100字范文 > 判例教学法 method of case-law teaching英语短句 例句大全

判例教学法 method of case-law teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-23 09:15:25


判例教学法 method of case-law teaching英语短句 例句大全

判例教学法,method of case-law teaching

1)method of case-law teaching判例教学法


1.Enlightenment of Precedent Method on Legal Education in China;“判例教学法”对我国法律教育的启示

2.On Legal education of American and it s Method of Case - Law Teaching;从美国的法律教育谈“判例教学法”

3.Forth Part: pointed how to use case method for reference ,and how toinnovated our teaching method of legal education.第四章笔者提出应当借鉴判例教学法,并创新我国的教学方法;

4.For about ten years , lots of Chinese legal teacher advocatedimporting case method in order to reform our legal education , but theyunderstood it inconsistently.当前,我国不少法律教育工作者主张引进判例教学法但是对它的认识又不尽一致。

5.The application of the teaching through cases in the teaching of judging rules in soccer match案例教学法在足球规则裁判法教学中的应用

6.The Necessity of the Law Case Analysis Teaching from the Perspective of Law Occupation-led Education;从法律职业化看学科教育中判例教学的必要性

7.Law Cases Teaching Model on Network Environment in RTVUs;网络环境下电大法学专业判例教学模式探讨

8.Experimental Research on Case-teaching Method in Teaching of Basketball Judgement;案例教学在篮球裁判法课中的实验研究

9.The Application of Specific Case Teaching Method in the Soccer Judgment Teaching in P.E Department;个别案例教学法"在体育院系足球裁判教学中的应用

10.Design and reflection on the particular cases of high school Mathematics research teaching--Take eisenstein discriminance as the example高校数学研究性教学个案设计及思考——以Eisenstein判别法为例

position Style and Distinguishing Skill: Case Law and the Way to Understand the Doctrine of Spring and Autumn属辞比事:判例法与《春秋》义例学

12.The Rises and Decilnes of Empirical Philosophy and the Fate of Chinese Case Law;经验哲学之兴衰与中国判例法的命运

13.And the practical spirit of case law of Anglo-American law system can be taken as the guiding principle for the reform of legal education practice.而英美法系判例法的务实精神可以作为改革高校法学教育实践的方向性指导。

14.The Application of Case teaching Method and Audit Teaching Case;案例教学法及审计学教学案例的应用

15.The Eoolution-science and the Creation-science in U. S. Public Education;美国公立学校教育中的创造论与进化论——对美国联邦宪法宗教条款及相关判例的解读

16.The Propaganda and Education Tradition of Ancient Chinese Judicature--On the Basis of the Judgments of Song Dynasty;中国古代司法的法律宣教传统——以宋代判词为例

17.Research on the approaches of developing thecriticizing spirit in the chemistry instruction;化学教学中培养批判精神的方法研究

18.The Application of Three-dimensional Teaching on Business English--with Business Negotiations as Example契合:立体化教学在商务英语教学中的运用——以商务谈判教学为例


cases analysis teaching判例教学

3)Case teaching method案例教学法

1.Brief Discussion about the case teaching method in pharmaceutical laws;初探案例教学法在《药事法规》教学中的应用

2.Application of PBL Joint case teaching method in teaching of preclinical medicine;问题导向联合案例教学法在基础医学教学中的应用

3.Exploration and practice of the case teaching method in project cost;案例教学法在工程造价中的探索与实践

4)Case study案例教学法

1.A tentative study of accountancy s case study in vocational and specialized colleges;高职高专院校会计案例教学法初探

2.On the appliance of case study in the English teaching;谈“案例教学法”在英语教学中的应用

3.Based on the definition and teaching features of Case Study, the paper analyses the need of "Cargo Stowage & Securing" course and demonstrates the effects of Case Study in practice.通过介绍案例教学法的基本概念与教学特点,分析其在"货物积载与系固"课程教学中应用的实际需要,并以此为实例,论证案例教学法在该课程中的实践与所取得的效果。

5)Case teaching案例教学法

1.Discussion the adopting of case teaching in engineering management specialty;工程管理专业中的案例教学法

2.The Research and Practice of Case Teaching Model in C Language Teaching;案例教学法在C语言教学中的研究与实践

3.Application of case teaching in An Introduction to Database System;案例教学法在数据库系统概论中的应用

6)case method案例教学法

1.The using methods and principles ofcase method on Business English courses;商务英语课程中案例教学法的运用方法与原则

2.An Analysis of the Case Method of American Legal Education;浅析美国法律教育中的案例教学法

3.Exploration ofcase method in theoretical study of sports correspondence education;对体育函授理论课案例教学法的探讨


判例判例是指法院的某判决具有法律效力,可以成为以后审判同类案件的依据。在大多数国家,判例没有法律效力,判例在英美各国被认为对下级法院在审理同类案件时有法律的约束力。即所谓“遵守先例”的原则。因此,在英国判例是法的重要表现形式之一,称为判例法。英国的普通法,主要是由判例构成。 我国一般不承认判例可以作为法的渊源,但最高人民法院的或有关中央机关的某些批复或意见在一个时期成为处理同类案件时遵循的依据。
