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试验台设计 test-bed design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-04 23:48:34


试验台设计 test-bed design英语短句 例句大全

试验台设计,test-bed design

1)test-bed design试验台设计


1.Design of Inertia Experimental Platform and the Platform s Remote Monitor System;惯性试验台设计及其远程可视化实现

2.Design of SMC Wiring-saving Test-bed Based on DeviceNet基于DeviceNet的SMC省配线试验台设计

3.The Design of Automobile EPS and Suspension Integrated Control Test Bench汽车EPS与悬架集成控制试验台设计

4.Automotive Electric Glass Regulator Durability Tested-bed Design汽车电动玻璃升降器耐久试验台设计

5.Design of Tractive Characteristic Test-bed of Planetary Rover Wheel行星探测车车轮牵引特性试验台设计

6.Design of the Testing System for the Automobile Dynamic Steering Gear Performance Test-Board;汽车动力转向器试验台测试系统设计

7.Electric control engine test-bed design and experimental study电控发动机试验台的设计与实验研究

8.Device and Experiment Research on Half Feeding Type Peanut Stripping Tester;半喂入式花生摘果试验台的设计与试验研究

9.System Design and Sea Trials of Ship Motion Control Testbed;船舶运动控制试验平台系统设计与海上试验

10.Design and experimental research of STB-700 seed metering test-bedSTB-700型排种器试验台的设计与试验研究

11.Design and Test Analysis Based on Electronic Controlled Engine Test Bench for Teaching Purpose基于教学电控发动机试验台的设计与试验分析

12.Research and Design on Test Installation for Automotive Glass Regulation Riser;汽车电动玻璃升降器试验台研究设计

13.The Design of the Auto Body Adjunct Detection Comprehensive Test Platform;汽车车身附件检测综合试验台的设计

14.The Design and Development for Test-bed of the Locomotive Pads Braking Performance;机车闸片制动性能试验台的设计开发

15.Study and Design of Air-condition Performance Test-bed on Light Rail;轻轨空调器性能试验台的研究与设计

16.Research of Testing System of Water Resistance Test-Bed Based on VXI Bus;基于VXI总线的水阻试验台的改进设计

17.Design of Test Station for Two Axes and Four Channels Automobile ABS;二轴四通道汽车ABS试验台的设计

18.Improved Design for Test Bench of Electric Locomotive Unit Brake电力机车单元制动器试验台改进设计


experiment design试验设计

1.Application of uniform design in evolutionary operationexperiment design;均匀设计在调优试验设计中的应用

2.An orthogonalexperiment designed with four factors and five levels was conducted; the four factors were nozzle diameter, barrel temperature, screw speed, and maize moisture before extrusion.本研究以挤压机模孔孔径、套筒加热温度、原料含水量、螺杆转速为考察因素,利用不同挤压条件下的膨化脱胚玉米制取淀粉糖浆,同时以糖液过滤速度为评价指标,选定四因素五水平进行二次正交旋转组合试验设计,利用Reda软件建立回归方程及进行单因素图形分析,探讨出各影响因素对试验指标的影响规律,考察各试验因素对指标因子贡献率的大小,并采用频数选优的方法,给出了生产实践中可供选择的组合参数,以达到解决用挤压脱胚玉米生产淀粉糖浆糖化液过滤性能差的难题,从而为能将挤压技术应用于实际生产中提供了科学依据。

3.In chemical technology experiment,the relation between reactant and product just as input and output in econom-ics,based on this,the paper applies DEA into chemical technologyexperiment design.数据包络分析(DEA)是以”相对效率评价”基于化工试验中反应物、生成物之间的投入、产出关系,探讨了化工试验设计,主要探讨了在化工试验设计中DEA 作为评价正交试验设计方法的一种有效的分析工具的理论和应用。

3)test design试验设计

1.Application of Monte Carlo method in optimization calculation of multiple reponsestest design;蒙特卡罗法用于多指标试验设计的优化计算

2.Basis on the usage of eggshell, the optimization of isolation agent of dosage, soaking time and temperatures was studied by using the method of saturatedtest design. The products of calcium gluconate, calcium lactate and calcium acet ate were synthesized.以鸡蛋壳的综合利用为目的,采用饱和试验设计,确定最佳壳膜分离剂的用量、浸泡时间和浸泡温度。

3.To assess the high reliability of initiating explosive device with small samples,thetest design plan with small samples for initiating explosive devices was studied.为了实现火工品高可靠性指标的小样本评估,研究了火工品可靠性评估小样本试验设计方案,给出了基于试验信息熵的小样本试验设计方法。


1.The Applied Analysis ofDOE in 6σ Program;试验设计在6σ项目中的应用分析

2.Yield Modeling andDOE in PCBA;印制电路板组装中产率模型及试验设计

3.Finally,a solution is presented to improve the incapable processes and the conclusion is drawn that advanced statistic tools,such asDOE,can not be applied eff.应用巴雷特图找到焊接口的主要潜在缺陷,通过计算关键工序能力查找关键质量特性异常波动的根源,提出了具体解决的办法;得出在生产过程的关键工序都处于统计受控状态下,才能应用试验设计等高级统计工具进一步改进的结论。

5)design of experiment试验设计

1.To eliminate impact of process model fitness on automatic process control performance,relationship betweendesign of experiment approach and regression model fitness based on simulation was analyzed.为消除过程模型精度对自动过程控制性能的影响,根据仿真分析了试验设计与回归模型精度之间的关系。

2.For the structure-aerodynamics integration for joined-wings,an optimum design is obtained by accounting for structural and aerodynamic characteristics simultaneously,based on FEA parameter modeling,structure optimization,design of experiment and response surfaces models.本文针对联接翼气动与结构一体化的布局概念,基于结构有限元参数化建模、结构优化、试验设计和响应面模型,采用系统级优化算法对其进行了初步的气动/结构一体化设计,所获计算结果对联接翼飞机总体参数的确定具有参考价值。

3.Emphases were laid upon thedesign of experiment and the response surface approximation, which are used to deal with the problem with overabundant design variables and with extreme computational expense.重点讨论为解决设计变量过多和计算耗费太大问题提出的试验设计和响应面近似法以及带不确定性多学科优化的鲁棒设计方法。

6)experimental design试验设计

1.Application ofexperimental design in flame retardant blend system of ABS;试验设计在阻燃ABS共混体系中的应用

2.The application ofexperimental design in scientific research project;试验设计在科研项目中的应用

3.The research for method of regression analysis on theexperimental design;试验设计中多元回归分析方法的研究


焦化试验室设计(见焦化厂试验室设计)焦化试验室设计(见焦化厂试验室设计)design of coking laboratoryJ一aohua shiyanshi sheji焦化试验室设计(design of。oking laborato-ry)见焦化厂试验室设计。
