全

滇朴 Celtis yunnanensis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-24 15:54:47


滇朴 Celtis yunnanensis英语短句 例句大全

滇朴,Celtis yunnanensis

1)Celtis yunnanensis滇朴


1.The paper studies the clan system of Yelang nationality andDian nationality,and the diplomatic relations between Yelang State and Nanyue State,as well asDian State.夜郎地区之“僚”,指的主要是当地濮、越的混合群体,但夜郎的主体居民与滇一样同属濮;汉初的夜郎国,是在一个较大、较松散部落联盟的基础上形成的古国;夜郎与南越建立了较稳定的联盟关系,南越通过与夜郎的联盟把影响扩散到云南西部;夜郎与滇的关系亦较密切,联络夜郎与滇的水陆通道南夷道,对沟通两地乃至巴蜀与南越之间的商贸往来,发挥了十分重要的作用。


1.Research on Cause of Designation for the Hui People with Surname of Ma in the East and Northeast of Yunnan;滇东、滇东北马姓回族名称来由浅析

2.Exploration of Commercialization of Cashew Industry in South and Southwest Yunnan;滇南与滇西南地区发展腰果产业探讨

3.The control on Dianchi Lake pollution reaps preliminary fruit.滇池污染治理初见成效。

4.Yunnan gentry also built up their railway company, through which they hoped to build a railway by themselves.滇省绅士也应时而起,创建了滇蜀滇路公司,试图通过滇省自己的力量来修筑铁路。

5.After the entrance of Tubo to Ten, another name for Yunnan, the traffic of Tubo-Ten developed significantly.吐蕃入滇后,滇藏交通出现了前所未有的大发展。

6.The Water Conservancy Projects in Central and South Yunnan in the Yongzheng Period of the Qing Dynasty清雍正年间滇中及滇南地区的水利治理

7.The Yunnan-Vietnam Railway and the Progress of Modernization for South-eastern Yunnan Ethnic Minorities滇越铁路与滇东南民族地区的近代化进程

8.The construction of the water conservancy in Dianchi area had taken the shape of two big projects from Yuan to Qing: one was Dianchi′s drainage works,the other was irrigation works.滇池地区水利的修建,从元到清在滇池水利中形成了两大工程:一是滇池泄水工程;

9.The Understanding of the Dianchi Environmental Protectionand the human Life by the Residents around the Dianchi Drainage Area;滇池流域居民关于滇池环境保护与人的生活的认知——滇池环境保护意识与行为状况调查

10.Mr. Yang Cheng-zhi, Initiator of Ethnological Investigation in Yunnan and Sichuan滇川民族学调查第一人——记杨成志先生滇川调查之行

11.Studies on Germplasm Resources of the Genus of Primula in North-West Yunnan Province and Core Germplasm of Primula Denticulata ssp. Sinodenticulata;滇西北报春资源及滇北球花报春核心种质的研究

12.The Ancient Dianyue Kingdom neither Tengyue Kingdom nor Found by the Dai People--The Ancient Dianyue Kingdom was not Founded by the Dai People;论古代滇越并非腾越——兼论滇越国不是傣族先民建立的国家

13.The challenge and opportunity of the reconstruction of Futien bank;从富滇银行的历史看重建富滇银行的机遇与条件

14.Yunnan-Vietnam Railway and Modernization of Modern Transportation in Southeast Yunnan滇越铁路与滇东南地区近代交通转型之关系探析

15.A Tentative Discussion on the Genetic Mechanism of the Cleavable Zone along the Yunnan-Tibet Border Sector of the Yunnan-Tibet Railway Line and an Analysis of its Engineering Effect滇藏铁路沿线滇藏交界段劈理化带成因探讨及工程效应分析

16.The second one is the Shangri-La route in the northwest Yunnan.二是滇西北香格里拉旅游热线。

17.A portion of the Laotian refugees in Yunnan smoothly returned back home在滇部分老挝难民顺利返回家园

18.Dali is the necessary way from Kunming to the Northwest.大理是昆明通往滇西北的必经之路。



1.The paper studies the clan system of Yelang nationality andDian nationality,and the diplomatic relations between Yelang State and Nanyue State,as well asDian State.夜郎地区之“僚”,指的主要是当地濮、越的混合群体,但夜郎的主体居民与滇一样同属濮;汉初的夜郎国,是在一个较大、较松散部落联盟的基础上形成的古国;夜郎与南越建立了较稳定的联盟关系,南越通过与夜郎的联盟把影响扩散到云南西部;夜郎与滇的关系亦较密切,联络夜郎与滇的水陆通道南夷道,对沟通两地乃至巴蜀与南越之间的商贸往来,发挥了十分重要的作用。


1.ZhuangZi s humane spirit of unconventionality and wisdom is the reason that brings forth the romantic style and the "plain"of aesthetic angle.《庄子》的散文展现的是汪洋辟阖、仪态万方的浪漫主义风格 ,《庄子》的“朴”的美学观念又呈自然、直率、真实、无为的倾向。

4)Directly; in simple, direct way朴朴实实

5)Dianchi Lake滇池

1.Estimation of Releasing Fluxes of Sediment Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Fubao Bay inDianchi Lake;滇池福保湾底泥内源氮磷营养盐释放通量估算

2.Investigation on countermeasures for water environment management and water pollution prevention inDianchi Lake;滇池水污染治理及防治对策研究

3.Research and Countermeasures on Substrate Pollution of River Channels Following toDianchi Lake;滇池入湖河道底质污染及防治对策研究

6)Dian Chi Lake滇池

1.Study on the Algaecide Effect ofDian Chi Lake with Algaecide247;去藻247对滇池水除藻效果的研究

2.Research of Toxin of Main Algaes in theDian Chi Lake;滇池水体中主要藻种毒素研究

3.[Objective] To investigate mental health status of different sex farmers alongDian Chi Lake of Jinning county.[目的]了解晋宁县滇池沿岸不同性别农民的心理健康状况。


