100字范文 > 脉动风压 fluctuating wind pressure英语短句 例句大全

脉动风压 fluctuating wind pressure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-05 14:37:43


脉动风压 fluctuating wind pressure英语短句 例句大全

脉动风压,fluctuating wind pressure

1)fluctuating wind pressure脉动风压

1.Based on the cantilever arc roof wind tunnel test,the transform of continuous wavelet,the selection of the mother wavelet and the multi-resolusion analysis are made of the collectedfluctuating wind pressure.基于弧形挑篷模型测压风洞试验,对采集到的风压样本进行了连续小波变换、母小波的选取及多分辨率分析,并对各尺度上脉动风压小波系数和尺度系数的相关性进行了分析,识别了弧形挑篷风压在不同频率范围内的能量分布情况,并以不同频率范围内的风压信号相关性差异,确定脉动风压传播的频率范围。

2.A 3D wind load test of heliostat in wind tunnel was carried out using surface pressure measuring technology and the distribution of mean wind pressure andfluctuating wind pressure at measured points of mirror s surface was obtained while wind direction angle varied from 0° to 180° and elevation angle varied from 0° to 90°.采用表面测压技术对定日镜模型进行了三维风荷载风洞试验,得到了各测点风向角0°~180°范围内,竖向角为0°~90°情况下,镜面平均风压和脉动风压的分布,重点探讨了镜面脉动风压特性。

3.Generally,interference effect of surrounding buildings can decrease the mean wind pressure and increase thefluctuating wind pressure,and the e.得出的主要结论:上游建筑物的干扰一般会减小屋盖上的平均风压,增大屋盖上的脉动风压,且对迎风前缘的影响比对其他部位的影响大;周边建筑物的布置,也有可能产生"兜风效应"从而显著地增大风压;周边建筑的影响使风压分布更加分散,脉动风荷载对于总的设计风荷载来说不能忽略。


1.Identification of the Timehistory of Flctuating Wind Pressure in SHM for Large-Span Structure大跨结构健康监测中脉动风压时程识别

2.Spectral Characteristics of Fluctuating Wind Pressure on Grandstand Roofss体育场悬挑屋盖的脉动风压频谱特性研究

3.Analysis of Fluctuating Wind Pressure Characteristics of a Kind of Platform Canopies站台雨棚脉动风压特性及参振模态分析

4.Interference effects on local fluctuating pressure on two square tall buildings in tandem arrangement:part 1 windward side effects两串列方柱局部脉动风压干扰研究:第1部分 迎风面效应

5.An Effect of a Pulsation of High-rise Building Wind Pressureupon Indoor Thermal Comfort高层建筑风压脉动对室内热舒适性的影响

6.Study of the Effects of Prostaglandine_ 1 in Patients with Rheumatic Heart Disease Associated with Pulmonary Hypertension;前列腺素E_1与风湿性心脏病并肺动脉高压

7.Numerical simulation of magnetospheric ULF waves excited by positive and negative impulses of solar wind dynamic pressure太阳风正负动压脉冲激发磁层ULF波的数值模拟

8.Experimental research on near field pressure fluctuation and far field aerodynamic noises in a cross flow fan贯流风机近场压力脉动与远场噪声的试验

9.Analysis of Pressure Pulsation of Counter-rotating Ventilator Based on Unsteady Calculation基于非定常计算的对旋风机压力脉动分析

10.Surgical management of rheumatic heart disease with severe pulmonary hypertension风湿性心脏病合并重度肺动脉高压的手术治疗

11."Hypertension accelerates atherosclerosis, increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure."高血压加速动脉硬化,增加心肌梗塞、中风与肾功能衰竭的风险。

12.Effect of Oral Sildenafil Citrate on Pulmonary Vasodilatory and Myocardial Protection in Rheumatic Heart Disease Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension in Cardiopulmulnary Bypass;风心病合并肺动脉高压体外循环中西地那非降肺动脉压及心肌保护作用

13.Numerical Study on Characteristics of Pressure Fluctuation and Aerodynamic Noise of the Flow Field in a Counter-Rotating Axial Fan对旋式通风机全流场内压力脉动及气动噪声特性的数值研究

14.Dynamic Response of Volute of Centrifugal Fan under Aerodynamic Excition离心风机蜗壳在内部流场脉动压力激励下的动力响应研究

15.Non-Gaussian Features and Peak Factor of Fluctuating Wind Pressures on Double-skin Facades of High-rise Building with Rectangular Shape矩形建筑双幕墙结构风压脉动的非高斯性及峰值因子

16.pulsation factor脉动因数 -脉动电压或电流的

17.Relationship of Ambulatory Pulse Pressure and Carotid Atherosclerosis in Patients with Essential Hypertension;动态脉压与颈动脉粥样硬化的相关性

18.Study of the Relationship between Blood Pressure and Severity of Coronary Artery Disease;动脉血压与冠状动脉病变关系的研究


fluctuating pressure脉动风压

1.Wind tunnel test research forfluctuating pressure on large-span complex foof;复杂大跨屋面脉动风压风洞试验研究

2.Interference effects on localfluctuating pressure on two square tall buildings in tandem arrangement:part 1 windward side effects两串列方柱局部脉动风压干扰研究:第1部分 迎风面效应

3.Thefluctuating pressures both in the along wind direction and in the across wind direction are simulated according to Davenport spectrum density function and thefluctuating pressure spectrum density function specified in Japanese building code.根据Davenport脉动风速谱函数与日本规范中提出的横风向脉动风力谱系数函数模拟的顺风向与横风向脉动风压时程,采用Newmark法计算了一栋高68m的高层建筑物的风振扭转动力反应时程。

3)pulsating wind pressure脉动风压

1.Local dynamic effects of structure underpulsating wind pressure;随机脉动风压下局部动力效应

2.For the requirements of wind resistance design for the structure,a rigid model with scale was made,and the wind tunnel test aboutpulsating wind pressure and mean wind pressure on the structure surface was carried out.杭州黄龙体育中心网球馆屋盖属于可开启结构,部分屋盖可沿平行轨道滑动,结合该主体结构的抗风设计要求制作1∶100的刚性模型,进行了结构表面平均风压和脉动风压分布的风洞试验。

3.For the requirements of wind resistance design for the main part, a rigid model with 1:200 scale was made, and the wind tunnel test aboutpulsating wind pressure and mean wind pressure on the structure surface was carried out.本文结合该主体结构的抗风设计要求,制作了1∶200刚性模型进行结构表面脉动风压平均风压分布的风洞试验研究,详细介绍了风洞试验及数据处理方法,讨论了在不同风向角下椭球面屋盖和圆锥面玻璃幕墙的风压分布。

4)pressure fluctuatoin风压脉动

5)impulsive wind pressure脉动风压力

6)velocity and pressure of fluctuating wind脉动风速及风压

1.According to the parameters given by Chinese Code and the shape coefficients obtained from wind tunnel experiments, the relationship betweenvelocity and pressure of fluctuating wind is dervied, and the time history of a fluctuating wind load is given.然后根据国家规范提供的参数及风洞试验得到的形状系数,推导出脉动风速及风压之间的关系,求出脉动风荷载的时程。


风压风压wind pressure蒲福风力等级表牛注:13~17级风力是当风速可以仪器测定时用之。fengya风压(windp找,sure)风吹过障碍物时,在垂直于风速方向上单位面积上所受到的压力。对于障碍物来说,风压是两部分作用之和:一是迎风面的“动压强”(告,2),二是背风侧的“吸压强”(告、”。将这两部分综合起来,可求得风压的公式: ,二合‘l+c,,’式中p为风压;P为空气密度;。为风速;c为结构系数。结构系数因障碍物形状而异,平板的C值为l,圆柱形障碍物为一0.3。上式中(l+C)plZ通常称为风速系数,主要取决于结构系数和空气密度。常用的风压系数通常不考虑结构系数的作用,即为阿2,在标准大气条件下,它等于1/16。由于空气密度是气温、气压和湿度的函数,各地的风压系数变化较大。在中国,沿海地区大致为1117,内陆为ljl6,青藏高原1118~1/26。对于迎风侧不是平面的障碍物而言,因为有复杂的流体动力因素参与,实际风压与上式算出的风压有较大出人。(李世奎)
