100字范文 > 市场消费 market consumption英语短句 例句大全

市场消费 market consumption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-09 03:45:05


市场消费 market consumption英语短句 例句大全

市场消费,market consumption

1)market consumption市场消费

1.From the ethics examination of modern marriage which is caused by the novel "Chinese Style Divorce",we can see that modern marriage moves towards,pure individual behavior,the inherent paradox between modern andmarket consumption,and the deep content of dispeling and reconstruction,in order to announce marriage changes of ethics.在小说《中国式离婚》所引发的对于现代婚姻伦理的审视中,可以看到现代婚姻在走向纯个体化行为的同时,又与市场消费化趋向之间的内在悖论,以及现代婚姻伦理的消解与重构的深度内涵,以揭示婚姻伦理的变迁。


1.Research on Nanjing Commodity Housing Market Consumer Behavior;南京市商品住宅市场消费者行为研究

2.The government advocated national sports movement will give an impetus to the market consumption政府全民健身工程牵头市场消费

3.The Use of Consumption Loan to Enlarge Rural Consumption Market;发展农村消费信贷 开拓农村消费市场

4.In the Chinese market, most of the targeted customers have low incomes, creating limited consumption.在中国市场,大多数的目标消费者收入低,消费少。

5.Promoting the Development of the Silver Consumer Market by Mining Silver Consumption Potential;挖掘银色消费潜力 促进银色消费市场发展

6.Studies on Old People s Consumption Demands and Consumer Goods Market for Old People in China;我国老年人消费需求和老年消费品市场研究

7.Globalization of Consumption and Opening up of China′ s Consumer Goods Market YANG Dan- Hui;消费全球化与中国消费品市场对外开放

8.Probing into the Female Family Clothes Market in Cities and the Consumption Characteristics;城市女性家居服市场及消费特征研究

9.Countermeasure of activating the real estate consumption market of middle and small cities;中小城市房地产消费市场启动的对策

10.Stock Market Wealth Effect on Chinese Consumer Market股市财富效应对中国消费市场的影响

11.Investigation and analysis of the mass swimming consuming market in Chengdu成都市大众游泳消费市场调查与分析

12.The Stock Market、the Real Estate Market and Consumer Behavior;股票市场、房地产市场对消费行为的影响

13.An Exploration of Sports Consuming Market of Masses--A Brief Analysis of Sportswear Market;群众体育消费市场研究——体育服装市场浅析

14.As a result, the market environment and the consumption climate gradually improved.市场环境和消费环境逐步改善。

15.Automotive industry is a major market for PU.汽车工业是聚氨酯的主要消费市场。

16.Sales in the consumer market are beginning to improve.消费品市场的销售情况开始有所改善。

17.There was a marked rise in the growth rate of the consumer goods market sales.1、消费品市场销售增幅明显回升。

18.Sales of consumer goods at domestic market increased steadily.消费品市场销售平稳增长。


consumer market消费市场

1.Discussion on problems ofconsumer market of urban natural gas;开拓城市天然气消费市场若干问题的探讨

2.Through the extensive research onconsumer market of leisurewear,it analyzed the market opportunities that sports fashion brought to clothing industry as well as the guidance qu.通过对运动休闲服饰消费市场的广泛调研,分析了运动时尚为服饰产业所带来的市场机遇以及对服饰消费市场的导向性,指出了这一市场变化所构成的新型消费结构与消费特征,并对目标消费群体进行了市场细分与重新定位,以有效地促进设计理念的创新与营销新模式的探索,进一步探讨并预测了未来的市场消费趋势。

3.Stimulating the agricultural product circulation,cultivating the countrysideconsumer market,developing the multi-level circulation organization and promoting the overall development of the city and countryside circulation of commodities,will altogether promote the development.大力搞活农产品流通,培育农村消费市场,发展多层次的流通组织,促进城乡商品流通统筹发展,将更进一步促进农村经济的发展。

3)consumption market消费市场

1.Measures to expand ruralconsumption market;开拓农村消费市场的对策研究

2.Countermeasure of activating the real estateconsumption market of middle and small cities;中小城市房地产消费市场启动的对策

3.Research on school uniformconsumption market of high school in Chongqing;重庆地区中学校校服消费市场调查分析

4)consume market消费市场

1.Analysis on influencing factors of aquatic productconsume market;中国水产品消费市场影响因素分析

5)expense market消费市场

1.This thesis analyzes factors that restrict countryexpense market developments from the peasantry revenue, urban sprawl, and market developments, and points out that main causes are peasantry un-derrevenue.本文主要从农民收入、城市化水平、市场建设等方面对制约农村消费市场启动的原因进行了分析,指出农民收入不足是其根本原因。

6)consuming market消费市场

1.An Empirical Study on the Effects of Both Real Estate Market and Consuming Market on Household Deposit Decreasing;房地产市场和消费市场对储蓄分流效应的实证研究

2.Investigation and analysis of the mass swimmingconsuming market in Chengdu成都市大众游泳消费市场调查与分析


证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。
