100字范文 > 经验知识 experience knowledge英语短句 例句大全

经验知识 experience knowledge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-27 09:48:47


经验知识 experience knowledge英语短句 例句大全

经验知识,experience knowledge

1)experience knowledge经验知识

1.The computer aided planning of cover parts stamping process based on theexperience knowledge;基于经验知识的计算机辅助覆盖件冲压工艺决策

2.In order to enhance the study speed and the convergence rate of Q-learning algorithm,an algorithm that based on theexperience knowledge about environment is proposed.为了提高智能体系统中的典型的强化学习——Q-学习的学习速度和收敛速度,使学习过程充分利用环境信息,本文提出了一种基于经验知识的Q-学习算法。


1.Lack of the knowledge gained from experience.缺乏经验知识缺乏由经验得来的知识

2.The experiencial knowledge is indispensible.经验知识是必不可少的

3.A Study on the Measurement of the Tacit Knowledge Based on Knowledge Engineering;基于知识工程的隐含经验知识测度研究

4.a fund of jokes, knowledge, experience, etc大量的笑话、 知识、 经验等.

5.He has experience as well as knowledge.他既有知识又有经验。

6.Experience is subservient to knowledge.经验有助于知识 (的增进) 。

7.Knowledge is experience generalized.知识是被概括出的经验。

8.be deficient in skill, experience, knowledge, etc缺乏技巧、 经验、 知识等

9.Harry has knowledge as well as experience .哈利有知识,并且有经验。

10.Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.--Bernard Lown经验乃知识之父,记忆乃知识之母。——劳恩

11.The knowledge or skill so derived.知识,技能由经验得来的知识或技能

12.Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.经验是知识之父,记忆是知识之母。

13.Knowledge derived from study, experience, or instruction.知识从学习、经验或指导中得到的知识

14.lack of experience and the knowledge and understanding derived from experience.缺乏经验和知识和从经验得到的理解。

15.Knowledge acquired through education or experience.学问,学识通过教育或经验获取的知识

16.The range of one"s knowledge, experience, or interest.眼界,见识人的知识、经验或兴趣的范围

17.Extent of perception, knowledge, experience, or ability.范围认知、知识、经验或能力方面的范围

18.Knowledge in Experience Curriculum--A Discussion on the Trend of Neglecting Knowledge;经验课程中的知识——关于轻视知识倾向的讨论


empirical knowledge经验知识

1.A threshold selection strategy based onempirical knowledge and information entropy;一种基于经验知识和信息熵的阈值选择策略

2.Then, the thesis puts forward a qualitativeempirical knowledge formulation and discusses the reliability in the application of qualitative model.其次,结合卫星姿轨控制系统的实际诊断问题,对建模过程做了合理的设计,确立了建模的主体策略,提出了经验知识的定性表述方法,并对可靠性分析在定性模型中的应用进行了深入的研究。

3)experiential knowledge经验知识

1.But there is a kind of mistakes having a certain common property, that are the mistakes caused by carelessly applying someexperiential knowledge in physics learned before, and students often fail to find this kind of mistakes themselves.解题出错的原因多种多样,但有一类错误具有一定的共性,这就是由于随意使用过去所学的一些物理经验知识而导致的错误,且这类错误学生自己往往还不容易发现。

4)experimental knowledge经验知识

1.This paper discussed the cognitive value of the ancients invented the fire and the fire-chemical technique from the cradle of original thinking, accumulation ofexperimental knowledge and material of natural prospect three aspect.文章从原始思维摇篮、经验知识积累和自然图景素材等三个方面具体揭示了古人发明火和火化学工艺的认识价值 ,以追溯古代的神话、哲学和科学思想发展历史源头的认识基础。


1.By using problem-solving paradigm,the influence of learning ability and theknowledge on the analogical problem-solving and strategy using of 90 children in primary 4 was explored.采用问题解决类比任务范式,考察了学习能力、知识经验对90名小学4年级儿童在问题解决过程中类比问题解决及策略运用的影响。

2.Some 20th century Chinese philosophers were unsatisfied with the theory ofknowledge in modern Western philosophy which restricted epistemology solely to the examination ofknowledge.20世纪中国哲学家不满于在西方近代产生的仅仅局限于知识经验的狭义认识论观点,主张把形上智慧纳入认识论研究的视野,阐发了一种扩展认识论的形上进路。

3.In the present review,the debate among these studies was analyzed from several differences of the research methods,such as the experimental paradigms,the difference between premises,experimental materials and the way to present,scope of properties and conceptual category,form of reasoning,andknowledge context.出现此争论的原因可能与研究方法方面的差异有关,如实验范式与前提组间差异、实验材料类别与概念范畴、属性特征及呈现方式、推理形式;此外,儿童的知识经验也是一个影响因素。



《八路军抗战两年来的经验教训》《八路军抗战两年来的经验教训》Two Years" Experience and Lessons of the Eighth Route Army in the War of Resistancef thernce)军事半月战两以现民众总结性利众运了抗分支尸乏换,还提和部政治的进治上对于平,((}、路军抗战两年来的经验教训(Two Years’E丫perienee and LessonsEighth Route ArJ哟〕in the War ofResis」朱德总结八路军抗日战争经验教训守著作。为刊载于1939年7月《前线》刊第11、第12期合刊上的《八路军打周年》一文的第2部分,约1 300字,名收人1983年8月出版的《朱德选续该文从党政军民团结一致、开压运动和灵活的战略战术等三个方面,了,、路军在两年抗战中所取得的伟夕和经验,主要是党政军民团结一致,「动有成绩,采用灵活的战略战术。提日日根据地的机动战原则二小股进退,袭扰,集中主力,乘弱伏尾,昼伏夜云东击西,有意暴露,及时隐蔽,利害毫不犹豫,拿定火色,转入外线。该〕出,只有不断提高八路军的指挥艺才队素质,才能战胜敌人。这不仅要依寄的进步,而且要依靠军事的进步。军写步又要以政治的进步作为保障,用刃的进步保证战略战术上的提高。((/又路军抗战两年来的经验教训》提高八路军、新四军游击战的战术才加强部队军事建设,起了促进作用。 (刘学
